Who gets this year’s teaching award?

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasTeaching is one of our core activities and we want it to be given good education at K2. Pedagogical skills will be emphasized when recruting academic positions and salary negotiation.

Conversion to Medicine in 2015 an enormous boost, thanks to everyone who helps out in both in semester boards and as educators and administrators! Also thanks to those who are Department mentors for students in early practice (this is where we can lay the foundation for an interest in Our own Field and emerge as good role models) as well as those who have taken on the leadership of their own mentor Groups.

Teaching the new curriculum be restructured from substantial traditional cathedral lectures to considerably more varied and student activating teaching methods.

Are you familiar with educational activities / principles PBL, TBL, flipped classroom or case-based teaching? Otherwise, I recommend educational foundation or any of the other courses at educational Department UiB (for example: Hot Moments in Teaching and Learning). Lectures will of course not be abolished but it has been shown that VARIETY in educational activities promote learning and that different teaching methods should be “tailored” to the kind of skill that must be learned. Then comes the concept of learning. Once it’s clear to us what we want the student to learn with the teaching tools at your disposal can then choose the best teaching Method.

At this year’s Teaching Price (NOK 50,000!), We want to honor an educator or an educational environment that has shown great interest in implementing new teaching; New study with other education than we have had in the past, new teaching methods, developed new courses (for example elective courses); Thus INNOVATION in education.
I would like to have nominated candidates, send reasoned proposals for me on jone.trovik@med.uib.no within March 10th!

Multiple Choice Database (MCQ) is being established, we have started testing data solution. It’s only for all educators to initiate to create tasks from their individual topics: a small case history with one more question and four alternative answers there ONE answer should  clearly be the best. We must add validation / comment for at least one of the available options. If each of us makes A puzzle of each lecture / group we teach the database will be kept up in volume. Questions should be validated by another teacher than yourself and happily send it to a student (who have finished the current installment) or a newly appointed assistant doctor who can ensure that the questions are relevant to the target group of students (and not just for the enthusiast professors …). Good luck!

And remember Teaching Day 27th April!






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