
Her finner du ukens søknadsfrister:

Current research funding announcements/deadlines (external)

 1. Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):
a) FRIPRO funds bottom-up, basic research with bold hypotheses.
FRIMEDBIO NOK 383 million in funding for independent projects – Medicine, Health Sciences and Biology. 3 types of research application: Research Project, Young Research Talents, FRIPRO mobility grant.
Deadline: 25 May 2015

b) BEHANDLING NOK 5 million for pre-projects on diagnostics and treatment. The pre-project must lay the foundation for the preparation of a Researcher Project in the area of diagnostics and treatment research that includes the municipal health and care services
Deadline: 25 May 2016

c) HELSEVEL (2 calls are open):
– up to 150 million NOK for service research. Service areas include health and care, labor and welfare services and child welfare services. Projects are particularly encouraged to cooperate across subject areas, sectors and services.
Deadline: 25 May 2016

Mandatory project outlines for eligibility to seek funding for development of core groups, clusters and networks.
Deadline: 10 May 2016

d) INNO INDIGO: Innovation-driven Initiative for the Development and Integration of Indian and European Research. Call for chronic non-communicable diseases.
Deadline: 30 April 2016

e) NANO2021: Call for Researcher projects in nanotechnology, microtechnology and Advanced Materials.
Deadline: 25 May

2. ExtraStiftelsen
Issues related to health services in the municipalities and the interaction between various players in the health sector, including user involvement, will be given priority in the application process. It can also be applied for clinical research related to development of new treatments and services.
Deadline: 1 June 2016

 3. Call is open! New link The Norwegian Cancer Society
Applications for larger proposals that fit the need for each project manager and cover a broad range of cancer research are invited to submit.
Deadline: 1 June 2016

4. Horizon 2020 – several Calls

 Selected H2020 deadlines 2016:
European Research Council (ERC) Frontier research grants
Pre-Announcement Advanced Grants: are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements.
Deadline: 1 September 2016.

A course for ERC Advanced Grants at UiB: External consultants from Beacontech in Tel Aviv, Israel, who have a very good track record of success with ERC will held the course. As a special service you can book individual sessions with the consultants after lunch to discuss and shape your idea and get feedback on your CV and track record presentation. Date: 9 June, UiB Bergen
Please register using a form to help FA plan the day accordingly.

 Marie Sklodovska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Excellent and innovative research training plus attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sector mobility, no thematic priorities.
Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE): supports cooperation between academic and non-academic organisations within Europe and worldwide by funding short-term exchanges for staff (secondments).
Deadline: 28 April 2016

Call is open! Individual Fellowships (IF): aims to help experienced researchers to advance their careers and gain new skills through advanced training, international mobility, and optional intersectoral secondments. The host organization can  be universities and research institutes in addition to a company or other non-academic sector organizations.
Deadline: 14 September 2016

Societal Challenges (SC): Collaborative breakthrough research and radical innovation

NEW Pre-announcement SC1-2017 Health, demographic change and wellbeing: Personalised medicine, two-stage
The headline goal of the programme ‘Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing’ is better health for all. Its main policy objectives are to improve health and wellbeing outcomes, to promote healthy and active ageing, to promote market growth, job creation, and the EU as a global leader in the health area.

Deadline: 4 October 2016

 Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls

a) COST Action: open Call – funding for research networks. Proposals should reflect the main characteristics of COST Actions, namely providing for knowledge sharing, creation and application, being open and output-oriented while aiming at strengthening the scientific and technological basis of the proposed topic(s).
Deadline: 25 April 2016

b) AAL (Active and assisted living) announces the challenge for the AAL 2016 Call for proposals of the AAL Programme:“Living well with dementia. The contribution of ICT to integrated solutions for enabling the wellbeing of people living with dementia and their communities”.
Deadline: 26 May 2016

c) The EU Third Health Programme funds projects promoting health and preventing disease in Europe. 2016 Call for proposals – Topics:
PJ-01-2016: Migrants’ health: Best practices in care provision for vulnerable migrants and refugees
PJ-02-2016: Gathering knowledge and exchanging best practices on measures reducing underage drinking and heavy episodic drinking
PJ-03-2016: Gathering knowledge and exchanging best practises to on measures to prevent illicit drug use in line with the minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction
PJ-04-2016: Support to Member States and stakeholders to address the chronic disease challenge
PJ-05-2016: Donor selection and protection
Deadline: 2 June 2016

 d) Pre-announcement IMI 2 (Innovative Medicines Initiative 2) – Call 9 future topics:

