Monthly Archives: February 2017

Who gets this year’s teaching award?

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasTeaching is one of our core activities and we want it to be given good education at K2. Pedagogical skills will be emphasized when recruting academic positions and salary negotiation.

Conversion to Medicine in 2015 an enormous boost, thanks to everyone who helps out in both in semester boards and as educators and administrators! Also thanks to those who are Department mentors for students in early practice (this is where we can lay the foundation for an interest in Our own Field and emerge as good role models) as well as those who have taken on the leadership of their own mentor Groups.

Teaching the new curriculum be restructured from substantial traditional cathedral lectures to considerably more varied and student activating teaching methods.

Are you familiar with educational activities / principles PBL, TBL, flipped classroom or case-based teaching? Otherwise, I recommend educational foundation or any of the other courses at educational Department UiB (for example: Hot Moments in Teaching and Learning). Lectures will of course not be abolished but it has been shown that VARIETY in educational activities promote learning and that different teaching methods should be “tailored” to the kind of skill that must be learned. Then comes the concept of learning. Once it’s clear to us what we want the student to learn with the teaching tools at your disposal can then choose the best teaching Method.

At this year’s Teaching Price (NOK 50,000!), We want to honor an educator or an educational environment that has shown great interest in implementing new teaching; New study with other education than we have had in the past, new teaching methods, developed new courses (for example elective courses); Thus INNOVATION in education.
I would like to have nominated candidates, send reasoned proposals for me on within March 10th!

Multiple Choice Database (MCQ) is being established, we have started testing data solution. It’s only for all educators to initiate to create tasks from their individual topics: a small case history with one more question and four alternative answers there ONE answer should  clearly be the best. We must add validation / comment for at least one of the available options. If each of us makes A puzzle of each lecture / group we teach the database will be kept up in volume. Questions should be validated by another teacher than yourself and happily send it to a student (who have finished the current installment) or a newly appointed assistant doctor who can ensure that the questions are relevant to the target group of students (and not just for the enthusiast professors …). Good luck!

And remember Teaching Day 27th April!






HSE corner – digital sick leave certificate

3316958NAV is working to digitize the sick leave certificate, making it easier for everyone involved in a absence interact. The goal is to have a digital solution avaloable for all during 2017. Parts of the digital solution is already being used by many People on sick leave, but can not yet fully be used by employees at UiB.

Read more here (only in Norwegian)

Nomination for 2017 Johnny Ludvigsson Prize for excellent research in childhood and adolescent diabetes.

The Swedish Child Diabetes Foundation is pleased to announce that nominations are now welcome for candidates for the 2017 Johnny Ludvigsson Prize for excellent research in childhood and adolescent diabetes.

Please see the enclosed pdf filefor further details.

If you have any questions, please contact the Swedish Child Diabetes Foundation office by telephone +46 13 105690, or e-mail

New names

16976489_1260089977419101_656364950_nIntroducing Ingeborg Eskerud, and research line at the University of Bergen. Ingeborg began in January 2017 as a Ph.D. fellow at Bergen Hypertension and Cardiac Dynamics Group. She will work on imaging of the coronary arteries of heart patients with chest pain, under the guidance of May Tone Salary Bakken and Eva Gerdts. If you want to say hello you can find her in the 9th floor of the lab building.

New Names

hanna-f-skjakodegard-_001Introducing Hanna Flækøy Skjåkødegård, special physical therapist with a masters degree in clinical health science-obesity and health from NTNU. Hanna started as a Ph.D fellow at K2 on February 1st 2017 and has Pétur B. Júlíusson as supervisor. Hanna’s PhD project is based on FABO study (family-based cognitive behavioral treatment for children and adolescents with severe obesity) that in the years 2014-2018 conducted at Clinic for overweight, Haukeland University Hospital. If you want to say hello to Hannah her office is in the 6th floor in the new children hospital (BUS 1).

New K2 News editor – Johnny Laupsa-Borge

15577715_1199340486827384_880035647_nJohnny Laupsa-Borge starts next week as the editor of K2 News. He holds a master’s degree in human nutrition from the University of Bergen, and acceded in December to a post as research fellow at K2. He is affiliated to the research groups Ueland / Nygård (G3) and Hormones (G2). His main supervisor is Ottar Nygård.

Johnny has assumed the responsibility for K2 News as part of his mandatory work at K2. We encourage all employees and group leaders to contact Johnny if you have something to share with the rest of us at K2, e.g., new research or presentation of research groups.

Contact:  Johnny Laupsa-Borge

We wish Johnny good luck with the work as K2 News editor.

CCBIO symposium April 19th – 20th 2017

CCBIO cordially invites you to their 5th CCBIO Annual Symposium at Solstrand 19-20 April 2017. The symposium in beautiful surroundings at Solstrand facilitates that students and researchers can make new contacts and catch up on the latest cancer research in their field. Don’t miss out!

The CCBIO symposium is a combination of invited, renowned international and national speakers and two long poster sessions during which younger researchers present their research. International speakers include the chairman of the Nobel Foundation, Carl-Henrik Heldin, and also John Heymach, Angela Nieto, Robert Gale, Jean-Christoph Bourdon, Krister Wennerberg, Diane Bielenberg, Salem Chouaib, Frederic Amant, Janine Terra Erler and Jeanette Woods. In addition you will get to hear from CCBIO researchers and other national cancer researchers, as well as young and upcoming investigators.

Make sure to register before the hotel is fully booked, and within the deadline March 19th. CCBIO looks forward to welcoming you!

