Seminarserie Senter for ernæring, mandag 2. oktober

Senter for ernæring har gleden av å invitere til et nytt seminar i vår seminarrekke. Serien tar opp sentrale utfordringer innen ernæring og helse.

Tittel: Research projects at the Center for Sustainable Diet, Norwegian Institute of Public Health 

Foreleser: Mari Mohn Paulsen, seniorforsker, Folkehelseinstituttet

Moderator: Hanne Rosendahl-Riise

Tid: Mandag 2. oktober 2023 kl. 14.30-15.30

Sted: Aud. 4, BB-bygget 

The Center for Sustainable Diet was established in January 2023 and aims to be a leading knowledge and research center that paves the way towards a more sustainable diet. In the presentation, I will, among other things, talk about the research projects NOR-Eden and NewTools which deal with sustainable diet and food systems in Norway, in addition to NUTREAT and GAIN which are more clinically oriented and deal with the prevention and treatment of malnutrition for patients with cancer.

Det blir lett servering.


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