  • Addressing the clinical burden of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI): evaluation of the burden, current practices and set up of a European research platform
  • (part of the IMI New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) programme)
  • Development of immune tolerance therapies for the treatment of rheumatic diseases
  • Data quality in preclinical research and development
  • Next generation of electronic translational safety – NEXGETS
  • Identification and validation of non-invasive markers across the spectrum of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  • Joint influenza vaccine effectiveness surveillance studies

Sign up for the IMI 2 – Call 9 webinars

 e) NEW The JPIAMR (Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance), in partnership with 8 European countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK), and Canada, is launching a fourth joint call for working group proposals.
Deadline: 6 June

 Read more (information and routines for application): http://www.uib.no/en/horizon2020

5. UiB
PES (Project establishment support) and POS (posisjoneringsmidler) for Horizon2020 applicants (Norges Forskningsråd/UiB): open-ended during Horizon2020 Call period.

6. NEW The Novo Nordisk Foundation
The Foundation invites for applications for basic and clinical research in endocrinology and experimental physiology. The objective of this call is to support young and promising researchers as well as established scientists.
Deadline: 1 June

7. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – Grand Challenges Explorations
The Foundation aims to harness advances in science and technology to save lives in developing countries. Topics in open call:

Deadline: 11 May

8. EEA/Norway Grants
a) Estonia – Public health initiatives: call for bilateral funds.
Deadline: 1 November 2016

b) Poland – Public health initiatives: Reducing social inequalities in health
Deadline: 30 June 2016

c) Poland-Norway scholarship: study visits – call for proposals
Deadline: 6 June 2016

d) Romania-Norway scholarship: call for bilateral cooperation, study visits.
Deadline: 31 October 2016

9. Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons’s research
Research within three different programmes will be funded:

 Deadline: for pre-proposals 18 May 2016

10. Civitan Norges Forskningsfond
Civitan Norges Forskningsfond for Alzheimers sykdom” has an open call for applications. Up to 200 000 NOK are available for one or more research projects.
Deadline: 1 May 2016

Funding for cooperation in higher education

ERASMUS+  page/Programme Guide
Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena (BIA)
BIA skal bidra til størst mulig verdiskaping i norsk næringsliv gjennom forskningsbasert innovasjon i bedrifter og samarbeidende FoU-miljøer innenfor BIA-programmets ansvarsområde. BIA støtter støtte de beste prosjektene uansett bransjetilhørighet, med unntak av de områdene som dekkes av tematisk rettede programmer i Forskningsrådet. Eksempler på sektorer som ikke har egne tematiske programmer er biomedisin.
Deadline: Continuing

Nærings-ph.d. (Industrial PhD)
Forskningsrådet gir støtte til bedrifter med ansatte som ønsker å ta doktorgrad. Ordningens overordnede målsettinger er økt forskerrekruttering i næringslivet, økt langsiktig kompetansebygging og forskningsinnsats i næringslivet og økt samspill mellom akademia og næringsliv.
English: Click here for more information about Industrial PhDs
Deadline: Continuing

NORPART – Application deadline project development funding:
Funding for preparation of project proposals (travel expenses) has been announced to enable institutions to develop project proposals jointly. The project development funding shall lead to an increased number of well-qualified applications to NORPART.
Deadline: 22 April 2016

