Author Archives: ligan4552

Are you willing to take one for the team?

Foto: Ingvild Festervoll Melien

Summer is just around the corner and in this last editorial before the holidays, I want to make some observations about economy and culture.

At the start of the year, K2’s finances could resemble an airplane plunging towards the ground, but with persistent efforts we have succeeded in levelling the plane. We are no longer losing altitude and are now set to land on the budgeted deficit. Many have worked diligently to make this happen, not least Maria Holmaas and Beate Bernes. In addition, we have received good help from the faculty.

Going forward, the job will be to gain altitude and get rid of the deficit with the actions I have previously outlined; more research on less space, more teaching with fewer people, more EU and NFR projects and a relatively of 0-overhead grants, restructuring, possible closure of core facilities.

If we are to achieve this, everyone must be willing to “take one for the team”. This means that the tasks and burdens must be distributed more evenly than is the case today. It is not up to the individual employee to decide all his or her work tasks. As a teacher at the university, you can’t say that, no, I don’t want to be UGLE, or I just want to teach my narrow area of specialization – my colleagues have to do the other work. Everyone in an area must share the UGLE task, you may have to devote a little more time and effort to renew your teaching and taking on teaching tasks that you are not entirely familiar with and sit on a committee not entirely relevant for you – then the work will be more evenly distributed.

Since I also work at the Department of Medicine, I get the opportunity to experience another organization. Every morning, the department gathers for a morning meeting with a report from the team on call and the individual units. One might think that a lot of time is wasted on such a joint meeting, but this meeting point creates a unity and a team spirit that translates into offering help when someone is short on staff or hands to solve a task – you grow into thinking more of us than me. Now, K2 is a different type of organization and I am not suggesting that we should have morning meetings, but the team spirit at Department of Medicine is something we need to acquire in order to perform and thrive better at K2.

Use the summer to think about how you can contribute to a better team spirit;  don’t ask what the department can do for you – ask what you can do for the department.

Finally, Professor Silke Appel will be the new Head of Department and will take office as soon as it is practically possible. We congratulate her and wish her the best of luck at K2’s helm.

Have a lovely summer,

Eystein Husebye

Norwegian Cancer Society’s Qualification Projects – Accelerating Research Outcome and Patient Impact

The Norwegian Cancer Society’s (NCS) aim is to prevent and fight cancer, and to ensure the best quality of life for patients and their families. Through research, prevention, information, support, advice, and lobbying, we fight cancer locally, nationally and globally. The NCS provides a considerable amount of all direct funding for cancer research in Norway, thus contributing to promoting a research environment of top international standard in the country. Furthermore, nurturing innovation and promoting novel ideas play a crucial role in advancing cancer research and enhancing patient outcomes.

Research findings frequently serve as the foundation for multiple potential commercial applications. In a qualification project, the primary objective is to thoroughly explore and pinpoint the most promising commercial application prospects, including service innovation. This initial investigation lays the groundwork for subsequent technology verification and development. Promising research and innovative solutions often take too long to reach patients. The NCS aims to accelerate this process, particularly for those applications with high patient benefit. This call focus on increasing the innovation potential of projects funded by the NCS (from 2016-2023).

Project duration:  3 months to 12 months – First/last possible start date 01.01.2025/01.07.2025
Funding scale: 200 000 to 1 000 000 NOK
Total amount of call: 8 MNOK
Application deadline: 15 October 2024 at 13:00

ISIDORe services

ISIDORe project is going under its third and last year of implementation (ending January 2025) and EATRIS is offering the last set of REGULATORY & IMMUNOMONITORING TNA (trans-national access) services at NO COST!

IDORe project: services for infectious disease outbreak research

We advance pandemic preparedness with free services for researchers.

How to get these services?

  1. Select a call that matches your research line:
  2. Select an EATRIS service:
  3. Proceed with the pre-application process through the ISIDORe webpage and get your ISID_XXXX code
  4. Prepare your full application (download the Word form) for requesting EATRIS services and follow instructions here:

Best Poster: Fakultets forskningsdag.

