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Current research funding announcements/deadlines (external)

  1. Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):
    a) ERA-Net TRANSCAN-2 announces a call “Minimally and non-invasive methods for early detection and/or progression of cancer”. That includes screening of the general population, risk stratification, surveillance of high-risk groups, minimally invasive methods.

Deadline: for pre-proposals is 13 February 2017

b) FORNY2020 announces funding for skills upgrading, structural improvement and networking. Søkere anbefales å sende inn skisser før 1. november.The programme provides funding to Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) affiliated with the research institutions.

Deadline: 15 February 2017 (Applicants are advised to submit sketches before 1 November)

c) ERA-Net CoBioTech co-funded call for transnational collaborative research projects: “Biotechnology for a sustainable bioeconomy”.

Deadline: for pre-proposals 2 March 2017

d) BEDREHELSE: NOK 40 million to joint Indo-Norwegian researcher projects on antimicrobial resistance.

Deadline: 26 April 2017

e) Programmes BEDREHELSE, BIONÆR, MILJØFORSK and BIOTEK2021 announcing funding for networking that will contribute to cooperation on antimicrobial resistance in a “One Health” – perspective.

Deadline: 15 February 2017

f) SYNKNØYT: up to 20 million for synchrotron and neutron-based research.

Deadline: 15 February 2017

g) RCN is planning a joint call of the four programs (BEDREHELSE, HELSEVEL, KVINNEHELSE, BEHANDLING) within Health. One P.I. may submit one application only, i.e. will have to choose between the four programs.

Deadline: 26 April

There will be an information meeting in Trondheim on the 14th of February. The meeting will be streamed.


New h) ERA-CVD European Research Area Network on Cardiovascular Diseases announces a second Joint Transnational Call: Mechanisms of early atherosclerosis and/or plaque instability in Coronary Artery Disease. Info from RCN is here.

Deadline: for pre-proposals 6 March 2017

  1. Horizon 2020 – several Calls

Selected H2020 deadlines 2017:

European Research Council (ERC) Frontier research grants


Consolidator Grant: is designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme.

Deadline: 9 February 2017.


Marie Sklodovska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Excellent and innovative research training plus attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sector mobility, no thematic priorities.

Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (MSCA-RISE-2017): RISE gives support for mobility and exchanges of research and innovation staff, incl. managerial, technical and administrative staff between institutions in different sectors or with research institutions in countries outside of Europe.

Deadline: 5 April 2017


Webinar MSCA–RISE 2 February 10:00-11:00


Societal Challenges (SC): Collaborative breakthrough research and radical innovation


SC1-2017 Health, demographic change and wellbeing:

The headline goal of the programme ‘Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing’ is better health for all. Its main policy objectives are to improve health and wellbeing outcomes, to promote healthy and active ageing, to promote market growth, job creation, and the EU as a global leader in the health area.

Personalised medicine, single-stage

SC1-PM-15_2017: Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age

SC1-HCO-17-2017: Support for large scale uptake of Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing

Deadline: 31 January 2017

Deadline: 14 March 2017

Deadline: 11 April 2017


Spreading excellence and widening participation through engaging organisations of those countries which could commit more towards the EU research and innovation effort.


New Pre-announcement Twinning WIDESPREAD-05-2017: The specific challenge is to address networking gaps and deficiencies between the research institutions of the Widening countries and internationally-leading counterparts at EU level. CSA Coordination and support action.

Deadline: 15 November 2017, planned opening 11 May


Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls:


  1. a) IMI 2 (Innovative Medicines Initiative 2) – Call 10:

Deadline: for stage one submission 28 March 2017


  1. b) The Third EU Health Programme is the main instrument that the Commission uses to implement the EU Health Strategy. Call for proposals for Pilot Projects on the following topics:

Deadline: 31 January 2017’


Deadline: 21 March 2017


Read more (information and routines for application): http://www.uib.no/en/horizon2020

  1. UiB

PES (Project establishment support) and POS (posisjoneringsmidler) for Horizon2020 applicants (Norges Forskningsråd/UiB): open-ended during Horizon2020 Call period. You can apply for PES support by filling in PES application form (which is given on the above linked page) and sending it to Kristin.Hansen@uib.no.

On the following page the local contact points are listed where every call has a responsible research advisor. You can contact them or faculty advisors, Ramune Midttveit, Itana Sloper-Krivokapic.

  1. K.G. Jebsen Foundation

Call 2017 – K.G. Jebsen Centres for Medical Research. The overall aim of this program is to facilitate the process in which important results as regards the pathogenesis of diseases, diagnostics and therapy lead to improved treatment of patients in the future. MOF/UiB and Haukeland University Hospital can nominate 4 centre applications in total. Collaboration is encouraged.