Scholarships for the development of new research projects
UiB Global offers three scholarships for the development of research applications. The scholarships, each with the duration of one month, will be granted for the development of research-applications addressing global challenges facing society — one of the three priority areas for research at the University of Bergen. The research field of “Global challenges” encompasses a range of topics such as poverty, sustainable development, climate, human rights, international health, migration, resource sustainability, water, and society. Researchers from all disciplines are welcome to apply.  The scholarships shall be used for the development of new research projects to be located at UiB. Recipients of the scholarship will receive a scholarship equivalent to one month’s salary at salary grade 57 and an office at UiB Global at Jekteviksbakken 31 during the scholarship period. Applicants should hold a doctoral degree or provide documentation that they are in the closing phase of their doctoral dissertation. The scholarship is flexible, but it should be used before the end of 2016. The letter of application must include a brief description of the planned project, a plan for the development of the application, and details about the call to which the application is answering. The applications will be evaluated by May 1, and the three recipients may start immediately. The following documents must be sent by e-mail to the administrative coordinator at UiB Global, Kristin Svartveit:

  • Letter of application (max one A4 page)
  • CV
  • Letter of recommendation from a researcher with a permanent position in the applicant’s research milieu at UiB

More information about UiB Global
Deadline: 22 April 2016

Eurasiaprogrammet – prosjektetableringsstøtte
Eurasiaprogrammet støttar prosjektsamarbeid mellom institusjonar i Noreg og Armenia, Aserbajdsjan, Georgia, Kasakhstan, Kirgisistan, Kviterussland, Moldova, Tadsjikistan og Ukraina. Til projektetableringsstøtte er det lyst ut totalt NOK 1 000 000. Kvart prosjekt kan søkje om opptil NOK 100 000.
Deadline: 22 April 2016

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (H2020-MSCA)
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions are open to all domains of research and innovation addressed under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, from basic research up to market take-up and innovation services. Research and innovation fields as well as sectors are chosen freely by the applicants in a fully bottom-up manner.
Deadline Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE-2016): 28 April 2016 (17.00 CET)

For planned announcement deadlines, please see the call on Forskningsrådets websites or pre-announcements below.

SPIRE proposals
University of Bergen´s Strategic Programme for International Research and Education (SPIRE) in 2016. This call is open to individual academic members of staff from all faculties, departments and centres within the University of Bergen. Multilateral projects that partner with more than one institution are particularly welcomed.
Deadline: 29 April 2016

Program for forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren (2014-2023) (FINNUT)
FINNUT skal utvikle kunnskap av høy kvalitet og relevans for politikkutforming, forvaltning, praksisfelt og den enkelte, bidra til fornyelse av forskningsfeltet og medvirke til innovasjon i utdanningssektoren.
Deadline Innovation projects in the education sector: 20 April 2016 (13.00)
Deadline other projects: Continuing

Nordic-Russian cooperation
Promotes multifaceted contacts in the fields of education and research, in the interest of sustainable social and economic development in the Nordic countries and Russia.
Deadline: 2 May 2016 (15.00)

The Centres for Excellence in Education Initiative (SFU)
SFU status is awarded to academic communities that have already demonstrated excellent quality and innovative practices in education and that have plans in place for further development and innovation. One of the important requirements the centres have to meet is that they must disseminate their results and knowledge.
Deadline: 13 May 2016 (12.00)

Aims to contribute to durable relations with strong scientific environments in prioritized countries outside of the EU. Projects must extend beyond collaborations between individual researchers and PhD candidates.
Deadline: 25 May 2016

UTFORSK (Long-term projects)
The main objective of the UTFORSK Partnership Programme is to promote cooperation on higher education with Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa.
Deadline long-term projects: 31 May 2016 (15.00)

The programme supports collaborations between HEIs in Brazil and Norway.
Deadline: 31 May 2016

Partnership Programme with North America (Long-term projects)
The programme supports scientific collaborations and aims to establish durable and scientifically founded collaborations with Canada and the USA. Main partner in Norway and in Canada and/or the USA must be HEI with accredited education programmes. At least 50 % of the grands will be awarded to projects that include network partners from the employment and business sector.
Deadline long-term projects: 31 May 2016 (15.00)

Intra-African Academic Mobility Scheme 2016

The programme’s specific objective is to improve the skills and competences of students and staff through enhanced intra-African mobility. The proposed partnership must include between four and six African higher education institutions as partners (including the main applicant) and one technical partner from the EU holding the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.
Deadline: 15 June 2016 (12:00)

