Safety zone

K2 has a new safe zone on the 5th floor of the laboratory building, KK and Glassblokkene. Here you will find procedures including requisition forms for cuts and puncture injuries with risk of exposure to biological factors, fire blanket, extra first aid kit for major injuries and portable O2 meter (lab building only). The zone is marked with a large poster with useful information such as emergency numbers, fire instructions and first aid.

One thought on “Safety zone

  1. Ola Myklebost

    This is a good initiative. But one thing is missing: I see no information on where to find the closest heart defibrillator (hjertestarter)?
    You can find them through the registry at, but we have apparently only one in this building, and it is located to the right just inside the door to the Blood bank.

    Please note that they are only open from 7.30 to 15! (Wed from 12!-19) So out side that time, the next one is in the open area in front of the auditoria in BBB 3rd floor.

    I reported this problem with limited accessibility and suggested moving it to an open area, but nothing changed so far.
    Regards Ola


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