Author Archives: ijo013

Thank you so much!

21057060_1438821782879252_2076556124_oAbout two years ago, I was employed as an apprantice here at Department of Clinical Science. I was welcomed with open arms by all employees and I remember thinking ”I don’t know anything about medicine, how is this going to end?”

The reception has been my second home and it’s hard to move on from something that I have become so tied to. I hope everyone is pleased with the work I’ve done here, and I know that I’m pleased with my stay here. I don’t think there is any better colleagues then all of you.

As an employee, I really enjoyed myself, looking forward to work in the morning, and I will always find my way back here. I might disappear as an employee, but I will never forget this place and the people with it.

Two years have passed and I’m now finished as an apprentice. I will now continue my jurney and I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone here at K2. All of you are phenomenal! Thank you to everyone who helped me when I stormed into the Office/laboratoy and asked question after question. You’ve all been a huge help and I would never have passed my exam without you.

It’s with a heavy heart that I leave this place, but you will receive a new apprentice in the reception.

Thank you so very much. I’m forever grateful!

-Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll

Think it, want it, do it

Ultrafiolett EysteinMany of us witnessed how Karsten Warholm became world champion and won 400 meters hurdle in London on Wednesday. An amazing achievement that shows how a talent can, with systematic work, set the highest goals and reach them

Let this be an inspiration for us at K2. UiB, like Ulsteinvik, is not the metropolis for science and sport, but we can still deliever achievements in the top international level in research, teaching and dissemination. Although Warholm’s success is first and foremost his own profit, it is also the result of good helpers and an organized environment. Therefore, it is important that the university, the faculty and the department all make it possible for talent to develop and showcase. K2 will work for everyone at the department to be among the best in their area, and the new head of department will be central to this work.

When the application deadline for the position as Head of Department expired on August 4th, 4 highly qualified individuals had applied. Now the committee will look forward to finding the best suitable applicant, whom we hope to get to work on September 1st. Until then I will lead the Department.

With the hope of a productive autumn


Acting head of department

Congratulations on your publication in JAMA


Stavanger University Hospital has, as the only Norwegian hospital, participated in a European cardiac arrest study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Although the study did not show that the 48 hour cooling period yielded significantly better results than the standard 24 hour cooling, there was still an interesting difference in 6-month survival that could indicate that a major study should be conducted to clarify the question.

In 2013, Professor Eldar Søreide (K1) and Professor Alf Ingen Larsen (K2), as leaders of the Emergency Medical and Cardiological Research Group at SUS, entered into a research agreement with Aarhus University Hospital. One of the results is

Targeted Temperature Management for 48 vs 24 Hours and Neurologic Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Kirkegaard H, Søreide E, de Haas I, Pettilä V, Taccone FS, Arus U, Storm C, Hassager C, Nielsen JF, Sørensen CA, Ilkjær S, Jeppesen AN, Grejs AM, Duez CHV, Hjort J, Larsen AI, Toome V, Tiainen M, Hästbacka J, Laitio T, Skrifvars MB.
JAMA. 2017 Jul 25;318(4):341-350. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.8978.

Wchich recently was published in JAMA

The study was duly commented on in a management article by one of the foremost experts in the field, Professor Cliffton Callaway of Pittsburgh University.

Targeted Temperature Management After Cardiac Arrest: Finding the Right Dose for Critical Care Interventions.

Callaway CW. JAMA. 2017 Jul 25;318(4):334-336. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.8977.

Callway pointed out that although the study failed to show a statistically significant 15% absolute difference in survival between the Groups, the results indicated that there could be a minor but still interesting difference in favor of the longer cooling period. This will only confirm a much larger study. Futhermore, the study was famed for both good data quality and good follow up of the patients. Survival in both study Groups was also much higher than reported in previous similar studies. This may be due to serveral factors,  not to mention that both prehospital and hospital treatment have gereally improved over the years.

