Monthly Archives: April 2024

Reflections on an Exciting Journey at K2

As my time as the Head of K2 comes to an end, I feel both nostalgia and gratitude. These past six years have been a whirlwind of challenges, triumphs, and camaraderie – a journey that has left deep marks on our department.

A Pattern of Outstanding Achievements

Our department is like a vibrant pattern woven from various disciplines. From medical education to pharmacy and nutrition, we have nurtured the minds of countless students, shaped their futures, and instilled in them a high standard of quality. Our professors and associate professors – 52 steadfast individuals in permanent positions and 79 dedicated souls in part-time roles – form the threads of this network, enabling us to provide our students with education that will carry them safely into their professional lives.

The unsung heroes

But let us not forget the less visible heroes – the 171 doctoral and postdoctoral researchers who tirelessly work in the laboratories, unravel mysteries, and push the boundaries of knowledge. Their passion drives our research, and their curiosity propels us forward. To them, I extend my deepest gratitude.

Groundbreaking Discoveries

Our journey has been marked by milestones. We have stood on local podiums, received well-deserved awards, and national and international recognition has affirmed our collective efforts. We have contributed to groundbreaking discoveries why our research graces the pages of prestigious international journals, including the Nature family.

The magic of translation

Our research is more than data points – it is a bridge between the laboratory and the hospital bed. Always keeping the patient in mind, we work toward solutions that matter. And it is this delicate balance between science and practice, between molecules and medicine, that ultimately turns hypotheses into hope – into improved diagnostics and treatment for our patients.

Facing the storms

Yes, there have been storms. The COVID-19 pandemic and economic challenges have tested our resilience. But like seasoned sailors, we have adjusted our sails and navigated through turbulent waters. And amidst it all, the spirit of K2 remains unwavering – a beacon of collaboration.

Gratitude prevails

Today, as I stand at the threshold of a new chapter, my heart is filled primarily with gratitude. To the technicians fine-tuning our instruments, the young researchers dreaming big, and the professors sparking curiosity. And let us not forget the unsung heroes – the administrative warriors who keep our ship afloat. Their precise work may go unnoticed, but it is always deeply appreciated. Thanks a lot.


As I pen my final editorial comment, I raise a virtual glass to each one of you. Our institute is not just about science; it is about people – the beating hearts that breathe life into the walls of K2’s many rooms. My hope is that K2 continues to flourish, bringing joy to new generations.

A thousand thanks, dear colleagues, for making this journey unforgettable. We will meet again, albeit with me in a different role.


New calls in the Horizon Europe Cancer Mission:

The European Commission has now announced six new calls for funding under the Cancer Mission. The following two are particularly relevant for researchers at The Faculty of Medicine:

Accessible and affordable tests to advance early detection of heritable cancers in European regions
 HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-03. Innovation action 12 MIO EUR per project. To validate easy-to-use, affordable and accessible genetic, multi-omics or other biomarker-based cancer tests for early detection of cancers with an underlying heritable genetic risk. Activities are expected to achieve TRL 5 to 7 by the end of the project. ​​​​​​​

Improving the understanding and management of late-effects in adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-05. 6 MIO EUR per project. The focus should be exclusively on adolescent and young adult (AYA, age range 15-39) cancer patients and survivors.

Application Deadline: 18 September 2024 

 If these topics sound interesting, please contact the research advisers at MED for advise on how to build or join a consortium and apply: Application Support for External Funding | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

 You can also join the EU Info Days on 25 and 26 April to learn more about the calls: Events | The research and innovation community platform (

From breakthrough technologies to game changing innovations – EIC Opportunities

The programme for the May 7th EIC- seminar has been updated. Please find the updated programme and schedule attached.

Note, the duration of the program has been extended from 12:00 to 14:30.

Where: Digital and The Research Council of Norway, Drammensveien 288, Lysaker
Target group: Researchers, companies, TTO, research leaders, research and innovation administrators, EU advisors and innovation advisors
Registration deadline for in-person participation: Thursday, May 2 at 23:00
Registration deadline for digital participation: Monday, May 6 at 23:00
Digital: Live streaming
7 May 08:30–14:30

Final Program_Updated_EN

The Crown Prince Rides Again

The eternal crown prince or deputy is a figure who often finds themselves in the shadow of the leader and thrives there, yet still plays a hopefully important role in the organization. If we believe the descriptions online, the crown princes’ perpetual presence in this position can be both a blessing and a curse. What it has been for me, others will judge, but now I will from May 1st lead you safely through spring and summer until a new institute leader is in place, hopefully by September 1st.

In the meantime, there is much exciting happening. First up is the K2 seminar on April 30th. There we will thank Pål for the great effort he has made for K2 over 6 years. Never have K2 researchers brought in more BOA funds than in the last years under Pål’s leadership. In addition, there will be presentations about artificial intelligence, gene studies, and what the new KG Jebsen Center lead by Gjertsen and Chera will be dealing with. There will be talks about the work environment and chemical handling, Vestlandslegen and our jubilants will be marked. As always, there will be good food and time to mingle with colleagues. In May and June, there will be a Faculty lunch and Institute Council, exams including OSCE, so stay tuned.

