
Her finner du ukens søknadsfrister:

Current research funding announcements/deadlines (external) 

1. Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):
a)Pre-Announcement: HELSEVEL pilot projects to develop innovation projects for health-, care- and welfareservices. The studies shall lay the foundation for developing applications to innovation projects in public sector which is planned to be tendered with deadline in October 2016.
Deadline: 17 February 2016

b) NEW Vision2030: Innovation in education and health to help combat poverty. The purpose of this call for project outlines is to obtain innovative project concepts for development assistance within health and education.
Deadline: 17 February 2016

2. Horizon 2020 – several Calls

 Selected H2020 deadlines 2015:

European Research Council (ERC) Frontier research grants

Consolidator Grants: are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme.
Deadline: 2 February 2016.

Pre-Announcement Advanced Grants: are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements.
Deadline: 1 September 2016.

Marie Sklodovska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Excellent and innovative research training plus attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sector mobility, no thematic priorities.

Innovative Training Networks (ITN): International doctoral training networks with inter-sectoral mobility.
Deadline: 12 January 2016

Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE): supports cooperation between academic and non-academic organisations within Europe and worldwide by funding short-term exchanges for staff (secondments).
Deadline: 28 April 2016

Societal Challenges (SC): Collaborative breakthrough research and radical innovation

SC1-2016 Health, demographic change and wellbeing: Personalised medicine, single stage

The headline goal of the programme ‘Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing’ is better health for all. Its main policy objectives are to improve health and wellbeing outcomes, to promote healthy and active ageing, to promote market growth, job creation, and the EU as a global leader in the health area.

H2020 European Health Brokerage Event – Paris 2016.
“Health, Demographic Change & Wellbeing” challenge in Horizon 2020. Large companies and SMEs, universities, research organisations and patients associations from Europe and beyond are higly encouraged to participate. Find the right partners for Health H2020 calls! 13 January 2016

SC2-2016 Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy: sustainable food security – resilient and resource-efficient value chains, two stage

 SFS-38-2016:Impulsivity and compulsivity and the link with nutrition, lifestyle and the socio-economic environment
Deadline: 17 February 2016

 Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls

a) IMI 2 (Innovative Medicines Initiative 2) – Call 6 for proposals in now open and covers the following topics:

  • Development of Quantitative System Toxicology (QST) approaches to improve the understanding of the safety of new medicines
  • Establishing impact of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection, resultant disease and public health approach to reducing the consequences

There are also 2 topics called for under the ‘Big Data for Better Outcomes programme:

  • Real World Outcomes across the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) Spectrums (ROADS) to Better Care
  • Development  of an outcomes-focused platform to empower policy makers and clinicians to optimise care for patients with haematologic malignancies.Deadline: 12 January 2016

b) COST Action: open Call – funding for research networks. Proposals should reflect the main characteristics of COST Actions, namely providing for knowledge sharing, creation and application, being open and output-oriented while aiming at strengthening the scientific and technological basis of the proposed topic(s).
Deadline: 9 February 2016

c) Eurostars2 Call 5: Funding for research and innovation with small and medium enterprises. Eurostars supports R&D-performing SMEs and their partners by funding collaborative innovation projects that will be rapidly commercialised. It encourages and assists the development of new products, processes and services by offering support and funding to help innovations to access regional, national and international markets. Info from RCN.
Deadline: 18 February 2016

d) The 2nd Joint Call for ERANet-LAC – Network of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean Countries on Joint Innovation and Research Activities. The goal is to strengthen the bi-regional partnership in Science, Technology and Innovation by planning and implementing concrete joint activities and by creating a sustainable framework for future bi-regional joint activities. Relevant topics:
Topic 7: Cancer – Improving the quality of care and quality of life of dying cancer patients
Topic 9: (ICT in relation with HEALTH): Improving wellbeing and inclusiveness through e-health, m-health, and active and assisted living (AAL) solutions
More info on RCN webpage.
Deadline: 10 Mach 2016.

e) Pre-Announcement of JPND Call in Early 2016 The EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) will shortly begin another action to support working groups on “Harmonisation and Alignment in Brain Imaging Methods for Neurodegeneration”. Call launch date is in January.
Deadline: March 2016

f) Pre-Announcement JPI-EC-AMR. 3rd Call ERAnet: Transmission Dynamics. Call will support multidisciplinary research networks to conduct collaborative and complementary studies that will unravel the complex dynamics of selection and transmission of antimicrobial resistance to understand the mechanisms that contribute to the spread of resistance.
Deadline: Call will be lunched in January 2016

g) ERA-IB-2 7th joint call for proposals: Industrial biotechnology for Europe. The main purpose of the call is to generate joint European research and development activities in the field of Industrial Biotechnology addressed by synthetic biology/biotechnology approaches.
Deadline: 1 February 2016

h) Pre-Announcement: AAL (Active and assisted living) announces the challenge for the AAL 2016 Call for proposals of the AAL Programme: “Living well with dementia. The contribution of ICT to integrated solutions for enabling the wellbeing of people living with dementia and their communities”.
Deadline: Call will be lunched at the end of February 2016

i) NEW Pre-Announcement:  the first joint transnational ERA-Net call on Cardiovascular Diseases – ERA-CV. The aim of the call will be to enable scientists to build an effective collaboration on common interdisciplinary research projects based on complementarities and sharing of expertise in the field of Heart Failure, with a clear translational research approach.
Deadline: 8 March 2016 (stage 1), 17 June (stage 2)

Read more (information and routines for application): http://www.uib.no/en/horizon2020

3. UiB
PES (Project establishment support) and POS (posisjoneringsmidler) for Horizon2020 applicants (Norges Forskningsråd/UiB): open-ended during Horizon2020 Call period.