The two Norwegian co-authors of the study wish to thank all involved healthcare professionals in general and the families and patients who said yes to participate in particular. They think this publication illustrates the possibilities and importance of collaboration between research groups and between institutions in several countries. That way, they hope the publication can serve as inspiration for younger colleagues.

Register now for the course ‘Large genetic studies in biobanks: from registries screening, to interpretation of GWAS and beyond’

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the NORBIS course ‘Large genetic studies in biobanks: from registries screening, to interpretation of GWAS and beyond’, which will take place at University of Oslo October 23-27, 2017. This course will cover challenges facing the use of biobanks and registries for large scale genetic analyses, and is organised by Stephanie Le Hellard.

You will find more details about the course and how to register here:

Registration ends September 15. NORBIS members will have priority, and we will cover travel expenses for our members, as usual. Note that this course runs without a UiO course code. We will provide a diploma describing the work load after the course, to be approved at your local institution. Also note that we need 15+ registered participants in order to run this course.

The Times They are a-changin

Ultrafiolett EysteinBob Dylan sings that it’s time to wake up for the times have changed; also for UiB and K2. The UiB Board made two decisions on June 1st that will affect us. One seems unimaginable; We are now going to be called “The Faculty of Medicine” – simple and straightforward, but at the same time clear and powerful. The second decision that Per Bakke is offered the position as Dean touches us more. I received the news with mixed feelings. I was very happy on Pers and my own behalf; The Faculty of Medicine receives a new and visionary leader. The backside, however, is that K2 will soon be without a leader.

Per has led the department through a major and extensive reorganization and has managed to get groups from different institutes to work well together with a low conflict level. Under Press Management, the business has had impressive growth. K2 researchers regularly publish in “top tier” journals, receive grants from national (K.G.-Jebsen, NFR, Cancer Society) and international funds and organizations (EU, Novo Nordisk). We have managed to pay off debt and have provided us with an action room that enables strategic measures to further improve the quality of research, teaching and dissemination.

Per, in other words, leaves an institute with good vitality and little obstructivity. When he on July 31st, extends his right arm with the baton, who is ready to grab it and the challenge of leading K2 futher?

The Department Management thinks that it will be possible to conduct own research while leading K2, as Per has shown possible with about 130 articles published since 2010. The new department head gets its own post-doc position, a reliable management and the ability to build up a senior management team – all to facilitate high academic activity.

We hope that «The Times They are a-changin» in a positive way and that many, both internal and external, see the opportunities that lie in the position of head of department and apply.


Gathering for Head of Department Per Bakke

bakke0x2c_per_0x2830x29You are hereby invited to a gathering for our dear Head of Department Per Bakke.  Per will be in a new and exciting position as Dean at the Faculty of Medicine in August. K2 then wishes to host a casual gathering for Per.

Time: Wednesday 28 June at. 12:00–1:00 pm.
Place: The hallway in the 8th floor, lab building
Everyone is invited to participate!

Please inform Ingvild Jonsvoll ( by Friday 23 June if you have the opportunity to come, so that we know how much cake we are ordering.

Please inform Julie Stavnes ( if you want to say a few words to Per.


Public PhD Defense, Week 25

Anna BergAnna Berg will defend her PhD thesis on Thursday, June 22nd, 2017
Trial lecture: Thursday, June 22nd, 2017 at 10:15 AM
Topic:  ”Biomarkers in gynecological oncoloy and their clinical implications”
Place:  Kvinneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 72
Public defense: Thursday, June 22nd, 2017 at 12:15 PM
Place:  Kvinneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 72
Title of dissertation:  ”Molecular alterations and diagnostic imaging in premalignant and malignant endometrial lesions for improved diagnosis and treatment”
1st opponent: Professor Jan Blaakær, Syddansk Universitet, Danmark
2nd opponent: Postdoktor Eva Colàs, Vall d’Hhebron Research Institute, Spania

Press release (in Norwegian)

Bioinformatics in Bergen | 2nd-3rd October 2017

This year’s Bioinformatics in Bergen (BiB) retreat takes place on the 2nd–3rd October at Solstrand hotel at Os.