As always, there are application opportunities. The Trond Mohn Center for Women’s Research is announcing grants, there is a call for sketches for a new round of Norwegian Center of Excellence plus much more, detailed in K2 news.


UiB Opp 2.18 Practical Use of AI in Research and Administration

Do you want to explore and leverage the opportunities that AI offers in your daily work? The course focuses on providing a thorough introduction to AI, giving you an overview of its development and the ethical issues that accompany it. This course is tailored for both researchers and technical administrative personnel.

Where: Bjørn Christiansens hus (Christiesgt. 12) Sem.rom. 110
When: 13.05.2024 – 09.00–11.30
Registration deadline: 06.05.2024 – 12.00
The course is conducted in English

Feedback opportunity for Horizon Europe work programme 2025

This is an opportunity to provide input for the development of the Horizon Europe ‘main’ work programme 2025. Responses submitted through the survey will contribute to the co-design of the work programme 2025, covering all 6 clusters, research infrastructures, European innovation ecosystems, the 5 EU Missions and the New European Bauhaus facility.

The feedback opportunity is open for 3 weeks from 15 April and closes on 6 May 2024 midday, CET.

The feedback is being collected at the level of the ‘Destinations’ or Missions. To structure the input, the Commission services have provided an orientation document for each Destination and Mission, outlining the impacts and outcomes expected from the actions to be funded in 2025.

  • Expected outcomes explain what a group of successful projects should achieve overall in the medium term, and on the way to the longer-term

If you are interested in providing feedback for multiple Destinations and/or Missions, please fill in a separate questionnaire for each one.

Who should provide feedback? Everybody with insight and knowledge on the specific topics, independent of career level.

From breakthrough technologies to game changing innovation – EIC opportunities

Where: Digital and The Research Council of Norway, Drammensveien 288, Lysaker
Target group: Researchers, companies, TTO, research leaders, research and innovation administrators, EU advisors and innovation advisors
Registration deadline: May 6 at 23:00
Digital: Live streaming
When: 7 May 08:30–12:00

The EIC is Europe’s leading innovation program to identify, develop, and scale up breakthrough technologies and ground-breaking innovations. The EIC wants your breakthrough technology to reach the market and has tools ranging from research, through commercialization, to scaling. Few Norwegian researchers and companies apply for the EIC.—eic-opportunities/

Open Day at UiB Ferd

Office Relocation and Open Day. We are excited to announce that with the arrival of spring, we are transitioning to our new offices at Langesgate 1-3. Starting from Tuesday 23.04.2024 you can find us at the vibrant heart of the campus, conveniently located right beside the museum. UiB Ferd have open day from 10:00-12:00 and serve coffee/tea and Bergens skillingsbolle. Hope to see you there?

23.04.2024 – 10.00–12.00

Langesgate 3

Disputation – Alexander Vietheer | May 3rd 2024

Trial lecture: May 3, 2024, at 10:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene 2, block 8 Topic: “Human fetal growth restriction: pathophysiology, consequences, and treatment in high and low-income countries”

Photo/Illustration: Nina Vietheer

Public Defense: May 3, 2024, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene 2, block 8 Thesis Title: “Human Embryonic Development: Effects of Physical Activity and Sleep in Physiological Pregnancies”

1. Opponent: Professor Kaarin Mäkikallio, Turku University Hospital, Finland
2. Opponent: PhD Vasilis Sitras, Oslo University Hospital
3. Committee member: Professor Sven Gudmund Hinderaker, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Nils-Halvdan Morken.

Open to all interested parties

Press Release (Only Norwegian)

Announcement of Research program in Women’s Health

It is widely recognized that research related to women’s health traditionally has received less attention and has been poorly funded. Further research on women’s health and women’s bodies is essential to provide women with good and accurate health care. TMF has set aside a maximum of 24 MNOK for this research program, which will be matched by UiB and Helse Bergen.

In particular, the program is intended to contribute to the scientific and strategic development of the newly established Center for Research on Women’s Health, Driv, at the Faculty of Medicine, UiB.

Read more about the program here

Reminder: Adaptive Immunity All you should know

Bergen Research School in Inflammation and the Broegelmann Research Laboratory presents the advanced immunology course/workshop: HUIMM905 – Advanced Immunology (3 credits ECTS) with leading theme : “Adaptive Immunity, All you should know!”

Targeted audience: Master, PhD students, post docs, clinicians interested in immunology or those looking to update their immunological knowledge. The workshop has a number of international and local experts in adaptive immunity in infection, cancer and autoimmunity, and includes networking lunches and dinners, flash talks and a poster session.