NORPART (The Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation)
NORPART supports academic partnerships and student mobility with an emphasis on Master and PhD level between higher education institutions in Norway and selected developing countries.
Deadline: 5 September 2016 (15:00)

EURASIA Programme (Long-term projects)
The Eurasia Programme supports project cooperation between institutions in Norway and Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The Eurasia Programme currently has three open calls:

  • Long-term projects (project period from 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2019)

Deadline: 5 September 2016 (15:00)

  • Project development funding (see call above)

Deadline: 22 April 2016

(Pre-announcement) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (H2020-MSCA)
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions are open to all domains of research and innovation addressed under the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, from basic research up to market take-up and innovation services. Research and innovation fields as well as sectors are chosen freely by the applicants in a fully bottom-up manner.
Deadlines calls 2016:

  • Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF-2016): 14 September 2016 (17.00 CET)
  • Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (MSCA-COFUND-2016): 29 September 2016 (17.00 CET)
  • Innovative Training Networks (MSCA-ITN-2017): 29 September 2016 (17.00 CET)

NEW EURASIA Programme (Short-term projects)
The Eurasia Programme supports project cooperation between institutions in Norway and Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

  • Short-term projects (project period from 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2018)

Deadline: 17 October 2016 (15:00)

  • Project development funding (see call above)

Deadline: 22 April 2016

NEW Partnership Programme with North America (Short-term projects)
The programme supports scientific collaborations and aims to establish durable and scientifically founded collaborations with Canada and the USA. Main partner in Norway and in Canada and/or the USA must be HEI with accredited education programmes. At least 50 % of the grands will be awarded to projects that include network partners from the employment and business sector.
Deadline long-term projects: 17 October 2016

NEW UTFORSK (Short-term projects)
The main objective of the UTFORSK Partnership Programme is to promote cooperation on higher education with Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa.
Deadline short-term projects: 17 October 2016

NEW High North Programme (Nordområdeprogrammet 2013-2018) (Short-term projects)
The overall goal of the High North Programme is to expand, strengthen and disseminate knowledge about or relevant to the High North. The overall goal of the High North Programme is to expand, strengthen and disseminate knowledge about or relevant to the High North.
Deadline long-term projects: 17 October 2016 (15.00)

NEW Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES) 2016 – sentraliserte tiltak under Erasmus+
For å bidra til økt norsk deltakelse og gevinst fra Erasmus+ lyser SIU ut ca. 1 million kroner til dekning av prosjektetableringskostnader for norske institusjoner, organisasjoner og bedrifter som ønsker å utvikle en prosjektsøknad innenfor et av følgende sentraliserte tiltak under Erasmus+:
Kunnskapsallianser, Sektorallianser, Kapasitetsbygging, Fellesgrader, Jean Monnet, Idrett. Se satser på SIUs nettsider.
Deadline: 1 November 2016 (12.00)

Fellowships and Personal Grants

 1. EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Fellowships
Research on the molecular mechanisms of life at all levels.

Deadline: throughout the year.


1. Information meeting: How to write a strong proposal for the Individual Fellowships 2016! 2 May 2016, Oslo
2. Event: Nordic-French H2020 workshop on Rare Diseases. The objective is to generate more H2020 applications targeting these calls. Oslo, 12 – 13 May, 2016
3. Personalised Medicine Conference 2016, 1-2 June Brussels
4. eHealth Week 2016: This year’s educational programme will focus on three main themes: Empowering People, Trust & Standards and Innovation & Transition, 8-10 June, Amsterdam
5. Workshop: International Training for Horizon 2020 Applicants in Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing. June 7, 2016, Rome.
6. NEW Workshop for Nasjonal forskningsinfrastruktur 2016. 8 June, Oslo
7. Conference on seafood and health, 14-15 September, Bergen.
8. Life Sciences Baltics Forum from world-class biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical devices experts from all around the world. MeetNobel prize winners, 800 key sector players and decision makers from more than 30 countries. Vilnius, 14-15 September 2016

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