Monthly Archives: April 2024

COST Joint-Nordic Information Day

Welcome to an information meeting focusing on informing about the role and impact of the COST program, as well as the benefits of participating in COST. The meeting is aimed at researchers and innovators at all career levels and within all research areas.

The organizers of the webinar are the Swedish Research Council in collaboration with other Nordic COST CNCs.

Date: April 23, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Location: Digital via Zoom
Deadline for registration: April 22, at 12:59 PM.

The meeting will be held in English.


Adaptive Immunity All you should know

Bergen Research School in Inflammation and the Broegelmann Research Laboratory presents the advanced immunology course/workshop: HUIMM905 – Advanced Immunology (3 credits ECTS) with leading theme : “Adaptive Immunity, All you should know!”

Targeted audience: Master, PhD students, post docs, clinicians interested in immunology or those looking to update their immunological knowledge. The workshop has a number of international and local experts in adaptive immunity in infection, cancer and autoimmunity, and includes networking lunches and dinners, flash talks and a poster session.

Invited speakers include Carmen Gerlach, Alexander Espinosa, Søren Egedal Degn, Bergithe Eikeland Oftedal, Anette Susanne Bøe Wolff, Salwa Suliman, Sonia Gavasso, Yenan Bryceson, Corelia Schuster and Mai Chi Trieu.

No fee for master and PhD students!

Time and place: 22 – 24 May 2024, VilVite Bergen Science Centre
Registration deadline : April 29th

Happy Easter!

Whether you spent your days in the mountains, abroad, or at home in Bergen, I hope you had time for family and friends and managed to recharge your batteries.

Now we’re heading into a term leading up to summer, which tends to be busy with OSCE exams and application deadlines. I encourage you once again to apply for FRIPRO NFR, as there are currently very few applications, increasing your chances of success. Additionally, consider EU and ERC, which actually have higher success rates than NFR 🌟.

Here are some important meetings involving all or some of you that deserve your support:

  1. Wednesday, April 17, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM: Faculty Day (for everyone): Awards ceremony and exciting lectures. Let’s celebrate this fantastic day together!
  2. Tuesday, April 30, 8:30 AM–2:00 PM: K2 Seminar (for everyone): Focus on practical AI use and safety.
  3. Wednesday, May 8, 11:30 AM–12:30 PM: Joint lunch at Eitri (for everyone).
  4. Wednesday, May 15: Faculty Lunch (for academic staff): Dean Per Bakke, CFO Kristine Tangen, and Faculty Director Synnøve Myhre will discuss the impact on our faculty when “all” state funds go toward defense.
  5. Wednesday, June 12, 11:30 AM–12:30 PM: Joint lunch at Eitri (for everyone).

Have a wonderful weekend!



Invitasjon til undersøkelse om kritisk tenkning

Invitasjon til undersøkelse om kritisk tenkning
Kjære undervisere ved K1,

Vi ønsker å invitere dere til å delta i en viktig undersøkelse knyttet til kritisk tenkning. Dette forskningsprosjektet har som mål å forstå undervisernes perspektiver og tilnærminger til kritisk tenkning i medisinsk utdanning.


Hva handler undersøkelsen om?

Undersøkelsen tar omtrent 10 minutter å gjennomføre og består av 5 åpne spørsmål. Vi ønsker å høre deres tanker om hvordan kritisk tenkning kan integreres i undervisningen, hvilke metoder dere bruker, og eventuelle utfordringer dere møter.


Hvordan delta?

Dere finner undersøkelsen her:

Anonymitet og personvern:
Vi forsikrer dere om at undersøkelsen ikke ber om personlig informasjon, og vi vil ikke dele identifiserbare opplysninger. Svarene vil bli behandlet konfidensielt.


Ansvarlige for forskningsprosjektet

Dette forskningsprosjektet består av følgende personer:

Jonathan Soule (bioCEED, UiB)
Cecilie Boge (UiB læringslab)
Pascal Schaldach (Leibniz University Hannover/BIO UiB)
Jorun Nylehn (BIO, UiB)

Vi setter stor pris på deres deltakelse og ser frem til å lære mer om deres perspektiver på kritisk tenkning i undervisningen!

Med vennlig hilsen,


Preliminary announcement: Upcoming Call JTC 2024

TRANSCAN-3 preannounces the launch of its 4th call for proposals (JTC 2024) on the topic of:

“Combination therapies against cancer: new opportunities for translational research

The ERA-NET TRANSCAN-3, in continuity of the preceding ERA-NET TRANSCAN-2, has the goal of coordinating national and regional funding programmes for research in the area of translational cancer research. The specific challenge is to promote a transnational collaborative approach between scientific teams in demanding areas of translational cancer research while avoiding the duplication of efforts and ensuring a more efficient use of available resources, to produce significant results of higher quality and impact, and share data and infrastructures.

