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Horizon 2020 HelpDesk

Horizon 2020 HelpDesk is a meeting arena where companies and researchers can meet and develop Horizon 2020 (H2020) projects.Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU research and innovation programme, and provides funding over 7 years (2014 – 2020).

Who should attend?
Companies and researchers from the Bergen Region are welcome to book a meeting at the HelpDesk.

What services do we provide?
EU advisors and business developers will answer your questions and help you with:
•Finding the right calls
•Application writing process
•Project organisation
•Finding partners
•Financing the writing process

Horizon 2020 HelpDesk runs every second Wednesday (even weeks) from 9PM to 12PM at BTO (2nd floor, Vitensenteret, Thormøhlensgate 51).

You can register for the HelpDesk here, or contact us if you have any questions. Contact information .

Horizon 2020 – Spotlight: Scoping papers Work programmes 2016/17

Scoping papers are working documents, sent to the Programme Committee for the Horizon 2020 Specific Programme for discussion in the context of the preparation of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017. As such, information and descriptions of activities indicated in this document may not appear in the adopted Work Programme 2016-2017, and likewise, new elements may be introduced.

The scoping papers released so far set out in more detail the coming main priorities for each part of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme. Member States, European stakeholders and initiatives from society and industry, as well as Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups have been consulted throughout 2014, and their input has been taken into account for strategic programming and drafting the scoping papers. After another round of Advisory Groups consultations on developing the Work Programme contents, the adoption of the Work Programme for 2016-2017 is planned in the third quarter of 2015.

The Horizon 2020 Strategic Programming Document which gives guidance for the development of the Work Programme 2016-2017 defines the key priorities for the framework program 2016/17 and the Focus Areas which are relevant to Pillar 2 (Industrial Leadership) and 3 (Societal Challenges). Compared to the current programme where 12 Focus Areas had been identified, the draft specifies 9 candidate areas whereof 3 are new ones: Internet of Things, Automated road transport and Industry 2020 and Circular Economy. Personalizing health and care which has been a focus area of the last strategic programme, does not longer appear, but will still have its anchoring within the Societal Challenges Pillar as one individual Call on Promoting healthy ageing and personalised healthcare. 5 subareas are specified in the scoping paper on “Health, demographic change and well-being”:

1. Ageing: from early development to the elderly
2. Translational research
3. Population health and health promotion & sustainable health and care systems
4. Infectious diseases
5. ICT for health

The scoping papers are, although they are confidential documents, available at certain websites and through the national Research Councils. You can look at them here.

Follow-up of the HSE-seminar

As a follow-up to the HSE-seminar we had this autumn, we would like to remind everyone about performance appraisals for 2014. Performance appraisals should be conducted with nearest leader.  Everyone employed in principal employment should be offered a performance appraisal.  Technicians and PhD-Candidates will conduct their performance appraisals with their research group leader.  Those who have not been offered a performance appraisal in 2014 should contact their research group leader.  Professors with principal employment will be offered performance appraisals in 2015 when the new Head of Department is employed.


Midway evaluations week 50

Laeya Abdoli Najmi
Wednesday December 10, at 13:45-14:45
Place: Seminar room, 9th floor, Laboratory Building
For more information click here.

Andre Sulen
Friday December 12, at 10:00-11:00
For more information click here
Place: Seminar room, 7th floor, Laboratory Building

Leslie Sofia Pareja Eide
Tuesday December 9, at 08:30-09:45
Place: SAS Hotel, Bryggen
For more information click here.

Public defence week 50

moyo_sabrina_picture_2Sabrina John Moyo will have her public defence on Monday December 8, 2014.

Trial lecture: Monday December 8, 2014, 09:15

Topic: “Molecular diagnostics – a means to reduce burden of disease in children in resource poor settings?”

Public defence: Monday December 8, 2015, 11:15
Place: Aud.1, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91

Title of dissertation: “Viral diarrhea in children under two years of age in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania”

1st opponent: Ph.d. Johan Nordgren, Linköping University, Sweden

2nd opponent: Ph.d. Frank Olav Pettersen, Oslo University Hospital

Poster    Press release

Budget 2015

Eystein 2The University Director has just sent the budget allocation letter to MOFA. Unfortunately, it is rather depressive reading. Salary- and price compensation for UiB is set to 3%. However, as the money travels through the system to the institute, the compensation proposed to be cut to 1%.What the final figure will be will be decided in the December Faculty Board Meeting.

The size of the local salary pot was unusually big this year and K2 employees were allocated a large part of it, so much that our salary expenses will increase about 5% in total next year. This combined with a minimal number of retirements the next two years means that we will have to continue to reduce that base funding part of our budget. However, we will still try to shield the operating funds allocated PhD-students and Postdocs, but I cannot promise that we will be able to do so in 2015.

Another main issue for K2 in the budgeting process is how zero-overhead projects are to be handled. K2 is the institute with the highest number of such projects. The Faculty Board will in December also determine principles for how rent and administrative costs for such projects are to be paid. This may affect the financial situation at K2. There are signs that we will see a tightening in transferal in this area. Thus, we might very soon find ourselves in a situation where we will have to say no to certain forms of external funding.

Are there no positive cyphers you may ask? Well, there will be funds earmarked galenic pharmacy. In addition we will be have a larger budget for scientific equipment than in 2014. K2 will also be given a technical position for operating and administering the Unit for Healthy Volunteers which will launch in 2015.

Whether or not we will be able to strengthen the budget is also up to you as a K2-employee. At the top of my wish list is funding of some of our many EU- and NFR-applications. It is great to know that K2 is the UiB institute with the highest number of EU-applications this year; hopefully some will be translated into project funding. These are the projects that can strengthen the financial situation at K2. Let’s just hope our prayers are answered.

Wishing you all a balanced 2015


Head of Department

Emergencies at K2

If life, health and/or safety is at risk, conact:

  • Fire department 110Vedlegg uke 47_2014
  • Police 112
  • Ambulance 113

UiB’s 24 hours security: 55 58 80 81

Head of Department:

Eystein S. Husebye, phone: 94 38 03 47

Synnøve Myhre, phone: 93 48 46 14


  • Hospital security: 559 72222
  • Fire at the hospital area: 559 72004
  • Accident/Acute illness: 559 73333



  • Poison centre: 22 59 13 00

Link til UiB’s emergency plan: Norwegian)

Research presentations from 2014

Researchers and PhD-candidates from K1 and K2, as well as from Helse Bergen, are invited to present their work to fellow researchers and the general audience through poster presentation. The event is organized by the Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical research, and the poster exhibition will take place on January 26-30, 2015.  Prizes will be awarded the best posters.  Deadline for signing up is December 1, 2014.  Click here for more information.

Aksel har flytta frå oss

Obituary Aksel Harald Schreiner                                                                                              (This text is in norwegian only)

Vår alles kjære kollega og ven Aksel Harald Schreiner døydde fredeleg torsdag 6. november etter kort tids sjukdomsleie. Aksel vart 81 år. Eg vitja han dagen før, og han og Astrid bad meg helsa alle gode vener og kollega. Den dagen minnast vi over 40 gode år saman – frå Harrison og Schlesinger i propedeutikken (1972), til gode år på Medisin B, i Sentralblokka, i Tanzania, og 30 år saman i Radio Medico Norge, inkludert siste strålande «takk for maten» tale 27. august i år under ein internasjonal sjøfartsmedisinsk konferanse i Bergen. Aksel har hatt eit rikt og kreativt arbeidsliv og vist stor arbeidsglede. Dei siste 8 åra kom han tilbake til loftet på Medisin B der han har vore ein viktig pioner i Norsk Senter for Maritim Medisin. Han har vore dagleg på jobb til i haust, og siste prosjektet hans var å laga små videosnuttar for undervisningsformål. Me har mange gode minner etter Aksel. Det same har mange pasientar og tidligare studentar.

Minnerike helsingar,


Noise in the hallways- 8th floor, Lab-building

We have received information that many PhD-Candidates working in the open office area on the 8th floor of the Laboratory Building often find it difficult to concentrate on the work due to noise coming from the hallways. Thus we kindly ask everyone to bear this in mind and take care so that not too much noise is generated in the hallways.


Seminar on Research Politics 2014

The Norwegian Association of Researchers is inviting to a seminar focusing on research politics.  The title of this year’s seminar is “The bigger, the better?  Structure and quality in the education- and research sector”.  For more information click here (in Norwegian). Form for signing up click here (in Norwegian)

Time: Monday November 3, 9:30 – 15:30
Place:  Hotell Bristol, Oslo


Public defence week 40

barbara_rogge_shBarbara Rogge will have her public defence on Monday September 29, 2014.
Trial lecture: Monday September 29, 2014, 09:15
Topic: «The transition from hypertension and hypertensive heart disease to heart failure»
Public defence: Monday September 29, 2014, 11:15
Place: Aud. 1, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation
: «Influence of obesity on left ventricular adaption, grading and outcome in aortic valve stenosis»
1st opponent: Professor Renata Cifkova, Charles University Medical School, Prague, Czech Republic
2nd opponent:
Professor Thomas Kahan, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Poster and press release (both in Norwegian)