Kategoriarkiv: Seminar og konferanser

UIB Opp 2.15 Preparing for your next Horizon Europe proposal

This course will provide a practical guide on how to build on past and current projects funded by the EU, navigate the vast Horizon Europe framework program, and build core concept of research proposals.

The European framework program Horizon Europe supports is the EU’s main funding programme for research and innovation. Running from 2021 to 2027 with a budget of 95.5 billion euros, it is the most extensive research funding programme globally. It supports a wide range of research and innovation activities, including primary and applied research, innovation projects, and networking activities, and provides funding and opportunities for researchers in all fields and at all career stages.

28.02.2023 – 09.00–11.30
FIA sine lokaler, Jekteviksbakken 31, 2. etg.
Hiwa Målen

Påmeldingsfrist: 21.02.2023 – 12.00

Påmeldingsskjema UiB Opp 2.15

Editor-in-chief of the Lancet Lancet Regional Health – Europe to share insight on how to get published and make an impact in society

On the 6th of March Pooja Jha, Editor-in-chief of the Lancet Regional Health –Europe, visits Alrek to meet researchers and students.

06.03.2023 – 09.00–10.30
Midgard Auditorium. Alrek Helseklyngen
Andrea Magugliani

Påmeldingsfrist: 01.03.2023 – 16.00



Bergen Summer Research School 2023

Kindly disseminate widely the Bergen Summer Research School 2023! https://www.uib.no/en/rs/bsrs

Please take a closer look and invite, re-post, tweet and share in your respective networks, and please like and share what is shared!

Your positions and networks are highly valued, and also, hopefully your network’s PhDs may benefit a lot from BSRS 2023.

The application deadline is 1st February 2023.

All courses are developing extremely nicely and I would warmly recommend them for our PhDs near and far!

I recommend Counting every child for PhD candidates in child health and related

I recommend Food and nutrtion security in childhood for PhD candidates in child nutrition and related

I recommend Responsive caregiving in Complex emergencies for PhD candidates in child psychology, pedagogics and related

Those interested in sustainability, democratic processes, school and eduction, check this out

And lastly migration: Please check this out

It is an excellent opportunity to gather people in Bergen!


CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium   

We are happy to invite you to the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium Thursday February 2, 2023, from 09:00-13:00, at B301, Sentralblokka, Haukeland University Hospital.

This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists. We anticipate lively and interesting discussion also this time. We are looking forward to the keynote lecture by CCBIO researcher Harsh Dongre, who will talk about how to make the jump of academic independence and establish your own research group. The program spans several exiting topics including small molecule drug discovery in prostate cancer, PDX models as preclinical tools for investigating myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), mitochondrial trafficking in the tumor microenvironment and the role of CEL in pancreatic disease. Join us for a perfect occasion for professional input and networking!

Please register within January 30th at 11.00 if you want the FREE LUNCH which is included. If you don’t need the lunch, you can also register later.

When: Thursday February 2, 2023, 09:00-13:00

Where: Auditorium B301, Sentralblokka, Haukeland University Hospital, 3rd floor.

Who: Mostly intended for PhD students and other young researchers, but open for all, and senior scientists are very welcome.

Registration: Use this link (also even if you have registered for CCBIO901 in Studentweb.) There is no charge.

General information: More information about the Junior Scientist Symposia can be found here.

ECTS: Part of CCBIO901, with 3 credits (participation in the program through 2 terms.) All are however welcome for non-ECTS drop-in on each individual symposium.

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UiBs Læringskonferanse 25. april

UiB inviterer deg til å bidra til UiBs Læringskonferanse, en heldagskonferanse på Studentsenteret den 25. april med temaet transformativ læring og undervisning. Læringskonferansen inviterer bidragsytere til å sende inn sammendrag til paper- eller plakatpresentasjoner som omhandler utforskning omkring undervisning og læring på UiB. Samarbeidsprosjekter mellom flere (undervisere) er spesielt velkomne.

Påmeldingsfrist og frist for innsending av sammendrag er 31. januar 2023.

Mer informasjon: UiB Læringskonferanse 2023 | Program for universitetspedagogikk | UiB

Small Animal MRI Course

MIC is happy to announce a basic course in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of small animals, with the aim of giving the participants knowledge on the principles, the theory and practical use of MRI.

The theoretical part of the course will cover multimodal imaging and the theoretical aspects of MRI. The participants will get hands on practical training on the instruments in the practical part and learn about basic image analysis of MR images.

After the course, the participants should be able to understand how to plan and perform MRI experiments on small animals.

For more information, please see flyer

Tilbud fra Enhet for læring, våren 2023

Kjære kollegaer!