Foto: Ramune Midttveit

Congratulations to the winners of the poster prize at the faculty’s research day 18 June: Thomas Aga Legøy, Kira Höffler and Solveig Løkhammer.

Thomas Aga Legøy with; “Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals During Differentiation of HNF1A-MODY SC-islets has an Adverse Effect on Cell Fitness.”

Kira Höffler with; “Epigenetic Markers of Response to Psychotherapy in OCD.”

Solveig Løkhammer with: Adverse Health Effects of Childhood Maltreatment: Evidence from Genetic-Environmental Inference in >900.000 Adults.”

UiB Innovation Festival: From research to changing lives

UiB Innovation Festival is a meeting place for researchers, students, innovators, and businesses from the region to explore how research can be transformed into real societal changes.

20.09.2024 – 09.00–14.30

Læringsarena, Nygårdsgaten 5, Bergen

Registration to UiB Innovation Festival 2024 for employees and students

The festival will bring insights into the breadth of innovation coming from the university, exploring current issues around innovation, such as how to balance publishing with protecting intellectual property and what the role of UiB is in Vestland’s green transition.

As a part of InnovasjonsukenOPP and the National Science Week, the UiB Innovation Festival promotes collaboration between academia, industry, and the public sector to create groundbreaking solutions.


DigitalHealth2024 was recently hosted in Bergen. This is the third time this conference, organized by Helse Bergen, Bergen University College, and Alrek Health Cluster, has taken place. This year’s conference was filled to capacity, with 700 participants. The main subject, as suggested by the title, was the development and implementation of digitalization in healthcare, which is highly relevant to much of the operations at K2.

Many participants probably expected the conference to provide answers regarding the direction of digitalization and the “next big thing”. Where are we headed when ChatGPT is no longer a novelty that can provide you with a waffle recipe and a few humorous answers to your simple questions, and it is no longer sensational that digital image analysis can reduce the response time for radiological examinations? The answer provided can be summarized as “it is coming, and it is developing rapidly”. It is difficult, even for those who work with digitalization daily, to foresee what the next few years will bring on a specific level. One subject that stood out was patient-related data, collected through digital channels, where the channel is not only used for data collection – but also more actively in patient care e.g. to convey information or to identify patients who need intensified follow-up.

The challenges seem easier to identify. We need to be actively involved in the development, and not wait for technology to be introduced. Patient safety and privacy quickly become an issue, closely linked to data collection and acquisition, e.g. in the context of collaboration with commercial services. Financing, political incentives, and a jungle of companies, apps, and services entering the market with varying degrees of validation are other key points.

It is important to remember that not only classic products, but also services and processes can be included when considering technology and innovation in healthcare. Regardless, it will be challenging but crucial to stay updated as the field races ahead. In summary, I believe that digitalization and increasing awareness around it can make the path from research to implementation shorter – but still, it is a bit difficult to grasp exactly how this will happen.


The research groups’ websites

Ingrid Hagerup ( at the faculty has spent the last few weeks looking over the websites of the research groups at K2. She has made some structural changes, both by agreement with certain people and on her own.

However, there is a need for a more systematic review of the content on several of the pages.

It is important that the content is up-to-date, because it is the “outward face” of the research group.

Look over the content on the website of the research group you are responsible for, and report the need for changes to the content


There is no “final deadline” for this work, but none of the content will be updated unless you let us know!

Also remember! There is both an English and a Norwegian website – you can find the overview here:

Change freeze on the personal pages

New personal pages (employee pages) will be launched soon, and therefore a change freeze on the personal pages is necessary. Changes made to the personal pages from Thursday, June 13th onwards will not be carried over to the new pages. The page can still be updated if there is something important that needs to be included during these days, BUT the updates will have to be entered again on the new pages.

We will keep you continuously updated when the new personal pages are launched.

