Workshop: Interactions and cross-talk between cardiac signalling pathways

Dear PhD students and supervisors!

Join us for the CHFR workshop ”Interactions and cross-talk between Cardiac signaling pathways” Time: Monday December 5th 2016, 11:30 – 16:30
Place: Rikshospitale B: Green auditorium 1.

-Invited lectures by Professor Emilio Hirsch and Alessanadra Ghigo from University of Torino, Italy, world leading experts on potential drug targets in inflammation and cardiocascular dysfunction.
-Presentations and discussions of ongoing CHFR Projects
– A unique opportunity for New Insight and fruitful discussions With colleagues With shared Research interests.
-Free lunch for all registed participants!
NORHEART will cover COSTs for travel and accommodation for PhD students.
Registration deadline: November 30th 2016 at 23:00

Click here for program and registration.

This CHFR workshop is orginized by Lise Romàn Moltzau and Finn Olav Levy, Department of Pharmacology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital

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