Reminder; Spring events at MED

Save the date: Research Day

18 June, EITRI

2nd Research Day at the Faculty of Medicine | Faculty of Medicine | UiB


Postdoc Development Programme

Remember to apply for the Post doc development programme by 15 May 2025.

We have revamped the programme according to your feedback and now offer three overnight stays and will let the participants co-design the content to best fit your needs.

Read more about the programme here: Postdoc Development Programme | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Apply by 15 May.


PhD Grant Writing Workshop

13 and 16 May 2024, EITRI

Registration is now open until 29 April

This is the recurrent workshop held by research advisor team at the Faculty of Medicine, open for all PhD candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine.

We will spend two half-days together and participants will be given homework assignments, practicing writing their own grant proposal.

Read more and sign up here: Upcoming events for Faculty of Medicine | University of Bergen (


Core Facility Expo

29 April 2024, EITRI

The Faculty of Medicine is organizing an event where you can get to know all our core facilities and other research services used by our researchers.

Visit stands and hear presentations of all facilities for medicine, health and life sciences at UiB.

Read more here: Core Facility Expo | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

UiB idé

Interested in innovation? Get up to NOK 500 000 and help to develop your idea


Good ideas occur everywhere at the University of Bergen, and with UiB idé students and researchers  can test and develop their innovation ideas. Students can get up to NOK 100 000, and researchers NOK 500 000. You will also get advice from professional advisers. The application deadline is April 19th.Read more about the program at You can also apply for a maximum of NOK 25 000 throughUiB tidleg idé, and applications can be filed anytime. Do you have questions or need guidance? Please contact Yves Aubert:

Seeking Your Support for Pint of Science Festival 2024

#Pint24 worldwide is just around the corner! The Pint of Science Bergen Team is working on the organization of this year’s local festival that will take place on 13-15 May 2024, at Stereo Bar, Bergen

Pint of Science aims to involve the wider public in our entertaining science nights, in the relaxed atmosphere of a bar where everyone can enjoy a nice pint while interacting with our speakers.  Are you a passionate scientist and you want to  make your research accessible and engaging for all?

You could be our next speaker!

All you need to do is fill in this form:

Continue reading

This spring’s recruitment positions from the faculty

This spring’s recruitment positions from the faculty are now announced at JobbNorge, deadline April 15.

PhD positions:

Postoc positions:

E-learning – “Introduction to Research Ethics”

As part of efforts to strengthen research ethics at UiB and ensure good familiarity with basic research ethical norms and guidelines, the e-learning course “Introduction to Research Ethics” has been developed. The course aims to provide employees in scientific positions with knowledge of the responsibility both the institution and the individual have to ensure that research is ethically sound. It also provides information on how the University of Bergen handles cases of possible scientific misconduct and how to report such cases. The course is mandatory for employees in scientific positions.

The course is available in Norwegian and English and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Link to the course: “Introduction to Research Ethics”:

HSE non-conformities

Reporting on adverse events in an incident report is important for the continuous HSE work at K2. When we report incidents, it helps to reduce the extent of damage, prevent new events, and raise awareness. Incident reports can also lead to changes in, among other things, routines and infrastructure. The incident reports are also reviewed by the faculty’s HSE committee and the Working Environment Committee at UiB.

Therefore, everyone is encouraged to report HSE incidents.

Visit this page and familiarize yourself with how to report HSE incidents and why this is important:

Note: Damages to buildings owned by HUS should not be reported here. Please report them to the Facilities Management/Technical Customer Center at

Call for Researcher projects 2024 – The Norwegian Cancer Society

Funding research is the main priority of the Norwegian Cancer Society. The aim of the funding scheme Researcher projects is to promote high quality and innovative cancer research and development of the Norwegian cancer research field. The scheme shall contribute to new and important knowledge about cancer, cancer prevention, cancer treatment and care. The projects should be of high international standard and have potential impact for cancer patients in the short or long term.

We aim to ensure high quality research throughout the country, both now and for the future. The Norwegian Cancer Society therefore encourage qualified researchers across Norway as well as young researchers to apply to this call. We actively remind our reviewers to take career stage into account, especially when assessing criterion 3, Qualifications of the Project Manager and Project group (see Application guidelines), according to the DORA declaration.

Funds for collaborative projects and professional forums within Global challenges 2024.

