Innovative Health Initiative-Funding source with emphasis on implementing innovative solutions

“Innovative Health Initiative” (IHI) is a funding source which may not be well known in the Deartment yet, possibly because the first call for proposals was launched in 2022. IHI is partially funded by the EU and partially by industry associations within the natural sciences (pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, medical technology). The calls from IHI differ from those we primarily associate with the EU. There is a focus on innovation, but with an emphasis on implementation rather than innovation at low TRL levels. One of the main goals is to facilitate the transition from industry-derived innovations to application in healthcare services to achieve the transformation required in the healthcare services in the future. This is reflected in the calls, which have so far been relatively specific. For instance, one of last year’s calls focused on “Patient-centered blood sample collection to enable decentralized clinical trials and improve access to healthcare,” focusing on the use of already established methods for such blood sampling. It is a requirement, not just a strength, that partners from industry and/or public administration be involved in the projects, and it is often industry partners who initiate the consortium.

At the moment, IHI calls 6 and 7 are active, with deadlines approaching soon. Therefore, next year’s calls may be more relevant. Establishing a good consortium will be a comprehensive process. Joining as a partner in projects initiated by others can be a good approach. On IHI’s website, there is a tool for registering as a potential partner and building networks. Potential partners from Norway are considered interesting, but one should consider specific Norwegian issues, such as healthcare financing, in relation to relevant projects. Another tip is to become a member of relevant COST networks. Here, there are often potential partners interested in working towards EU-related applications. An overview of active COST actions can be found on the COST website: :

One final point is that IHI welcomes input regarding future calls, allowing stakeholders to influence future directions.

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