The event is aimed at all local researchers working in fields related to bioinformatics and seeks to provide a framework in which researchers can meet, exchange ideas and create opportunities for networking and collaboration. The agenda will involve presentations from researchers within the Bergen area and guest speakers from abroad, as well as social and outdoor activities.

Thanks to financial support from the Bergen Research Foundation (BFS), there are no registration fees for the meeting; transportations, accommodations and meals will be covered. The event capacity is limited to 50 participants, we still have some seats available, so if you would like to attend please register your interest by replying to this link before 15th June 2017.

Public PhD Denfense, Week 24

jacob_holter_grundtJacob Holter Grundt will defend his PhD thesis on Thursday June 15th 2017
Trial Lecture:  Thursday June 15th 2017 at 10:15 AM
Topic:  ”Prevention strategies at the population Level to combat the obesity epidemic in children – role of sugar-sweetened bebarages”
Place: Auditoriet, Sykehuset Innlandet, Lillehammer
Public defense: torsdag, 15. juni 2017 kl: 12:15
Place:  Auditoriet, Sykehuset Innlandet, Lillehammer
Tilte of dissertation:  ”Biological and behavioral determinants of fetal and childhood Growth and risk of developing obesity”
1st opponent:  Professor Mark Hanson, University of Southhampton, U.K.
2nd opponent:  Professor Anne karen Jenum, Universitetet i Oslo

Press release (In Norwegian)

Public PhD Defense, Week 24

Kai TriebnerKai Philipp Triebner will defend his PhD thesis on Thursday, June 15th 2017
Trial lecture: Thursday, June 15th 2017 at 10:00 AM
Topic:  ”Hormonal contraceptives and respiratory health”
Place:  Auditoriet, Kvinneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 72
Public defense: Thursday, June 15th 2017 at 12:30 PM
Place:  Auditoriet, Kvinneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 72
Title of dissertation: Respiratory Health in aging women. The influence of menopause on asthma incidence and lung function decline”
1st opponent: Professor Charlotte Suppli Ulrik, København Universitet, Danmark
2nd opponent: Professor Laure Morin-Papunen, Universitetet i Oulu, Finland

Press relase (in Norwegian)


Public PhD Defense, Week 24

Knut Anders MosevollKnut Anders Mosevoll will defend his PhD thesis on Friday, June 15th, 2017
Trial lecture: Friday, June 15th, 2017 at 09:15 AM
Topic:  ”Storskalaanalyser: nytten av -omics i klinisk medisin”
Place:  Auditorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Friday, June 15th, 2017 at 11:15 AM
Place:  Auditorium 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation:  ”Cytokine profiles in inflammation”
1st opponent:  Førsteamanuensis Are Martin Holm, Universitetet i Oslo
2nd opponent: Førsteamanuensis Anders Dahm, Universitetet i Oslo

Press release (In Norwegian)

Belated OSCE

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasThanks to the OSCE-lad Ketil Grong for steady organization, motivation, arrangement and evaluation. And thanks to those who made assignments and contributed as examinators as well as timer/organizator.

For those who haven’t understood what this is; Objective Structured Clinical Exam, to replace traditonal oral examinations. Stations are made with a task that should be clinically directed, this year they had 14 different tasks that ran parallell in two ”rounds”
So every task duplicated; held in two different rooms with an examinator each. The students were doing 14 different assignments this time; tuning fork test, makroanatomi, identify heart structures, hypertension/ Control blood pressure, heartauscultation, throatpalpation, abdomen and rectal Exploration, joint status survey, Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation, talking and interpreting about normal EKG, case history (communication), microscopy/ evaluation of culturedishes, hip examination and finally geriatri (the latter post I don’t quite know what was about)

The OSCE-lad with a tenical assisstent rigged the day before (at the Medical Skills Center and the course rooms in the BBB building a few examiners stuck their head in. 32 students attended the exam, two ”resting stations” between the 14 active examinatior = 2,5 hours of active examinations, after 4 hours of clean-up.

