
Her finner du ukens søknadsfrister:

Current research funding announcements/deadlines (external)

  1. Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR):
    a) IARC-Norway collaboration: post-doctoral position with mandatory overseas stay (POSTDOC-IARC). The call aims to strengthen the collaboration between Norway and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) within priority high quality cancer research areas by funding of a 3-year post-doctoral position, of which the two first years are to be based at IARC in Lyon, France
    Deadline: 7 September 2016

b) DAAD-programme – researcher exchange between Norway and Germany (IS-DAAD)

Grant applications are being accepted from Norwegian scientific staff/groups (normally 2-4 members) of researchers for funding for short-term stays (2-4 weeks) in Germany for the purpose of launching and developing new joint research projects.

Deadline: 7 September 2016

c) The Aurora mobility programme – researcher exchange between Norway and France (IS-AUR)

Grant applications are being accepted from Norwegian scientific groups of researchers for funding of short-term visits in France for the purpose of launching and developing new joint research projects.

Deadline: 7 September 2016

d) VISJON2030: The VISJON2030 initiative is to contribute to poverty reduction in countries receiving development aid from Norway, by further developing and scaling up innovative solutions that promote achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals no. 3 (health) and no. 4 (education). 2 calls are open:

– Innovation in Education and Health to help Combat Poverty

– Formative dialogue research to follow the Vision2030 innovation projects from start to end:

Deadline: 7 September 2016

e) FORNY2020 Proof-of-Concept call, BIOTEK2021-optimization funding promotes innovation based on research results. The programme facilitates the commercialization of results from projects conducted at publicly-funded research institutions and helps to bring the products and services to the market. BTO will coordinate the application process, project management and business development.

Deadline: 7 September 2016

f) pre-announcement Research Programme on High-quality and Reliable Diagnostics, Treatment and Rehabilitation (BEHANDLING) Funding is available for projects studying the relationship between at least two of the following areas: mental health disorders, alcohol and drug addiction, and/or somatic health problems.

Deadline: 12 October 2016

g) pre-announcement HELSEVEL: Large-scale Programme on Health, Care and Welfare Services Research. Two calls will be announced:

Until 50 million for innovation in health, care and welfare services.

Up to 50 million to the development of core environmental and clusters

Deadline: 12 October 2016

h) NANO2021: Funding is available for Knowledge-building Projects for Industry in the field of nanotechnology with start-up in 2017. Thematic priority area 3: improving health and medical technology.

Deadline: 12 October 2016

i) pre-announcement INFRASTRUKTUR: The grant for research infrastructure of national importance, including Norwegian participation in international research infrastructure. The call includes all topics, themes and technology areas.

Deadline: 12 October

Information meeting will take place in Oslo (RCN) 2 September. Registration is open.

j) Program for clinical therapy research in the specialist health services (KLINBEFORSK)

Program for clinical treatment research will help ensure that more patients are given the opportunity to participate in clinical trials, contribute to increased coordination of expertise, resources and infrastructure.

Deadline: 12 October 2016

k) pre-announcement Funds for the stimulation of health research in the EU (HEALTH-EU)

Main aim of the scheme is to promote greater participation by Norwegian health researchers in Horizon 2020 through better cooperation between leading research institutions. Samarbeidet skal være mellom aktører på tvers av institusjoner, miljøer, disipliner, fagområder og/eller sektorer.

NEW deadline! Deadline: 12 October 2016

  1. ExtraStiftelsen

Projects may be within physical health, mental health, improved living conditions, public health or other areas where the health care aspect is prominent. It can also be applied for development such as surveys, investigations and method development. Det kan også søkes om utviklingsarbeid, slik som kartlegginger, utredninger og metodeutvikling.