Global challenges (GSU) is one of three priority areas where UiB aims to utilize and develop the unique opportunities of the comprehensive university for academic mobilization, deepening, and collaboration across disciplinary boundaries. GSU seeks to stimulate professional forums and collaboration across faculties and announces seed funding for this purpose. A minimum of two faculties should be involved in the collaboration, and the activities should be linked to the highlighted themes for the period 2023-2025: democracy and human rights, global health, migration, diversity, and resources.

Funding is allocated for meetings, seminars, or travel. The supported activities should develop interdisciplinary research projects, and the projects should include concrete plans for applications to external funding sources and further research collaboration. The call targets scientific staff at the postdoc, researcher, associate professor, and professor levels with a main position at UiB. Early career researchers are encouraged to apply.

The total budget for the 2024 call is NOK 400,000. A maximum of NOK 100,000 per project is allocated. The funds must be utilized by the end of 2025. Feedback on the work should be provided upon completion of the activity using a designated form.

A digital application form must be used (only in Norwegian). The applicant’s department/faculty should confirm  support for the application – this is sent via ePhorte from the main applicant’s department/faculty.

Application deadline: April 30, 2024

Assessment criteria:
·  Academic quality and relevance to global societal challenges
·  Innovative interdisciplinary collaboration
·      Contribution of the activity to the applicant’s career development or the development of the           academic community

NORPART – Call for proposals 2024

HK-Dir has once again announced the NORPART program for the period 2024-2028. For this period, there will be 35 million NOK available for partnership projects per year. The NORPART program provides support for educational collaboration in 40 countries for a period of five years. The typical grant size is 5 million NOK per project. The application deadline is June 3, 2024.

With the application, a signed Declaration of Participation by the administrative responsible for the project must be uploaded. This can be signed at the institute, center, or faculty level. The application support team at SA offers administrative support to interested academic environments/departments and invites to a webinar about the program and its further follow-up at UiB on April 10th from 09:00 to 10:30.  Registartion

For those seeking application support, the deadline for submitting the Concept note (1 page) to SA is April 22nd, and for submitting the project description to SA, the deadline is May 21st.

Reference is also made to SA’s resource pages NORPART | Ansattsider | UiB (only in Norwegian)

The announcement and information about the program can be found here: NORPART – Call for proposals 2024 | HK-dir (

Interested parties can also contact

Nordic Developmental Biology Societies & Michael Sars Symposium Joint Meeting

We would like to cordially invite you to our upcoming Nordic Developmental Biology Societies & Michael Sars Symposium Joint Meeting, for which we have invited an exciting list of speakers.

The event will kick off on May 28 with a joint keynote lecture by Prof. Mike Levine in the evening, followed by the Michael Sars Symposium on May 29 and the Developmental Biology Societies conference until May 31.

More information as well as the registration link can be found on our

Project grants in Endocrinology and Metabolism – Nordic Region

The Novo Nordisk Foundation calls for applications within basic and clinical research within the endocrine system and metabolism relating to cellular energy homeostasis. The objective is to promote Nordic research at the highest international level to carry out research projects of 1-3 years duration.

Amount: Up to DKK 3 million per grant
Location: Nordic region
Research area focus: Endocrinology and Metabolism
Call closes: 28 May

Successful seminar for PhD supervisors at Eitri Medical Incubator.

Foto: Havjin Jacob

The Faculty of Medicine (PhD Administration -MED) recently held a seminar for PhD supervisors at Eitri Medical Incubator.  Associate Professor of University Pedagogy (UPED) in the Department of Education, Robert Morris Gray Jr.was invited to give his professional insight on “How to give written feedback to PhD candidates”, a topic of great importance in the academic journey of a PhD student. A PhD candidate, MD Gard Johanson was also invited to share experiences and challenges in receiving feedback from a PhD candidate’s viewpoint.
The seminar was engaging and packed with research-based presentation about among other, principles of effective feedback, what PhD supervisors should avoid when giving feedback, and much more. One of the unique aspects of this seminar was the opportunity for PhD supervisors to bring along sample texts on which they had struggled to provide feedback. During the seminar, they could work on these text samples and receive constructive advice from their colleagues.
This topic was a request from the supervisors themselves, something they had mentioned in previous seminars we have held. Even experienced PhD supervisors found the seminar beneficial, which speaks volume about the quality and relevance of the content presented. Unfortunately, the turnout was lower than expected, with only 17 supervisors in attendance out of 31 registered. However, the feedback from those who attended was strongly positive, indicating that the seminar was indeed a success. We hope to see more supervisors at future seminar, benefiting from informative sessions.