Conclusion: the students were satisfied. The OSCE general tired (but satisfied?), but needs more PRACTICAL / ADMINISTRATIVE help next time

Challenges: Electronic solution for how to record earnings per station must immediately be procuted. When this is rolled out on a large scale; 160 students each spring 6th semester need more parallel circles and both area and equipment must be dobbled.

Next OSCE autum 2017 is November 8th. That assumes that ALL Groups from K2 with tuition allowance in 1st -6th semester (that means the Three first years of study) MUST prepare at least one station assignment each and have avaliable Three People who can be examinatior per ask one delivers. That means NO ordinary teaching this day. And it is assumed that you have peronnel availability (not a good day to plan/ go to a congress/Meetings)

Spring 2018 we’re have the first OSCE for the Whole class, that means 5 parallel sections. We will need 65 examinators and then it will definitely be FACULTY LOCKDOWN. The date will be announced early in the fall, so that Teachers can be allocated here.

But before that time: Happy Pentecost!


Award winners – Faculty day

vikseogdicksteinAt the Faculty Day we honour some of the best researchers within the medical field. Here are the award winners of 2017! We’ll get a visit from a famous researcher ,  read more about that here

This year we’re handing out Søren Falch ophthalmologist and ophthalmologist Sigrud Falchs price reward for outstanding leadership in medical research (Falch’s senior prize) in addition to Falch’s junior prize, which goes to highly skilled researchers younger than 40 years.

Falchs senior prize goes to: Kenneth Dickstein
Falchs junior prize goes to: Bjørn Egil Vikse

The event will be on Thursday June 8th, in Stort Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital.

WELCOME to join the 6th Building Bridges Symposium “Epigenetics in Clinical and Translational Research”, October 10-11, Biomedicum Helsin

6th Building Bridges Symposium Epigenetics in Clinical and Translational Research October 10-11, 2017 Biomedicum Helsinki, Finland

The Building Bridges symposia series is arranged to bridge clinical and basic/translational research and provide examples of how teams of investigators are working together towards a better understanding of the pathophysiology of disease and improved options for patient treatment and care.

The 6th Building Bridges symposium will highlight how epigenetics research can be leveraged to improve our understanding of health and disease.  We set the stage by learning about the basics:  What is epigenetics?  How can studying epigenetics enable precision medicine?  Then, with research-focused talks from clinical and translational researchers, we explore detailed examples of discovery, development, and application in the areas of 1) epigenomics, 2) cell differentiation in disease, and 3) epigenetic modifiers as drug targets.  We close the symposium by engaging the public in the future societal applications of epigenetics Research.

Join us for the latest insights into epigenetics and epigenomics research and a special outreach session to the general Public!

Participants:  The course is targeted both as an introduction to epigenetics as well as a demonstration of advancements in epigenetics research.  As such, the events are open to the entire scientific community.  Doctoral candidates wishing to learn about epigenetics, especially in relation to human health and disease, are encouraged to attend.

Organizers: Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG, Barcelona), EU-LIFE, University of Helsinki Doctoral Programmes in Biomedicine (DPBM), Clinical Research (KLTO), and Population Health (DocPop)

Road World Championship and UiB

UiB has an outstanding chance of being exposed to the TV broadcasts from the Road World Championships in Bergen. There has been established a good collaboration with the project manager on TV 2, Trond Ahlsen. Specifically, UiB, in collaboration with TV, wants to expose all the seven faculties to television and video / text in current programs and formats. The heading for the exposure is “public health”, but here is also the opening of different social perspectives in the cycling context: Environment – Transport – Exercise – Culture – History from the City and Western Norway – Geology – Nutrition – More general information about the buildings of UiB and our profile. The broadcast surfaces are ”Good Morning Norway”, the actual race broadcasts and evening shows, so there are many hours of TV to be filled with content.

