Daglige arkiver: 9. februar 2023

Medstudenter som undervisere

At studenter hjelper hverandre å lære er ikke nytt. Det som har skjedd de siste årene, er at rollen som undervisnings- eller læringsassistent har blitt mer verdsatt, også ved UiB. Engasjerte fagfolk fra det medisinske og det juridiske fakultet deler sine erfaringer.

23.02.2023 – 08.30–10.00

UiB læringslab, MCB, Lars Hilles gate 30


Fakultetets fellesutlysning av rekrutteringsstillinger

Det medisinske fakultet pleier normalt å lyse ut rekrutteringsstillinger (stipendiat- og postdoktorstillinger) hver vår og høst i en «fellesutlysning».

Budsjettkutt fra Kunnskapsdepartementet, endringer i pensjonsordning og økte strømregninger er hovedårsakene til en strammere økonomi.

Det jobbes med å få budsjettene i balanse, men det vil dessverre ikke være mulig å lyse ut rekrutteringsstillinger våren 2023.

Avklaring rundt høstens utlysning vil komme mot slutten av juni.

Velkomen til PROM-konferansen 23. mai 2023

Fokus for årets konferanse vil vera korleis pasientrapporterte data kan bidra til ei betre helseteneste. Programmet vil innehalda tema som korleis pasientrapporterte data kan nyttast i klinisk praksis, korleis dei kan endra klinisk praksis og korleis dei kan nyttast i helseøkonomiske analysar.

Årets hovedforelesar er Dr. Kate Absolom frå School of Medicine, University of Leeds, UK.

Konferansen er samordna med Digital helse-dager som vert arrangert av Alrek helseklynge, Helse Bergen og Høgskulen på Vestlandet 24.-25. mai 2023.

Vi gler oss til å sjå dykk i Bergen. Påmeldingsfrist 08. mai 2023. Lenke til påmelding. Konferansen er gratis.


Leger Uten Grenser – Informasjonsmøte i Bergen

Leger Uten Grenser is pleased to invite you to our Information Meeting event, that will take place on:

13 March 2023 in Vaskerelven 8, 5014 Bergen (Kulturhuset)

Leger Uten Grenser/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)is looking for both medical and non-medical professionals who can provide life-saving relief where the needs are the highest. The organization is doing an information meeting about fieldwork in Bergen, this March 13.

Please register through the online form below for the event. The event will be in person.

Registration here: https://forms.office.com/e/2N48V9Ypxw

For questions, please contact our office directly by email at the following address: rekruttering@oslo.msf.org

Info meeting in Bergen, 13th March

You will meet our project finance manager and field worker, Kaja Sviland, who has been in assignments with MSF, sharing her experience and giving you insights on how it is to work in the field for MSF.

Date: 13.03.2023

  • Time: 18.00 – 20.00
  • Place: Vaskerelven 8, 5014 Bergen (Kulturhuset)
  • Register: https://forms.office.com/e/2N48V9Ypxw – free entrance . Please invite any of your friends/colleagues that may be interested to join Leger Uten Grenser

About Leger Uten Grenser:

Leger Uten Grenser is a neutral and independent medical aid organization that saves lives and relieves needs. MSF provides health care in war and conflict zones, deploys rapidly on the ground after natural disasters, and provides healthcare to people on the run. We help those who need it the most – no matter who, no matter what, no matter why.

Useful Links:


GDPR enforcement in practice and the road ahead – guest lecture

Five years in, the GDPR has raised the bar for data protection significantly.  What role will new regulation, such as the EU’s DSA and DMA, play. Tobias Judin, who is head of the international department at the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, will hold a guest lecture.

GDPR enforcement in practice and the road ahead – guest lecture | Research Group for European Law | UiB
Zoom 13.02.2023 – 12.30–14.00

Jubileumsmarkering: 150 år siden oppdagelsen av leprabasillen

I 2023 er det 150 år siden oppdagelsen av Leprabasillen, det skal markeres med flere arrangementer i løpet av året og 28. februar inviterer vi til jubileumsmarkering i Universitetsaulaen.

Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansens er «uten sammenlikning den mest berømte norske lege gjennom tidene» (Norsk biografisk leksikon). Den største bragden var oppdagelsen av leprabasillen, M.leprae, først observert 28. februar 1873.

Oppdagelsen representerte et medisinsk paradigmeskifte da den for første gang viste at en bakterie er årsak til kronisk sykdom. Den representerte også et epidemiologisk gjennombrudd med konsekvenser for forebyggende medisin og helselovgivning i Norge, og globalt.

28.02.2023 – 11.00–13.00
Universitetsaulaen i Bergen

Upcoming events at the International Centre

Tax seminar
Sign up and join us for an online information meeting regarding paying tax in Norway.
This is useful if you are moving to Norway, shifting between Norway and other working countries, or working from abroad. We will have this seminar 2 Fridays per month, from 11.00 to 11.30. The next seminar will be on February 10th. In the registration form you can choose which date you want to sign up to. Read more here.

Mobility seminar
Are you planning a research stay outside of Norway? Join our mobility seminar 16th February to learn about practicalities and necessary steps of planning a research stay abroad. You can register here.

Visit to The Norwegian archive for Queer History
The “Skeivt arkiv” is the Norwegian national archive for queer and LGBTQ+ history. Their key mission is to collect, document and communicate Norwegian and Scandinavian queer history. We will have a guided visit on February 22nd from 14.00 to 15.00. You can register here.

Introduction course
This course is step 2 of our introductory seminars for new international employees. The course will take place on March 29th from 12.30 to 15.30, in Zoom. You can register here.
Please complete step 1 (short e-learning course) before attending.

Tax return seminar
Every year we host a tax seminar for international employees to assist with understanding and filling the tax report in Norway. The seminar is held in English by tax lawyers. It will take place around march/April, we will confirm the date later. You can sign up here.

For new employees
• When you receive your Norwegian ID number, remember to send it to post@lonnskontoret.uib.no.
This also applies when you receive your Norwegian bank account number.
• If you need to book an appointment with us, you can do it through our calendar.

Check your tax card
You can now check your tax card for 2023. If you do not make any changes, your tax deduction percentage will remain unchanged. You can contact the tax administration if you have questions regarding your tax card.
If you were on the PAYE scheme in 2022 and became a tax resident of Norway (you lived in Norway for 183 days), you will be transferred to the ordinary tax scheme this year.

If you have a temporary ID number (D-number) remember to apply for a new tax card this year. If you don’t apply for a tax card, you will get 50% taxes. Make sure you collect your annual statements for 2022 from UiB, bank, financial institutions, NAV or other applicable sources to check that your tax statement for 2022 is correct. You should receive these statements during the month of January or early February.

Event calendars
There are many interesting events, courses, and seminars at UiB throughout the semester. We suggest subscribing to the UiB main calendar and the International Centre calendar.

Belmont Forum call for international cooperation on climate, environment and health

The Research Council of Norway contributes with NOK 15 million to Norwegian project participants and their partners in low and lower middle income countries (LLMICs).

The purpose of the call is to improve understanding among the climate, environment, and health pathways to protect and promote ecological, planetary, and human health in the face of climate challenges.