Call for proposals: Nordic research consortia for EU calls on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Deadline 19.09.2024

NordForsk announces funding for preparatory projects with the purpose of forming multisectoral and transdisciplinary Nordic research consortia to participate in successful proposals for EU calls on antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Dear everyone!

Thank you very much to all who contributed to the successful completion of OSKE12 yesterday, and to those who will participate next week for OSKE6! I can only encourage more people to contribute, as it will reduce the workload for everyone.

I was also very pleased to hear that half of the applications to DRIV – Center for Women’s Health Research, submitted last week, came from K2, a total of 14 applications! Now the evaluation is underway, and we will find out in August who will proceed to step 2. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that some from K2 will make it through.

But this is a good starting point to continue with proposal writing and submit to NFR – FRIPRO. Marit Bakke provided information this week that:

  1. FRIPRO will distribute 900 million NOK this year.
  2. So far, a total of only 100 applications have been received from all fields in Norway.
  3. Applications submitted by mid-August will be considered for this year’s round.

This means that there are better chances than ever to succeed in FRIPRO this year. And now we also have a deadline: mid-August. Remember to register your application in our portal for externally funded projects (Skjemaker for applications, K2), so one of the economists can assist you with the budget and help us turn around the deficit K2 has accumulated.

Have a great weekend

Nordic Conference on Future Health

The Nordic biobank and research communities join forces -to explore the future of biobanking and precision health.

This special stakeholder gathering is hosted by Biobank Norway and encompasses two parallel conferences—the 3rd Nordic Society of Human Genetics and Precision Medicine and the 2nd Nordic Biobank Conference—as well as joint plenary sessions for topics of interest to both communities.

Where: Trondheim

When: 10 –12 September, 2024

Early bird registration end on June 10th

Submission deadline for poster abstracts: June 21s

60 new research networks announced

We are pleased to announce the approval of 60 new COST Actions by our Committee of Senior Officials (CSO). These new research networks cover topics as varied as the impact of climate change on mental health, digital technologies to improve civic engagement, optimising insect nutrition, augmented reality in forestry, and alternative approaches to automated cancer detection.

Read an article on the COST website about the new networks: 60 new COST Actions approved – COST

Every participating country have the right to nominate up to two members of the Management Committee (MC) of each network. The COST National Coordinator (CNC) is responsible for the nominations.

In Norway the procedure is that those who wish to participate in the MC of a COST network must send CNC Trude Dypvik ( a short application and a CV. 20th. June is the deadline for the first applications

Software awareness workshop

Code, Train, Protect: Essential Strategies for Life Science AI and Software

Join us for a dive into the critical considerations of using open-source tools and ensuring compliance both for academic and commercial applications. Learn about database and data privacy concerns when building AI models and navigate the complexities of software licensing. Discover strategies to protect your software innovations through patenting and IP management.

When:            Thursday 13th of June 11:30 – 13:30 (you are welcome to bring your lunch)
Where:           Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31
Tip: take Bybanen or the UiB campus bus!
Who:              Open for everyone interested in life science software

The workshop will begin with an interactive presentation. Following this, participants will break into smaller groups to discuss life science software cases and challenges and receive feedback from business developers from VIS’ technology transfer team. This is also a great opportunity to discuss your own project.
Bring a friend and join us for the DOs and DON’Ts of life science software development!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Questions? Additional topics you would like us to discuss?
Feel free to contact Renate Hvidsten Skoge:

Financial Realities – K2 Management Takes Action

K2 is running a significant deficit, and changes are necessary to turn things around. Therefore, the management has initiated several measures that will affect your workday. In such situations, it can often be challenging, to use a favorite expression of politicians, but it is crucial to identify and seize the opportunities that exist.

The broader picture indicates that the Norwegian education sector is gradually being downsized over time, though perhaps not as much in the health and medicine sectors, where many hands will be needed in the future. We are not alone in this; reduced resources are something all universities must cope with, and as always, it’s important to be among the best.