Deadline: 15 September 2016 (for health Projects)
1 September 2016 (for prevention and rehabilitation)

  1. The Olav Thon Foundation

The Olav Thon Foundation has opened for applications for research on Alzheimer’s disease and/or Parkinson’s disease. See more information about the Call (pdf)

Deadline: 1 September 2016

  1. NAAF Research Fund for Asthma and Allergy

Criteria for application: a) Promoting research in asthma and allergy sector b) projects focusing on children will get some priority. Max applied for NOK 150 000. Simple application of max 2-3 A4 pages sent to the Research Fund (a) naaf.no.Fremme forskning innen astma- og allergisektorenProsjekter med fokus på barn vil få noe prioritet

Deadline: 1 September 2016

  1. Horizon 2020 – several Calls
    Selected H2020 deadlines 2016:

European Research Council (ERC) Frontier research grants
Advanced Grants: are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements.

Deadline: 1 September 2016.

Starting Grants: for young Principal Investigators to develop independent careers and make the transition from working under a supervisor to being an independent researcher.

Deadline: 18 October 2016

Marie Sklodovska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Excellent and innovative research training plus attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sector mobility, no thematic priorities

Individual Fellowship (IF): aims to help experienced researchers to advance their careers and gain new skills through advanced training, international mobility, and optional intersectoral secondments. The host organization can  be universities and research institutes in addition to a company or other non-academic sector organizations.

Deadline: 14 September 2016

COFUND Action:  Call for multi-annual proposals for new or existing doctoral programmes or fellowship programmes (for researchers on a postdoctoral level) that may be run at regional, national or international level.

Deadline: 29 September 2016
Societal Challenges (SC): Collaborative breakthrough research and radical

Pre-announcement SC1-2017 Health, demographic change and wellbeing: Personalised medicine, two-stage

The headline goal of the programme ‘Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing’ is better health for all. Its main policy objectives are to improve health and wellbeing outcomes, to promote healthy and active ageing, to promote market growth, job creation, and the EU as a global leader in the health area.

Deadline: 4 October 2016

Personalised medicine, single-stage

SC1-PM-15_2017: Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age

Deadline: 31 January 2017

Deadline: 14 March 2017

Deadline: 11 April 2017

Important! Please contact Corina Guder (FA) or Faculty advisers Ramune Midttveit, Itana Sloper-Krivokapic. We urge you to start your proposal preparation work as early as possible. Advisors are at your disposal if you require assistance with topic interpretation, eligibility conditions, consortium building and other proposal preparation activities.

Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls

a) COST Action: open Call – funding for research networks. Proposals should reflect the main characteristics of COST Actions, namely providing for knowledge sharing, creation and application, being open and output-oriented while aiming at strengthening the scientific and technological basis of the proposed topic(s).

Deadline: 1 December 2016

Horizon2020 Prizes
Birth day prize The challenge of the prize is to identify and bring to market innovative solutions preventing death and complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Deadline: 6 September 2017

Read more (information and routines for application): http://www.uib.no/en/horizon2020

  1. UiB

PES (Project establishment support) and POS (posisjoneringsmidler) for Horizon2020 applicants (Norges Forskningsråd/UiB): open-ended during Horizon2020 Call period. You can apply for PES support by filling in PES application form (which is given on the above linked page) and sending it to Kristin.Hansen@uib.no.

On the following page the  local contact points are listed where every call has a responsible research advisor. You can contact them or faculty advisors, Ramune Midttveit, Itana Sloper-Krivokapic.

  1. EEA/Norway Grants
    a) Romania-Norway scholarship: call for bilateral cooperation, study visits.

Deadline: 31 October 2016
b) Estonia – Public health initiatives: call for bilateral funds.

Deadline: 1 November 2016

  1. Helse Vest research funding 2017

Helse Vest’s research funding will contribute to research activity in the health trusts in the region. Applications are evaluated for scientific quality and the project’s benefit to patients and impact on patient care.

Deadline: 15 September 2016

  1. Nord Forsk: call for population-based register and biobank data

NordForsk’s Nordic Health and Welfare Programme invites applications that utilise Nordic register data to answer research questions addressing grand societal challenges relating to health and welfare.

Deadline: 5 October 2016

  1. The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP)

Proposals are invited for the following topics:

  • Vaccines for poverty-related diseases (PRDs)
  • Research and clinical management of patients in PRD epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Strategic actions supporting large-scale clinical trials
  • Clinical trials and operational research studies to optimise the use of products for poverty-related diseases in mothers, newborns, children and/or adolescents
  • Strategic actions supporting health systems/services optimisation research capacities in cooperation with development assistance initiatives
  • Ethics and regulatory capacities

Deadline: starting from September 29 until November 22, pay close attention

NEW 11. The Norwegian Cancer Society

Foreign scholarship: Researcher, postdocs and doctorates that receive scholarship from Kreftforeningen can apply for an additional supplement for working abroad for up to 1 year (2-12 months). The scholarship also includes those who through Kreftforeningen are paid for by ExtraStiftelsen Helse og Rehabilitering.

Deadline: 15 October 2016

NEW 12. The Novo Nordisk Foundation

Biomedical research and life sciences – exploratory pre-seed grants: up to 7 million DKK are available for projects exploring the potential commercialization of research findings at a very early stage (pre-seed), and to prepare the projects for a full pre-seed grant at a later stage.

Deadline: 13 October 2016

NEW 13. The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

The Michael J. Fox Foundation works tirelessly to accelerate promising research toward breakthroughs for Parkinson’s patients. Foundation is now accepting applications for 2016 funding through its three core grant programs.

Deadline: for pre-proposals is 19 October 2016


NEW 14. Fulbright Grants

1) For Norwegian students/researchers to U.S. in 2017-18

U.S. Norway Fulbright Foundation provides funding opportunities for Norwegian students and researchers on all levels: Master, PhD, post-doc and senior researchers.
a) Grants for 4Norwegian researchers
c) Grants for Norwegian graduate students

Deadline: 1 October 2015

Fellowships and Personal Grants

  1. EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Fellowships

Research on the molecular mechanisms of life at all levels.


Deadline: throughout the year.

NEW b) ERS (European Respiratory Society) | EMBO Joint Fellowships: Fellowships to bring more clinicians into basic science, particularly to clinicians working in the field of respiratory medicine.

Deadline: short-term fellowships 1 October 2016

  1. 2017-18 Harkness Fellowship

The Commonwealth Fund’s Harkness Fellowships in Health Care Policy and Practice provide a unique opportunity for mid-career health services researchers and practitioners from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom to spend up to 12 months in the United States, conducting original research and working with leading U.S. health policy experts.

Deadline: 14 November 2016

Funding for cooperation in higher education

NORPART (The Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation)

NORPART supports academic partnerships and student mobility with an emphasis on Master and PhD level between higher education institutions in Norway and selected developing countries.

Deadline: 5 September 2016 (15:00)

EURASIA Programme (Long-term projects)

The Eurasia Programme supports project cooperation between institutions in Norway and Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The Eurasia Programme currently has three open calls:

  • Long-term projects (project period from 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2019)

Deadline: 5 September 2016 (15:00)

EURASIA Programme (Short-term projects)

The Eurasia Programme supports project cooperation between institutions in Norway and Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

  • Short-term projects (project period from 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2018)

Deadline: 17 October 2016 (15:00)

Partnership Programme with North America (Short-term projects)

The programme supports scientific collaborations and aims to establish durable and scientifically founded collaborations with Canada and the USA. Main partner in Norway and in Canada and/or the USA must be HEI with accredited education programmes. At least 50 % of the grands will be awarded to projects that include network partners from the employment and business sector.

Deadline long-term projects: 17 October 2016

UTFORSK (Short-term projects)

The main objective of the UTFORSK Partnership Programme is to promote cooperation on higher education with Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa.