Feel free to come with ideas for People, Research, education and others things that can be worked into Television broadcasts. Send it to Irene by Friday June 9th 2017

Entrepreneurship in Healthcare Course 2

Entrepreneurship in Healthcare Course 2 We are happy to announce Entrepreneurship in Healthcare, course 2. The course is meant for the best young health researchers and clinicians within the Nordic countries. The aim is to promote innovation and commersialisation of health research. Both UoB and NTNU sent several well qualified researchers to the Entrepreneurship in Healthcare Course 1. It is possible to send candidates direct to Course 2, although it is recommended that Course 1 is finished first.

Dead line for Application  June, 15th

More information here

The Faculty Day, June 8th 2017

The Faculty Day, June 8th, 2017 at 10.00–13.00, Stort Auditorium, Sentralblokken

Program and overview of the prize winners are here.

The annual Søren Falchs lecture will be held by Professor Fred (“Rusty”) Gage, San Diego, CA. He published in 1998 that the brain may develop new nerve cells in adult life. This discovery of brain plasticity occurs throughout life and represent a basis for regenerative medicine targeting replacement of damaged CNS tissue at for instance stroke, Alzheimers disease and trauma.

Fred Gage will talk on “Function and Regulation of Neurons born in the Adult Brain” Thursday June 8th at 11:00–11:45 in Store Auditorium.

Public PhD Defense, Week 23

karen_klepsland_maulandKaren Klepsland Mauland will defend her PhD thesis on Friday, June 9th, 2017
Trial lecture: Friday, June 9th, 2017 at 10:00 AM
Topic:  “The immune landscape in endometrial cancer, potential consequences for therapy”
Place: Auditoriet, Kvinneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 72
Public defense: Friday, June 9th, 2017 at 12:00 PM
Place: Auditoriet, Kvinneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 72
Title of dissertation:  “Context-related biomarkers in endometrial cancer. A study with focus on obesity and genomic alterations”
1st opponent: PhD Koen Van de Vijver, Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
2nd opponent: Førsteamanuensis Kristina Lindemann, Universitetet i Oslo

Press release (in Norwegian)

Public PhD Defense, week 22

Geir Olav Dahle will defend his PhD thesis on Wednesday, May 31st  2017
Trial lecture: Wednesday, May 31st  2017 at 10:15 AM
Topic: “Utslitt og avmagret kvinne med KOLS forverrelse. Respiratorisk støtte; hvilke alternativer finnes, hvordan og hvorfor?”
Place: Stort Auditorium, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Wednesday, May 31st  2017 at 12:15 PM
Place: Stort Auditorium, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation: “Cardiac Performance after Adrenergic blocker-enriched Blood Cardioplegia. – An evaluation of left ventricular function by Pressure Volume Loops and Myocardial Deformation”
1st opponent: Professor Vibeke Elisabeth Hjortdal, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark
2nd opponent: Professor Petter Aadahl, NTNU

Press release (in Norwegian)

The weeks editorial: ERC grants

HelgeThe ERC was created to address the need to develop long-term funding for researchers to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk/high-gain research where the intention is to establish excellent research environments in Europe. Scientific excellence is therefore the sole evaluation criterion for selecting the principal investigator and the scientific project. The ground-breaking nature and ambition of the project must be balanced by feasibility. In addition, the intellectual capacity, creativity and commitment of the principal investigator are evaluated. Proposals should cross the boundaries between different fields of research and ERC is welcoming pioneering proposals addressing new and emerging fields of Research.

Ultrafiolett EysteinThe principal investigator of an ERC Starting Grant shall have been awarded his or her first PhD degree > 2 and < 7 years ago, while this period for the ERC Consolidator Grant is > 7 and < 12 years. Clinical training, long-term illness, maternity- and paternity leaves can be taken into consideration when calculating the effective elapsed time.

The ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants are looking for independent young and mid-career scientists who may become the future top notch researchers and/or leaders in their research field. What could, in your case, be seen as proof of research independence? It is expected that the applicant will have produced at least one important publication as main author or without the participation of their PhD supervisor for Starting Grant candidates, and several such publications for Consolidator Grant candidates.