Vi er endelig klare til å annonsere Enhet for læring sitt tilbud for vårsemesteret.

Av studiepoenggivende kurs tilbys denne våre:

  • MEDDID601: Innføring i medisinsk didaktikk (5 stp)
  • MEDPVEIL602: Praksisveiledning (2-3 stp)
  • MEDTBL601: Innføring og praktisk gjennomføring av Teambasert Læring (2 stp)

Det er ledige plasser på alle kursene.

I webinarserien Pedagogisk Påfyll inviterer vi bl.a til diskusjon om God design i MittUiB, Kunstig intelligens i læring og utdanning og Tilbakemelding på tekst i veiledningen.

All info og lenker til påmelding er samlet her

Eitri Pitchfest 2023

Eitri Medical Incubator opened a year ago and since then we are hosting promising startups and innovation projects from UiB and Helse Bergen.

Eitri would like to invite everyone to Eitri Pitchfest where we will showcase 15 of them.

Join us to learn what we have been doing and where we are heading!

Where: Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen
When: 13:00-15:00, January 27.
Sign up here

Research Data Management and Scholarly Communication – UiB Library seminars V2023

The UiB University Library continues its popular Open Science seminar series in spring 2023 with a number of webinars on Research Data Management and Scholarly Communication.
Both the Research Council of Norway and Horizon Europe assess Open Science in research proposals and experts at the library can support you with navigating the Open Science landscape and adopting practices.

Starting Friday January 20th at 10:15 CET, the Open Science webinar series will take place every other week during the spring semester. Please follow the links for more information on each date and to sign up for the webinars. We are looking forward to seeing you!

The UiB University Library and its Digital Lab offer a wide range of interesting courses and events – please find more information in the calendar.

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VURDERING FOR LÆRING: Hvordan eksamener, tester og oppgaver kan styrke dømmekraft, faktakunnskap og ferdighetsutvikling

Til alle undervisere, stipendiater og post docs ved IGS og våre søsterinstitutter på Med. fak: Velkommen til utdanningsseminar onsdag 22.3. kl 12-16 i Alrek Helseklynge!

IGS har i mange år hatt halvårlige utdanningsseminarer for å inspirere, demonstrere og reflektere rundt måter å skape læring på. Denne våren setter vi lyset på VURDERING, og inviterer ikke bare alle ved IGS, men også kollegaer fra de andre medisinske instituttene til å delta i erfaringsutveksling og refleksjon om hvordan vurdering former studenters læring, identitet og kunnskapssyn. Er det sant at vurderingsformen ofte betyr mer enn undervisningen for hva studentene lærer? Hvordan kan vi i så fall utnytte det til å lage god utdanning?

Seminaret arrangeres i samarbeid med visedekan for utdanning Marit Øilo og Det pedagogiske akademiet, som utgjøres av de meritterte underviserne ved fakultetet.

Meld deg på her, så får du lunsj! Undervisningsseminar 22. mars (uib.no)

PROGRAM (i Munin, underetasjen Alrek)

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Meet and greet

All international employees are welcome to join us at the International Centre for meet and greet to get to know each other and the International Centre. The meet and greet will take place on Thursday 19th of January from 15:30 to 18:30. We will arrange some food and board games for everyone, so please sign up in good time. We have reserved seminar room E, at the Student Centre, and the pizza will arrive around 16:00. Further instructions will be sent to you by email the day before the event. We look forward to seeing you there! You can sign up here.

Tax seminar

Sign up and join us for an online information meeting regarding paying tax in Norway.

This is useful if you are moving to Norway, shifting between Norway and other working countries, or working from abroad. We will have this seminar 2 Fridays per month, from 11.00 to 11.30. The next seminar will be on January 13th. In the registration form you can choose which date you want to sign up to. Read more.

EIC and EMA webinar

The European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Medicine Agency (EMA) will jointly hold a webinar on ‘Regulatory Support for the Development of Innovative Medicines and Technologies‘. The main aim is to inform researchers and SMEs active in research and innovation in the pharmaceutical and med-tech sectors about the wide range of EMA’s support services available and how to access them.

This free webinar will take place on 31 January 2023 (8:00-11:30 UK time) and no registration is required. The event will be broadcasted online. The agenda and further information are available on the event website.

Få en bedre oversikt over ditt forskningsfelt gjennom bibliometri

På dette verkstedet introduserer vi verktøy som kan hjelpe deg å få bedre oversikt over forskningsfeltet ditt.