Important! Deadline: Prequalification (2 pages project description + 3 pages CVs: center leader and group leaders + 1 page publications list for the period 2012-2016) 24 January (MOF), full proposal 3 April 2017

  1. Bergens Forsknings Stiftelse (BFS)

Call for: Nominations – Recruitment Programme – Prequalification.  Long-term funding to develop young national or international candidates with outstanding academic merit and research potential into successful research leaders. Candidates must be nominated by UiB faculties. Please contact Institute administration regarding the nomination process.

Deadline: 15 March 2017. MOF internal deadline 8 March

  1. EEA/Norway Grants

Hungary – scholarship: professional visits action.

Deadline: 30 April 2017

  1. Nord Forsk:

New instrument for Nordic University Cooperation: Nordic University Hubs: The overall goal of the new funding instrument is to strengthen international competitiveness and facilitate the development of world leading research environments in the Nordic region.

Deadline: 3 May 2017

  1. The Throne-Holst Foundation

The Throne-Holst Foundation promotes research in human nutrition and related sciences. 1-2 million SEK are available for Nordic researchers going abroad, or international guest researchers coming to Norway or Sweden.

Deadline: 1 March 2017

  1. The LEO-foundation: grants for dermatological research projects. The LEO Foundation supports international dermatological research projects and activities that address issues in disease understanding, disease treatment, disease awareness and patient wellbeing.

Deadline: several in 2017, starting on 3 February

  1. Pre-announcement Active and Assisted Living (AAL): aims to fund ICT based projects with a clear market orientation that support older adults to live healthy, independently and actively.

Deadline: call intends to launch in February

The AAL Central Info & Partnering Day is planned for the 6th of March 2017 in Brussels.

  1. Pre-announcement Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR): call for prevention and intervention strategies to control AMR infections. The primary aim is to compare prevention, control, and intervention strategies to prevent the development, transmission of AMR infections.

Deadline: call intends to launch in February

  1. Pre-announcement A healthy diet for a healthy life (JPI HDHL): call is to support multinational, collaborative research projects that address important research questions regarding the cause-and-effect relationships between diet, the intestinal microbiome and human health.

Deadline: call intends to launch on 26 January

  1.  JPND (Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research) launched a joint trans-national call for multinational research projects for pathway analysis. This call invites proposals for ambitious, innovative, multinational and multidisciplinary collaborative research projects to perform network analyses across diseases (Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases), in order to further elucidate the common underlying mechanisms involved.

Deadline: 6 March 2017


  1. Pre-announcement of the “2nd Joint Transnational Call for European Research Projects on Systems Medicine (ERACoSysMed). The central aim of ERACoSysMed is to enhance the implementation of Systems Biology approaches in medical concepts, research and practice throughout Europe and Israel by structuring, coordinating and integrating national efforts and investments.

Deadline: call is scheduled to open on February 3 2017

  1. Regional research Vestlandet announced funding for regional researcher project. Regional research projects will contribute to new knowledge about issues relevant to the region and theme within regional development.

Deadline: 15 February 2017

  1. 1. EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Fellowships

Research on the molecular mechanisms of life at all levels.


Deadline: throughout the year.

Long term

Deadline: 12 February


  1. The joint ERS (European Respiratory Society) and EMBO Fellowships

Deadline: 31 January 2017


  1. 3. Novo Nordisk Foundation: a call for postdoctoral fellowships for research within biotechnology-based synthesis and production. These fellowships support fundamental and applied research projects aimed at generating products in improved and more sustainable ways.

Deadline: 31 January 2017


  1. The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP):.

Senior Fellowships aims to support capacity development of potential African research leaders using the train-the-trainer.

Deadline: 1 February 2017

Clinical Research and Development Fellowships to support researchers and key members of clinical trial research teams from low- and middle-income countries

Deadline: 2 February 2017

Career Development Fellowships aims to provide funding to actions that aim to support junior to mid-career researchers (“fellows”) to train and develop their clinical research skills.

Deadline: 28 February 2017



  1. 1. Swiss Nordic Bio 2017 : Swiss and Nordic biotech, pharmaceutical companies and investors meet in one-to-one meetings and present themselves in plenum, 8 February 2017, Zürich. Registration until 20 January 2017


New 2. Webinar: Introduction to IP. This webinar will provide you with an introduction to basic concepts and definitions of Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Additionally, participants are given a first overview of existing practices and processes related to IP management. 8 February, 10:30-12:00.


  1. The 3rd conference of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) will take place February 8-9, 2017 in Paris. Registration for IRDiRC 2017 is now open!