18052967_1319147584846673_870994871_nFor 2016, the success rate for Life Sciences proposals was 14 % for Starting and Consolidator Grant proposals; success rates which are in line with, or even higher than, similar programs from the Research Council of Norway.

We urge you to contact us if you consider applying for these grants during 2017 or 2018. The call for the Starting Grant will most likely open during summer 2017 and usually has deadline during October, while the Consolidator Grant call is expected to open during fall 2017 with the expected deadline during February 2018. In that respect, we want to make you aware of the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants Course arranged by the Division of Research Administration at UiB. 14459722_1114441688650598_195979061_nRepresentatives from the company Beacon Tech will guide you through the proposal elements and talk about presenting the research idea and yourself. You can book a session with them after lunch to discuss your idea and further questions. The course takes place 14 June at Hotel Ørnen and you can register via this link.

Helge, Eystein, Amra and Itana




Help us create a better faculty!

All employees at K1, K2 and IBM are invited to a general meeting at Stort Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital, Tuesday at 13.00 – 13.45.

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has started the evaluation of the reorganization of 2013 (called “Framtidens fakultet”). What has improved after this reorganization and still needs improvement? more information here (only in Norwegian)

At the meeting, the faculty leadership will give a short introduction to the work with the evaluation and address questions and comments from the audience.

Summed up:

WHAT: General meeting for all employees regarding the evaluation of the reorganization of the faculty of 2013 («Framtidens fakultet»)

WHERE: Stort Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital

WHEN: Tuesday May 23rd 2017 at 13.00 – 13.45

Public PhD Defense, Week 21

portrett_hall_schartum-hansen_xHall Schartum-Hansen will defend his PhD thesis on Tueday May 23rd 2017
Trial lecture: Tuesday May 23rd 2017 at 10:15 AM
Topic: ”New markers and impact of secular trends on cardiovascular risk prediction”
Place: Stort auditorium, HUS, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Jonas Lies vei 65
Public defense: Tuesday May 23rd 2017 at 12:15 PM
 Stort auditorium, HUS, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Jonas Lies vei 65
Title of dissertation: Determinants of long-term outcome in patients With cardiovascular disease. Choline oxidation and loop diuretics- cross – sectional and prospective relationships in large Norwegian cohorts of patients With suspected or verified coronary heart disease”
1st opponent: Professor Stefan Agewall, Universiy of Oslo
2nd opponent: Professor Henrik Schirmer, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway

Press release  (Link in Norwegian)

New names

Sushma Bartaula-BrevikWe present Sushma Bartaula, PhD from University of Bergen. Sushma started her work in May 2017 as a post doctor at K2 and works in Burseruds Research Group (G5).
She will work on characerizing the pathways in leukemia cells from pations With acute myelogen leukemia, and especially the interaction wand communication betwen diffrent signaling pathways, under the guidance of Professor Øystein Bruserud. If anyone wants to say hello, you can find her in the 3rd floor of the lab-building


Innovation seminar this coming week

helgeNext week, innovation is in focus. Together with the Department of Biomedicine, we have invited Ulf Landegren, Professor of Molecular Medicine at the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology and SciLifeLab, in Uppsala to hold the CCBIO / BBB seminar on Thursday 11.5 at 1430 in Auditorium 4, BBB.

In addition, there will be a lecture on innovation at 8.30 at BBB, room 9A109 on the 9th floor aimed at research group leaders. There will also be an opportunity to meet Ulf for individuall conversation. If you like to have an individual meeting with Ulf we your need feedback, preferably within the next Tuesday through email to Eystein or Helge.

Ultrafiolett EysteinUlf Landegren is distinguished both through outstanding scientific efforts, but also because he has over 40 patents and applications that have been commercialized. He has started a total of six companies and two of them have been sold to Affymetrix and Agilent, respectively.

We hope to see you at a seminar with Ulf Landegren next week.

Good weekend wishes

Eystein og Helge