Register now for the course ‘Large genetic studies in biobanks: from registries screening, to interpretation of GWAS and beyond’

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the NORBIS course ‘Large genetic studies in biobanks: from registries screening, to interpretation of GWAS and beyond’, which will take place at University of Oslo October 23-27, 2017. This course will cover challenges facing the use of biobanks and registries for large scale genetic analyses, and is organised by Stephanie Le Hellard.

You will find more details about the course and how to register here:

Registration ends September 15. NORBIS members will have priority, and we will cover travel expenses for our members, as usual. Note that this course runs without a UiO course code. We will provide a diploma describing the work load after the course, to be approved at your local institution. Also note that we need 15+ registered participants in order to run this course.

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