Mengden forskningslitteratur som er tilgjengelig i dag gjør at det kan være vanskelig å holde oversikt. En grundig (evt. systematisk) kunnskapsoppsummering er den beste måten å skaffe seg oversikt over et tema eller felt på, men det finnes også verktøy som kan hjelpe oss før, i og etter arbeidet med en slik oppsummering. De kan gi svar på spørsmål som: Hvilke tidsskrifter er mest brukt? Hva slags terminologi er brukt, og hvordan har det endret seg over tid? Har jeg gått glipp av noen viktige artikler?


Use infrastructure to boost your research

Helse Bergen and the Faculty of Medicine invite to an information event about how our four European Research Infrastructures can help you and your research.

Through local, national and international collaboration, you can increase the quality of your research and improve your chances with funding opportunities.

Helse Bergen and the University of Bergen are members of the four European Research Infrastructures:

  • ECRIN – European network for clinical trials, Norwegian partner is NorCRIN
  • EATRIS –  European network for Translational Medicine
  • BBMRI – European infrastructure for Biobanking, Norwegian partner is Biobank Norway
  • ELIXIR – the European Research Infrastructure for Life Science Data, with its Norwegian Node ELIXIR Norway

We want to tell you how these infrastructures can help you and your research.

We invite you to an information event on the 5th of January at 13:00 at the EITRI Medical Incubator.

NorCRIN, EATRIS, BBMRI and ELIXIR will be presented and we will talk about specific calls for funding and how scientific collaboration can help you make progress with your research.

We will be available for 1-to-1 conversation before and after the info meeting.

More information here

Call for abstracts – Its21.konferansen – frist 15. januar.

Senter for tverrprofesjonell samarbeidsbeidslæring (TVEPS) ved Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin arrangerer den nordiske Its21-konferansen 27-28. april 2023

Tema for konferansen er: “In pursuit of a sustainable future: creating and anchoring interprofessional- and sustainability mindsets in educations and in the work field.”

Tveps etterspør abstracs (frist 15. januar) innenfor temaene «forskningsresultater; innovative eksempler på tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring; samfunnsnytte av studenters læring; hvordan kan man redusere ulikhet og øke bærekraft i utdanningene og i samfunnet; hvordan kan man utdanne veiledere som endringsagenter?

Temaene må falle inn under «interprofessional teamwork skills» og «pursuit of a sustainable future».

Les mer på nettsiden for konferansen

Bibliotekets kurs- og veiledningstilbud for Det medisinske fakultet

Bibliotek for medisin tilbyr kurs til studenter som del av studieplanen.

Vi tilbyr også kurs med påmelding for ansatte ved Det medisinske fakultetet og ansatte ved Helse Bergen. Dersom en gruppe ansatte har behov for kurs utover vårt kurstilbud, er det mulig å avtale et tilpasset kurs eller avdelingsbesøk.

Ved behov for individuell veiledning i litteratursøk til et prosjekt kan ansatte og stipendiater bestille tid hos en av våre bibliotekarer. Bibliotek for medisin tilbyr veiledning via Teams, Zoom, telefon eller epost.


Bibliotekkurs for ansatte våren 2023

Bibliotek for medisin tilbyr kurs til ansatte ved Det medisinske fakultetet, og ansatte ved Helse Bergen, våren 2023 – meld deg på!

  • Introduksjon til Endnote
  • Søkekurs i PubMed og Embase
  • Introduksjon til systematiske oversikter
  • Litteraturstudier for studenter

Kursene skal holdes som hybridløsning, hvor det er mulighet for å delta både fysisk og digitalt via Zoom. Kursene er fortrinnsvis for ansatte og stipendiater. De fleste studenter får bibliotekkurs som en del av sin studieplan. Dersom ikke det er tilfelle kan de melde seg på disse kursene. Det siste kurset er spesielt for studenter som vil vite mer om litteraturoppgaver, og som ikke har hatt eget kurs om det.

Kursdatoer, påmelding og mer informasjon finnes på https://www.uib.no/ub/126018/kurs-og-veiledning#kurs-med-p-melding

Innhold i kursene:

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Info meeting: European Research Infrastructures – how can you benefit

Dear all,

University of Bergen and Helse Bergen are members of four European research infrastructures in the field of translational medicine: BBMRIELIXIREATRISand ECRIN. The four research infrastructures work in parallel, providing complementary services to researchers in the field of biomedical sciences and support the development of personalized medicine and new treatments.

We invite researchers to learn more about each research infrastructure and how they can help you with a focus on services that support funding applications. The national coordinators of each research infrastructure are available for 1:1 meeting where you can ask specific questions regarding your project or get more information. Here is the registration page and agenda also included a QR-code for the poster (registration). Enclosed is the invitation.