4. NEW K.G. Jebsen Centres for Medical Research – prekvalifisering – Call 2016
Frist for prekvalifisering er satt til 22.1.2016
, jfr. brev til instituttene:
Skissene i prekvalifiseringsrunden skal inneholde:
En beskrivelse av forskningsprosjektet med klart definerte hovedmål og angivelse av delmål sett i lys av planlagt fremdrift. Skissen skal dessuten inneholde en beskrivelse av søkergruppens kompetanse i relasjon til prosjektet. I tillegg skal skissen beskrive tilgjengelig infrastruktur, samt nasjonale og internasjonale samarbeidspartnere og hva disse skal bidra med. Selve prosjektskissen skal være på maksimalt to sider.
Vedlegg til skissen skal være CV for alle forskningsgruppelederne (maksimalt tre sider) og en liste over deres publikasjoner fra 2011-2015.
Frist for innsending av prosjektskissene med vedlegg settes til 22.1.2016.

5. EEA/Norway Grants
Bulgaria Scholarship: Fifth Call Mobility Projects in Higher Education
Deadline: 23 December 2015

6. The Novo Nordisk Foundation
Call for: Excellence project endocrinological research – Nordic region. The objective is to support excellent research projects for young researchers (PhD within the past 7 years) within the fields of basic, translational and/or clinical endocrinology research. The Novo Nordisk Foundation will award up to four 5-year excellence projects in 2016.
Deadline (for letters of intent): 21 January 2016

7. NEW Peder Sather Grant Application 2016
Approximately $400,000 for 1-year projects in collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley: workshops, virtual intellectual exchanges, exploratory and pilot studies, PhD student exchanges, longer-term stays for principal investigators, collection and analysis of data and other core research activities. Applications from all fields and disciplines are welcomed.
Deadline: 1 March 2015

Funding for cooperation in higher education 

NEW Nordplus Horizontal Programme
Workshops, conferences, studies and innovative courses within education and lifelong learning across sectors. Targets all institutions, organisations and other actors working within education and lifelong learning.
Deadline: 2 March 2016

ERASMUS+  page/Programme Guide 

1) Strategic partnerships. Transnational projects enhancing the quality and innovativeness of learning and teaching, developing new curricula, building bridges between the different sectors of education and fostering more intense forms of cooperation to achieve the modernisation objectives, including a better exploitation of open education resources. Minimum of three organisations from three different Programme Countries.
Deadline: 31 March 2016

2) Mobility Programmes:
– Staff Mobility
Employees at a higher education institutions (techn.-administrative, PhD students) can get support for teaching or training stays at an institution in a partner country outside the EU/EEA. 5 days up to 2 months.
– Student mobility
Students can get support to study abroad in partner countries outside the EU / EEA as an integral part of their education . It may be a study or internship and can be included in all levels of study ( bachelor, master and PhD). Duration between 3 and 12 months.
Deadline: 2 February 2016

P.S: UiB information: http://www.uib.no/foransatte/17235/internasjonalisering#
Erasmus+ coordinator UiB: Kristin Torp Skogedal, telefon 55 58 90 26

3) Capacity building
Through Erasmus + capacity building projects, higher education institutions and organizations that are committed to higher education from program countries and selected partner countries, can cooperate on capacity building. The projects may be aimed at institutional level or system level.
Deadline: 10 February 2016

Fellowships and Personal Grants

 1. EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Fellowships

Research on the molecular mechanisms of life at all levels.
a) Short-term (postdocs and advanced PhD students) fellowships fund research visits of up to three months to laboratories in Europe and elsewhere in the world. The aim is to facilitate valuable collaborations with research groups applying techniques that are unavailable in the applicant’s laboratory.
Deadline: throughout the year.

b) ERS/EMBO Long-term fellowships are basic science fellowships in respiratory science with a research project in molecular biology.
Deadline: 31 January 2016

2. IBSA Foundation Fellowships Call 2015: offers fellowships of 24’000 Euros to under 35 years of age researchers, PhD students and MDs in 5 research fields: both basic and clinic endocrinology, fertility, dermathology, reumathology, pain medicine.
Deadline: 31 December 2015


  1. Oslo Cancer Cluster: Cancer Crosslinks 2016. 14 January 2016, Oslo.
  2. First annual conference of the Scientific Panel for Health: “Better research for better health, a holistic approach to challenges and opportunities”. 21 January 2016, Brussels
  3. Conference on mental health and alcohol and drug research. 1-3 February, Oslo
  4. Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar 2016: Focus on Biotech, Pharma, Medical Technology. 10 February 2016, Zürich, Switzerland
  5. Conference: 8th European Conference on Comparative Neurobiology (ECCN). April 7 – 9, 2016, Munich
  6. 2nd Symposium of the Bridging Nordic Imaging Network and the 1st Cellular Imaging workshop, 14-15 April 2016 Gothenburg, Sweden

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