Eitri Medical Datathon 2022 is an effort to unleash the potential of data in healthcare and takes place from September 16th to 19th 2022 at Eitri in Bergen, Norway.
Leo Celi from MIT will help facilitate the workshop/datathon. Celi is best known for bringing together clinicians and data scientists to collect and analyze data routinely collected during the healthcare process.
The aim of the Eitri datathon is to utilize previously admitted patients’ data from the emergency room to answer important clinical research questions.
“An equally important aim is to bring together clinicians, data scientist, engineers, industry, and investors for interdisciplinary collaboration aiming to provide better healthcare in the Bergen Hospital, and to the world”, says Director of Eitri, Torleif Markussen Lunde.
Key stakeholders from Haukeland Hospital, HVL, University of Bergen, Curie and Eureka student organizations, have agreed to participate. Clinicians, students, industry, and professors are invited to participate, nationally and internationally.
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