FRIPRO – information on the transition to an open-ended call

In October, FRIPRO will open up for continuous application reception and processing. Earlier this year we also introduced both a waiting period and a submission restriction period for applicants.

In the applicant webinars on the 12th (Norwegian) and 13th (English) of September, we will present the changes we are introducing.

Read more about the changes that are being introduced (in Norwegian)

We will address questions such as how your application will be processed, how equal treatment of the applications will be ensured, how long time you can expect the application processing to take, which of the three calls may be right for you and the rules for the waiting period and the submission restriction period.

It will be possible to submit written questions during the webinar, and we will answer questions at the end of the live feed. A recording of the webinar will be available on the Research Council’s website shortly after.

Target group:Researchers who wish to apply to FRIPRO, employees who work with administrative support for those who apply.


Registration deadline:September 13th kl 08.00

Digital:Live streaming

13 Sep 10:00 – 11:30
Sign up here.

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