Invited speakers include Carmen Gerlach, Alexander Espinosa, Søren Egedal Degn, Bergithe Eikeland Oftedal, Anette Susanne Bøe Wolff, Salwa Suliman, Sonia Gavasso, Yenan Bryceson, Corelia Schuster and Mai Chi Trieu.

No fee for master and PhD students!

Time and place: 22 – 24 May 2024, VilVite Bergen Science Centre
Registration deadline : April 29th

Disputas – Ingrid G. Rekeland | May 2nd 2024

Sample lecture: Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 10:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen House, Haukelandsveien 28 Topic: “Long-covid-19: Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Treatment Options”

Photo/Illustration: Private

Defense: Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen House, Haukelandsveien 28 Thesis Title: “Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): Clinical Trials, Medical Treatment, and Pathomechanisms”

1. Opponent: Professor Per Ole Iversen, University of Oslo
2. Opponent: Associate Professor Rasmus Goll, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
3. Committee Member: Associate Professor Bettina Riedel, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Camilla Tøndel.

Open to all interested parties

Press Release (Only Norwegian)

Innovative Health Initiative-Funding source with emphasis on implementing innovative solutions

“Innovative Health Initiative” (IHI) is a funding source which may not be well known in the Deartment yet, possibly because the first call for proposals was launched in 2022. IHI is partially funded by the EU and partially by industry associations within the natural sciences (pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, medical technology). The calls from IHI differ from those we primarily associate with the EU. There is a focus on innovation, but with an emphasis on implementation rather than innovation at low TRL levels. One of the main goals is to facilitate the transition from industry-derived innovations to application in healthcare services to achieve the transformation required in the healthcare services in the future. This is reflected in the calls, which have so far been relatively specific. For instance, one of last year’s calls focused on “Patient-centered blood sample collection to enable decentralized clinical trials and improve access to healthcare,” focusing on the use of already established methods for such blood sampling. It is a requirement, not just a strength, that partners from industry and/or public administration be involved in the projects, and it is often industry partners who initiate the consortium.

At the moment, IHI calls 6 and 7 are active, with deadlines approaching soon. Therefore, next year’s calls may be more relevant. Establishing a good consortium will be a comprehensive process. Joining as a partner in projects initiated by others can be a good approach. On IHI’s website, there is a tool for registering as a potential partner and building networks. Potential partners from Norway are considered interesting, but one should consider specific Norwegian issues, such as healthcare financing, in relation to relevant projects. Another tip is to become a member of relevant COST networks. Here, there are often potential partners interested in working towards EU-related applications. An overview of active COST actions can be found on the COST website: :

One final point is that IHI welcomes input regarding future calls, allowing stakeholders to influence future directions.

Day of Immunology

The Norwegian Society of Immunology (NSI) will celebrate this year’s Day of Immunology, a world-wide project aiming to present different aspects of immunology to the general public ( This year’s theme is “Immunity through the ages: Navigating the science of aging and immunology”, and it will be celebrate with a popular science seminar with invited speakers at Litteraturhuset in Oslo which will be streamed to Vilvite (big auditorium), Saturday the 27th of April, from 1100 to 1300.

The program is enclosed. The seminar is open to everyone (but will be in Norwegian). Welcome!

From breakthrough technologies to game changing innovation – EIC opportunities

When: 07 May 08:30 – 12:00
Where: Digital and The Research Council of Norway, Drammensveien 288, Lysaker

The EIC is Europe’s leading innovation program to identify, develop, and scale up breakthrough technologies and ground-breaking innovations. The EIC wants your breakthrough technology to reach the market and has tools ranging from research, through commercialization, to scaling. Few Norwegian researchers and companies apply for the EIC.

Researchers and companies that have applied for the EIC will share their stories. We will get information about EIC’s tools; Pathfinder, Transition and Accelerator.

There will be an introduction by EIC’s chairman, Michiel Scheffer.

This is a hybrid event. Those participating in the Research Council’s premises in Drammensveien 288 will be able to sign up for a free lunch after the event.

Those who will participate in person can book bilateral meetings with the EIC NCPs in the afternoon. Get in touch with Waqar Ahmed (Norwegian Research Council) or Eva Langslet (Innovation Norway) to arrange this.

This event is relevant for researchers, companies, TTO, research leaders, research and innovation administrators, EU advisors and innovation advisors.—eic-opportunities/

Data Café of the Faculty of Medicine

We are excited to invite you to the next Data Café of the Faculty of Medicine on the 25th of April, from 9:00 to 12:00. We will have a special guest: Prof. David Grellscheid from the department of informatics will give an entry-level workshop on how to use Large Language Models (LLMs) and build specialized LLMs.

Please note that we are still working on the program, more details will come. This time we will be located at the conference room of the BBB (between the stairs in front of the auditoriums). If you have questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. In order for us to plan the food and workshop, please register before the 18th of April using the form at the link below: