Joint Summer School between NORBIS and CEDAS

CEDAS, the Center for Data Science at UiB (, and NORBIS, the national research school in bioinformatics, biostatistics and systems biology (, are preparing a joint summer school for starting as well as for experienced data scientists, especially for graduate (and undergraduate) students, PhD candidates, and PostDocs.  We anticipate having this 4 or 5 days summer school on selected topics in data science in (or near) Bergen, likely during August 2023.  Given the increasing relevance of data science in modern science and applications, we are excited about this upcoming summer school, the lessons to learn, and the new connections to form between the participants.

With this, we kindly ask you to participate in a short survey which helps us to better understand the topics of special interest in data science, given that you are interested in (possibly) participating in this summer school.  Also, we wish to learn about the background of the participants to inform our preparations.  Your input helps us to target the participants and their interest as well as possible. Please note that the survey is adapted to more than NORBIS members and will ask for a few more things that we normally ask you about.

Please fill in our short survey at until March 1, 2023, at the latest – it should not take more than a few minutes, altogether.

Note that you can leave us your name and eMail address in the survey (and tell us that you’d like to stay informed) – if you do so, we will gladly keep you informed, possibly invite you to join a Discord server (given that we set one up for the summer school), etc.  Sure it’s also fine to fill in the survey anonymously – also this helps us to better understand what to prepare for!

Given your interest in data science, you’re kindly invited to join us on our Discord server for CEDAS: – also, if you were interested in receiving news from CEDAS, we can easily put your eMail-address onto our CEDAS-info eMail list (let us know).

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