Daglige arkiver: 21. april 2016

Summer course in Copenhagen – application deadline 1 May 2016

Dear Partner,
We still have available seats on a newly developed interdisciplinary summer course on healthcare innovation within the themes of healthy living and active aging. Besides teachers from University of Copenhagen, students will be taught by faculty members from Erasmus University Rotterdam; Institute of Health Policy and Management and Copenhagen Business School; as well as practitioners from Novo Nordisk, Steno Diabetes Center and DigiRehab ApS.

The course is supported by the EIT Health and has the title:
“Alive and KICking – innovative solutions to aging-related challenges” Les videre

The 19th Broegelmann Lecture

Ugle      Broegelmann

“T Cell Immunoregulatory Signal Networks and Tumor Immune Evasion Mechanisms”

by Professor Kjetil Taskén MD, PhD ,Director of the Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway and Biotechnology Centre, University of Oslo

Friday, May 20th, at 14:00 – 15:00
Birkhaugsalen D-303
Haukeland University Hospital


Immunologiens dag 29. april

Bergen Branch av Norsk Selskap for Immunologi (NSI) skal som hvert
år arrangere “Immunologiens dag” den 29. april, se vedlegg for
program. Immunologiens dag er et internasjonalt prosjekt som markeres
over hele verden.
Overskriften er denne gangen: “Immunterapi mot kreft”. Foredragene
skal være tilpasset et publikum både med og uten forskningserfaring.


Disputas uke 17

guthe_29_04_16Hans Jørgen Timm Guthe disputerer for ph.d.-graden fredag, 29. april 2016
Prøveforelesning: Fredag 29.april 2016, kl. 09:15
Oppgitt emne: ”Behandling av ekstremt premature. Resultater og etiske dilemmaer”
Sted: Aud. 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Disputas: Fredag 29.april 2016, kl. 11:15
Sted: Aud. 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Avhandlingens tittel: ”Transcapillary fluid Balance in children: Methodoloy and New clinical studies”
1st opponent: Professor Pål Øian, Universitetet i Tromsø
2nd opponent: Overlege, dr.med. Egil Seem, Oslo Universitetssykehus


Disputas uke 17

kjetil isaksenKjetil Isaksen disputerer for ph.d.-graden fredag 29.april 2016
Prøveforelesning: Fredag 29. april 2016, kl. 09:15
Oppgitt emne: ”Tarmflora og hjertesykdom – hva er status praesens?”
Sted: Aulaen, 2.etasje Sydbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Disputas: Fredag 29.april 2016, kl. 10:30
Sted: Aulaen, 2.etasje Sydbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Avhandlingens tittel: ”Exercise training in patients with heart failure and an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Review of existing data, shock anxiety, feasibility and effects of an aerobic interval training intervention”
1st opponent: Professor Eva Prescott, Bispebjerg Universitetshospital, København
2nd opponent: Professor Knut Tore Lappegård, Universitetet i Tromsø


Nye publikasjoner

Basert på siste ukes søk på “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. Hvis du har publikasjoner som ikke favnes av dette søket, send referansen til elin.opheim@uib.no.

Autoimmune regulator and self-tolerance – molecular and clinical aspects.
Abramson J, Husebye ES.
Immunol Rev. 2016 May;271(1):127-40.

Optimal Acquisition Settings for Speckle Tracking Echocardiography-Derived Strains in Infants: An In Vitro Study.
Khan U, Hjertaas JJ, Greve G, Matre K.
Ultrasound Med Biol. 2016 Apr 13.

Associations between the MDM2 promoter P1 polymorphism del1518 (rs3730485) and incidence of cancer of the breast, lung, colon and prostate.
Gansmo LB, Vatten L, Romundstad P, Hveem K, Ryan BM, Harris CC, Knappskog S, Lønning PE.
Oncotarget. 2016 Apr 12.

Common and rare forms of diabetes mellitus: towards a continuum of diabetes subtypes.
Flannick J, Johansson S, Njølstad PR.
Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2016 Apr 15.

Detection of enterotoxigenic E. coli in hospitalised children with and without diarrhoea in Blantyre, Malawi.
Prajapati S, Upadhyay K, Mukherjee A, Kabra SK, Lodha R, Singh V, Grewal HM, Singh S; Delhi Pediatric TB Study Group.
Paediatr Int Child Health. 2016 Jan 12:1-5

MANAGEMENT OF ENDOCRINE DISEASE: Epidemiology, Quality of Life and Complications of Primary Adrenal Insufficiency:a review.
Bensing S, Hulting AL, Husebye ES, Kämpe O, Løvås K.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2016 Apr 11.