Deadline short-term projects: 17 October 2016

High North Programme (Nordområdeprogrammet 2013-2018) (Short-term projects)

The overall goal of the High North Programme is to expand, strengthen and disseminate knowledge about or relevant to the High North. The overall goal of the High North Programme is to expand, strengthen and disseminate knowledge about or relevant to the High North.

Deadline long-term projects: 17 October 2016 (15.00)

Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES) 2016 – sentraliserte tiltak under Erasmus+

For å bidra til økt norsk deltakelse og gevinst fra Erasmus+ lyser SIU ut ca. 1 million kroner til dekning av prosjektetableringskostnader for norske institusjoner, organisasjoner og bedrifter som ønsker å utvikle en prosjektsøknad innenfor et av følgende sentraliserte tiltak under Erasmus+:

Kunnskapsallianser, Sektorallianser, Kapasitetsbygging, Fellesgrader, Jean Monnet, Idrett. Se satser på SIUs nettsider.

Deadline: 1 November 2016 (12.00)

Continuing deadlines

Nærings-ph.d. (Industrial PhD)

Forskningsrådet gir støtte til bedrifter med ansatte som ønsker å ta doktorgrad. Ordningens overordnede målsettinger er økt forskerrekruttering i næringslivet, økt langsiktig kompetansebygging og forskningsinnsats i næringslivet og økt samspill mellom akademia og næringsliv.

English: Click here for more information about Industrial PhDs

Deadline: Continuing

Program for forskning og innovasjon i utdanningssektoren (2014-2023) (FINNUT)

FINNUT skal utvikle kunnskap av høy kvalitet og relevans for politikkutforming, forvaltning, praksisfelt og den enkelte, bidra til fornyelse av forskningsfeltet og medvirke til innovasjon i utdanningssektoren.

Deadline other projects: Continuing


  1. Workshop – Gender Perspective in Horizon 2020 calls for proposals, 31 August, Oslo
  2. 2. “Writing Strategy Papers for H2020 WP and the next EU framework program”. The workshop will be lead by Kristof Vlaeminck, UiB´s expert in Brussels, in cooperation with the Division of Research Management (FA). 8-9 September, UiB. Deadline for registration is 29 August.
  3. 3. Workshop: Cross-cutting Key Enabling Technologies for Health, 13-14 September, Brussels

4. Conference on seafood and health, 14-15 September, Bergen.

  1. Life Sciences Baltics Forum from world-class biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical devices experts from all around the world. MeetNobel prize winners, 800 key sector players and decision makers from more than 30 countries. Vilnius, 14-15 September 2016
  2. Skrivekurs for forskere „Skriv så du blir lest“ Forskere, som er tilknyttet prosjekter og sentre med ekstern finansiering, for eksempel fra EUs forskningsprogrammer, Forskningsrådet, Bergen forskningsstiftelse og lignende, er prioritert. 21 September, UiB.
  3. AAL Forum 2016: Ageing well with technology; Innovation ready for breakthrough.
    26-28 September 2016, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
  4. IMI Stakeholder Forum 2016. The programme will focus on IMI’s latest initiatives and results introduce the topics of the upcoming Call for proposals and facilitate partnering opportunities for applicants, 28-29 September, Brussels.
  5. Human Brain Project HBP Summit 2016, 12-15 October, Florence, Italy.
  6. Selected Partnering Event “Meet for Life Sciences” with focus on Pharmaceuticals, Medical devices, Biology/Biotechnology & IT Applications for Health, 25-27 October 2016, Rome; Italy.
  7. Eighth EDCTP Forum: is one of the most prominent conferences on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other neglected infectious diseases prevalent in Africa, 6-9 November 2016 in Lusaka, Zambia. Registration is open.

12.  European Summit on Digital Innovation for Active & Healthy Ageing is designed to harness the transformative potential of the Digital Single Market, develop joint actions and maximise the benefits of digital innovation for Europe’s ageing society, 5-8 December 2016, Brussels.


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