New 4. Psykisk helse og rusmiddelkonferanse: Muligheter og utfordringer, 13-15 Februar, Oslo


  1. 5. Successful R&I in Europe 2017 – 8th European Networking Event: Participants are invited to become involved in established and new technology networks between researchers, entrepreneurs and multipliers related to Horizon 2020, 2-3 March 2017, Düsseldorf, Germany.


New 6. Sean McCarthy course: How to Write the Impact of a Horizon 2020 Proposal, 9 May, Oslo



Funding for cooperation in higher education

Student and staff mobility

Student Affairs manages and coordinates student and staff mobility. Staff members can apply for Erasmus + mobility funds by August 20, and on January 20. Information about student grants and other information can be found at www.uib.no/student/erasmus and employee websites

http://www.uib.no/foransatte/86439/studentmobilitet (Link in Norwegian)

Deadline: 20 January 2017


Erasmus+ Global

Erasmus + Global mobility allows Norwegian higher education institutions (HEI) to send and receive students and staff to / from partner countries outside the EU / EEA. The application must be submitted by a HEI in Norway. Individuals cannot apply directly. Student and/or employees must apply to their home institution.

Deadline: 2 February 2017 (12.00)


Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2017

This action which aims to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education in the Partner Countries is to be carried out in the context of the priorities identified in the Communications “Increasing the impact of EU Development Policy: an Agenda for Change” and “European Higher Education in the World”.

Advisory body: SIU

Deadline: 9 February 2017


The Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg – funding for scientific networking (Link in Norwegian)

The Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg offer funding for researchers or institutions who want to develop professional networking and cooperation. Funding is allocated to up to four networks à NOK. 250.000 for April 2017-December 2018.

Deadline: 15 February 2017


Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD)

An EMJMD is a high-level integrated international study programme of 60, 90 or 120 ECTS credits, delivered by an international consortium of HEIs from different countries and. There is no limitation in terms of discipline. EMJMD proposals at application stage must present fully developed joint study programmes, ready to run and to be advertised worldwide immediately after their selection.

Deadline: 16 February 2017 (12.00 CET)


Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances

Knowledge Alliances between higher education institutions and enterprises aim to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, employability, knowledge exchange and/or multidisciplinary teaching and learning.

Advisory body: SIU

Deadline: 27 February 2017


The Nordplus programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers

The Nordplus programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers, invites Nordic and Baltic teachers, educators and their institutions to apply for programme funds for the year 2017. Institutions which are working within the field of teaching and education, you can now apply for Nordplus funding of transnational student, pupil or teacher mobility, as well as joint project and network activity between the educational institutions/organisations of Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden or Åland.

Deadline: 1 March 2017


Peder Sather Grant Program

The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study supports projects carried out by researchers at UC Berkeley in collaboration with researchers from nine Norwegian universities. The Center offers grants of between $10K and $25K. Funds are made available for one academic year. Grants can support activities such as workshops, mini-conferences, virtual intellectual exchanges, the undertaking of exploratory and pilot studies, activities such as PhD student exchanges, longer-term stays for Principal Investigators, the collection and analysis of data, and other core research activities.

For more information, see http://sathercenter.berkeley.edu/

Deadline: 1 March 2017


Strategic Partnerships

Transnational Strategic Partnerships aimed to develop initiatives addressing one or more fields of education training and youth and promote innovation, exchange of experience and know-how between different types of organisations involved in education, training and youth or in other relevant fields. Certain mobility activities are supported in so far as they contribute to the objectives of the project

Advisory body: SIU

Deadline: 29 March 2017

Continuing deadlines


Nærings-ph.d. (Industrial PhD)

The overall objectives are to increase the recruitment of researchers to Norwegian industry, to boost long-term competence building and increase research efforts in business and industry and to enhance interaction between academia and industry.

Deadline: Continuing


Funding for companies with employees seeking to pursue a doctoral degree

Funding is available for new candidates under the Industrial Ph.D. scheme, with project start-up in 2016. Grant proposals are not confined to particular thematic areas or industries.

Deadline: Continuing


Research and Innovation in the Educational Sector (FINNUT)

FINNUT is a long-term programme for research and innovation in the educational sector. The programme funds research on a wide spectrum from early childhood education and care to higher education and adult learning.

Deadline: Continuing


Mobility grants North America in educational research (UTNAM)

The aim of the mobility grant is to contribute to increased cooperation between Norwegian and North American educational researchers through supporting visits to Norway for the purpose of research or dissemination for top North American educational researchers. The scheme will also contribute to the dissemination of results of North American research to Norway and furthermore contribute to competence building in Norwegian research communities. Grants will be awarded for visits of shorter or longer duration.

Deadline: Continuing


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