You will find program and registration link at


Overseas scholarships from Kreftforeningen – deadline March 15th 2017

kreftforeningenRemember you have the opportunity to apply for an extra supplement to cover additional costs associated With study abroad.

The scholarship applies to scientists, post docs, PhD students who are paid though grants from Kreftforeningen

The arrangement also includes those through Kreftforeningen receives funding from teh ExtraFoundation for Health and Rehabilitation.

Support is provided for 2 – 12 months

The Application deadline is March 15th 2017

Read more on Kreftforeningen website and search for overseas fellowship here.

Public PhD Defence, week 9

Johanna HuunJohanna Huun will defend her PhD thesis on Tuesday, February 20th, 2017
Trial lecture: Tuesday, February 20th, 2017 , 10:15 AM
Topic: “Tumor heterogeneity: implications for breast cancer treatment”
Place:  Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Tuesday, February 20th, 2017 , 12:15 AM
Place:  Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation:  “Response to doxorubicin in breast cancer cells. The role of p53-, MDM2- and pRb-variants”
1st opponent: Ph.d. Randi Syljuåsen, navn, Oslo Universitetssykehus
2nd opponent:Ph.d. June Helen Myklebust, Oslo Universitetssykehus

Press release

Spring’s most beautiful adventure

bakke0x2c_per_0x2830x29Also this year K2 is going to have a process for support to those applying for NFR grants. The schedule for the internal process at K2’s here and should be read by anyone applying through K2. Note that the internal K2 deadline to submit a draft of 1-2 pages is February 24th for those who plan to apply for the NFR programs BEHANDLING and BEDRE HELSE. The corresponding deadline for other NFR programs is March 10th. Those who comply with these deadlines will be given priority in the K2 internal review process led by Ola Myklebost. One gets the opportunity to present the draft in plenary and get constructive feedback from experienced colleagues which is useful in the preparation of the full protocol. Furthermore, one gets prioritized to support from our research advisors and budgetary assistance from the economic section at K2.

As Eystein wrote in last week’s editorial, it’s not enough with just good ideas. The presentation of the protocol and how to solve the problem you’ve outlined, is important to reach up in the application competition. Our reasearch advisers, Itana and Amra, are ready to help, but it goes without saying that there must be priorities in their use. Eystein will be the prioritizer. This means the inquiry about the help from Itana and Amra, will have to go through him.

The K2 internal deadlines are just around the corner, but the advantage with them is that one is forced to start already now and not wait until right before the NFR deadline. Conclusion: If you inted to apply for NFR this spring, check the schedule and start now. It can pay off!


New names

dsc_0069Introducing Yasaman Pakdaman, master in Biomedical Science. Yasaman started as PhD Fellow in S Johansson/PM Knappskog research groups in February If you want to say hello, you can find her on the second floor at the Center for Medical Genetics and Molecular Medicine.

Digital sick leave certificate

NAV has introduced digital sick leave certificates. This system is not yet adapted to large employers like the University of Bergen. Therefore we still require that all employees hand in their sick leave certificate on paper.

Please also note that both Part C and Part D has to be delivered to the University of Bergen, as we will pay wages as normal, and then apply for reimbursement from NAV. Part D should always be filled out and signed before it is delivered to the department.

For questions regarding sick leave contact your manager or HR consultant.

Meeting in nanoBergen

Richard Hobbs, School of Chemistry, Tri-nity College Dublin, Ireland will give the following lecture:

“Single-nanometer-scale electron and ion-beam lithography: Writing with Ångström-wide beams”

Time: Friday, February 17th 2017, at 14.00

Location: Auditorium B, Allégaten 66.


At it again

Ultrafiolett EysteinSpring will soon stand at the door which means new application opportunities, both for the research council and other organizations as the Cancer Society and Extra Foundation. In addition to FRIMEDBIO Research Council has a number of announcements second announcements, including subprograms TREATMENT and HEALTH that may be relevant for the K2 researchers (deadline 26/04/2017) The Department is now concentrating considerable resources on research support including through the appointment of our new research advisers itane and from April Amra Grudic-Feta. They will be key in the application processes during spring. As dashboard displays makes K2 makes it uniformly good although it goes a bit up and down – but we can always reach us anymore. Biomedicine Hanks in 5 new multiannual projects FRIMEDBIO in 2016, something we may have ambitions to copy.

2013 2014 2015 2016
EU applied 24 15 12
EU granted 2  3 (+1) 2 3
NFR applied 18 19 47 33
NFR granted 5 7 6 6
BFS applied 2 2 0 2
BFS granted 1 1 0 0
Kreftforeningen applied 18? 20 21 19
Kreftforeningen granted 9 11 11 2
Jebsen applied 2 0 2 6
Jebsen granted 0 0 0 *4

* 3 Extensions

The recent review of the applications for small operational funds revealed that application activity could have been better and some does’t revice the small operational funds because they do not seek it elsewhere. With the limitations in the allocation of the size we had not enough applications to distribute all the funds and it is probably one application round Number 2 later this year. There came no applications from department staff outside Haukeland Campus which possibly means that they are very satisfied or may not read K2news.

Therefore, it is also this year

• Sketch Plenary discussions
• Budgeting Help from the administration
• Printing Support from both research advisors and experienced colleagues

To take part in these “support services” it is necessary that applicants comply with deadlines. Participation is also an excellent opportunity to get tested and improved own ideas and help others to improve their applications. To reach up to competition required not only creative ideas, but often also a broad and multi-disciplinary approach to the problem one will resolve and good plans for dissemination and research training. All this can get input and ideas in a structured process where everyone helps each other.