What does this mean for K2? The following points summarize some of the measures management is working on:

  • Space Reduction: K1 and K2 are working to reduce their area in the Laboratory Building by about 400m² to save on rent. The involved groups are collaborating with management to find solutions that do not harm research activities, and we hope this process can be completed by the end of August.
  • Core Facilities: Our core facilities are crucial infrastructure for research and are often essential for securing research funding. K2 has many such facilities, all running at a deficit, which collectively poses a significant problem. We must, therefore, consider restructuring, relocating, or possibly shutting down non-critical core facilities.
  • Zero-Overhead Projects: While these projects are beneficial, they also pose a problem as they burden the collective resources. K2 has many large projects in this category, contributing to the deficit. Until now, we have had matching funds to mitigate this, but this scheme has been discontinued. We are working on budgeting to reduce deficits in such projects, including freeing up project staff. So far, we have not declined such projects, but it could become a reality in the future.
  • Efficient Teaching: The number of students is increasing, but the number of teachers is decreasing, requiring more teaching from fewer staff. In collaboration with the study administration, we are working to get a better overview of teaching responsibilities and who can contribute. We need to be open to new ideas; perhaps you will need to teach a subject you are not a super specialist in, or perhaps an academic environment needs to change the curriculum to make teaching more efficient with new tools. Introducing more weekly duties in the departments might also be necessary. Here, dialogue with healthcare institutions will be crucial to find good arrangements.
  • Same People, New Tasks: Starting in June, we will map the competencies of technical staff and PhD/postdocs with an eye on administrative tasks. We need people to assist with events, defenses, and other work on a voluntary basis.

Turning the economy around requires everyone to contribute. We have discussed this in various forums, but so far, the engagement has been rather low. Everyone must participate if we are to succeed, and we must be willing to think creatively.

Eystein Husebye,
Acting Head of Department


Reminder: Basic Fire Safety Training UiB 2024


Reminder about the mandatory fire safety course for all employees, UiB offers a digital course



Understanding the correct use of fire extinguishers and implementing thorough safety practices is essential to protect yourself and others in case of emergencies.

Through practical training and guidance, we will instruct you on the proper use of fire extinguishers, evacuation techniques, and other important fire safety procedures. Our goal is to provide you with the confidence and competence to handle fire situations in a safe and effective manner.


  • Basic theory about different types of extinguishing equipment (outdoors).
  • Extinguishing with fire extinguishers (outdoors).
  • Alternative ways to extinguish small fires (outdoors).
  • Smoke development in a smoke wagon (outdoors).

Link to the registration form (the course is available in both Norwegian and English):

MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024 – webinar

13. juni. kl. 10.00–11.45.

MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) is a highly sought-after program that funds doctoral candidates from around the world in European research training networks. The networks, or projects, last four to five years and can fund up to 15 PhD students for up to three years.

The call for 2024 opens on May 29 and has a submission deadline of November 27, 2024.–webinar/

Research Leadership Program

The program aims to strengthen participants’ development as group leaders, inspire the creation of good research environments, and ensure favorable conditions for research and research collaboration.Throughout the program, participants will work on challenges from their own everyday experiences.

The program runs in the fall of 2024. The application deadline for participation is June 7th.

More information about the program and the application process here (Norwegian only): Program for forskningsledelse ved UiB | HR-avdelingen | UiB

The 2024 NAR Brain Power Award

Illustrasjon: Lars Fiske

All members of the Forskerforbundet can nominate any other members of the union for the “Forskerforbundet’s Brainpower Award.” You can also nominate yourself.

In the announcement, they write: “The nominee should be a person who has made significant contributions to society through their work. This could be a research project, an exhibition, an innovation, an archive, an educational program, innovative public outreach, contributions to public debate, or another socially beneficial contribution. The nominee should meet one or more of these criteria.”

The prize is a total of 200,000 NOK, which can be awarded to one or more winners.

The deadline for nominations is September 1, 2024. Read more here: