Gjesteforeleser | Professor Tim J. Cole | 11. desember

Professor Tim J. Cole

Vi har gleden av å være vertskap for professor Tim J. Cole fra Institute of Child Health, University College London, Storbritannia. Han skal holde forelesningen “Growth charts and growth models for paediatrics and epidemiology“.

Tid: Mandag 11. desember, kl. 15:30–16:30.
Sted: BUS1, første etasje, hovedauditoriet.

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Beste hilsen Pétur B. Júlíusson


Tim J. Cole has been professor of medical statistics at UCL Institute of Child Health since 1999. He originally studied engineering at Cambridge and statistics at Oxford, and has been employed by the Medical Research Council for his entire career since 1970, working first at the MRC Pneumoconiosis Research Unit in South Wales and then from 1975 at the MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit in Cambridge. Since 1999 he has been an external scientific staff member with the MRC. His research interests cover many aspects of child growth assessment, including growth chart construction (the LMS method), growth curve analysis (the SITAR method), factors relating early growth to later outcome, the IOTF child obesity cut-offs (cited over 5000 times to date), body size scaling and forensic age assessment. He has published over 400 peer-reviewed papers and his h-index stands at 87. In 2006/07, he was appointed Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, and also Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

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