Monthly Archives: October 2014

Instrumentation at Department of Clinical Science

Roland JonssonDepartment of Clinical Science has a great repertoire of more or less advanced scientific instruments. Officially all equipment placed in the space of the institute belongs to the university. Everybody is certainly welcome to use them but we should exploit this with care. In addition, certain rules have to be followed – below these are listed:

Golden rules for users of instruments at Department of Clinical Science

• Always ask for permission to use an instrument before you start using it.

• Contact details for the person responsible for the instrument are noted on the instrument or at the entrance of the room where it is placed.

• Always obtain proper training before using the equipment.

• Always report to the person responsible for the instrument if experiencing problems.

• Always register in the user book belonging to the instrument.

The complete list of instrumentation belonging to our institute can be seen here:

It is important for us to keep the lists for new instrumentation updated. When you have received a new instrument – please report this to

Also wishes for new instruments/equipment can be sent/delivered to

Please note that equipment belonging to our three core facilities is under the auspices of the core facility staff and with their own administration.

Good luck with all technicalities


Obituary: Claus Ola Solberg

Solberg, Claus OlaOur dear colleague and friend Professor Emeritus, and former Dean, Head of Institute and Chief Physician, Claus Ola Solberg, passed away in his home in Fana on October 20, 83 years old. His funeral will take place in Fana Church today, Friday October 31, at 12:00. Anyone who wishes to is welcome to attend the funeral and the subsequent memorial in the chapel.
Read more here (in Norwegian)

HSE inspections at K2 December 2014

Advarsel skiltHSE-inspections is a review of locales, equipment and working methods in order to map out any potential risks for disease and injury to staff, environment and materials, as well as a consideration of necessary implementations.  Issues related to fire safety and external environment (i.e. dangerous waste and emissions) should also be evaluated.  Examples of issues to be mapped out are defective and substandard furniture and equipment, noise pollution, lack of proper lighting, reduced air quality, heat, messy and unhygienic working conditions or blocked escape routes.

HSE-inspection rounds will be carried at K2:

December 2, 1300 – 1600 in the Laboratory Building

December 3, 0900 – 1100 at the Children’s clinic

December 8, 1000 – 1200 at the Women’s clinic

Link to checklist of issues to be inspected are found at (in Norwegian)

All research groups must review the checklist and report and follow-up any deviances. Week 46 is deadline for submission of form to Irene Hjelmaas

A psychosocial work environment mapping will take place in early 2015, led by the HSE-sections.

Academic-pedagogical day February 6, 2015

Centre for Continuing Education is inviting all the academic sections at UiB to propose presentation topics for the academic day.  The presentations may be in the form of a typical lecture lasting one to two hours, but the academic sections may also choose to put together lecture series or mini seminars within an academic field or subject.  In High School a multitude of subjects are taught in different education programmes featuring a lot of cross-disciplinary project work, and topics from academic sections at all faculties and academic units are therefore relevant as lecture topics.
For more information (in Norwegian)
Deadline for submitting presentation topics is November 20. Topics are suggested via this link

Newsletter from the organizational development project at UiB

forsidecollage_2The University of Bergen has initiated an organizational development project in order to improve the services offered by the Central administration. The aim is that all employees should be familiar with the project. The project website is a main channel of information for the employees. In addition a newsletter has been sent out regarding the project. Click here to read the newsletter ( in Norwegian)

Reasearch presentations from 2014

The research school in clinical medicine invites you to present your work to fellow researchers and the general audience. If you have presented a poster or had an oral presentation at a scientific meeting or a conference in 2014, you are welcome to submit your work. There will be arranged a poster exhibition , january 26-30, 2015 and oral presentations january 29, 2015. Prizes will be awarded to the three best presentations in each category! For more information.

Registartion deadline: 1st of December 2014.

Are we in control of the system, or are we its slaves? – some thoughts prior to the Health-Safety –Environment (HSE) seminar

Eystein 2Next week it is again time for the annual K2 HSE-seminar. As an attendant you will learn more about cooperation and work joy – important factors which contribute to making K2 a good place to work.
I am currently reading Sapiens – a Brief History of Humankind written by Israeli historian Yuval Harari. The book presents a fascinating overview of the history of Homo Sapiens – the wise human – or to use Harari’s expression: The deadliest species in the annals of biology.
One of the major upheavals in our history was the agricultural revolution which occurred in the Middle East approximately 12000 BC. Prior this this, Homo Sapiens was a hunter and gatherer (forager) moving around to wherever food was available. The agricultural revolution was brought about by knowledge on how to grow and cultivate wheat. Traditionally this is portrayed as a major historical advancement but Harari asks the question: did humans take control of the wheat or did the wheat take control of humans? The agricultural revolution made Homo Sapiens into relatively immobile farmers who had to work more and harder – sow, weed, fertilize and irrigate under a merciless sun. From being a relatively free individual capable of moving around and gather and hunt a diverse diet, the food now became less varied, and he/she became more vulnerable to how climate and weather affected the crops. As a result, malnutrition, hunger and death were constant threats. Furthermore unaccustomed, repetitive and unphysiological tasks brought new diseases and ailments related to strain. However, the great advantage was more efficient food production providing enough food to feed many more mouths. Cities and societies grew around the farming fields, but with them came disease and wars. The presumed advancement, which quickly turned out to be irreversible, had a lot of negative side effects.
Many parallels can be drawn to recent history. When I started working with research as a student we did not have PCs, www, or e-mail, all of which today have become indispensable (?) aids. Before, a letter would be written if one had something important to say. Now all of us spew out e-mails in at an ever increasing rate and quantity. Are we in control of the IT-revolution or have we become its slaves? – and how does this affect HSE at K2?
This is something we can perhaps think about while we await the HSE-seminar on November 05.
See you there!
Eystein Husebye
Acting Head of Department


slettomGrete Slettom will have her public defence on Monday October 27, 2014
Trial lecture: Monday October 27, 2014, 10:30
Topic: “Treatment of acute myocardial infarction. How could patient outcome be further improved?”
Public defence: Monday October 27, 2014, 12:15
Place: Aud. 2, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “A systematic approach to the use of insulin to prevent reperfusion injury in porcine ST-elevation myocardial infarction”
1. opponent: MD, PhD Jose PS Henriques, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2. opponent: Professor Rune Wiseth, NTNU, Trondheim
Poster  and press release both in Norwegian

Global-Dagens_medicin_norge-Bilder-Portretter-Vegard Skalstad Ellensen 250Vegard Skalstad Ellensen will have his public defence on Monday October 27, 2014
Trial lecture: Monday October 27, 2014, 10:30
Topic: “Perifer arteriesykdom i et globalt perspektiv. Hvordan endres epidemiologiske forhold og behandling?”
Public defence: Monday October 27, 2014, 12:15
Place: Aud. 1, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Intimal hyperplasia. Experimental and clinical studies”
1. opponent: Professor Martin Björck, Uppsala University, Sweden
2. opponent: Professor Truls Myrmel, University of Tromsø
Poster  and press release both in Norwegian

Norwegian Nobel Prize Physiology or Medicine

Eystein Husebye6 October came with the news that May-Britt and Edvard Moser together with the British neuroscientist John O’Keefe were this year’s winners of the Nobel Price in Physiology or Medicine, a fantastic achievement. The UiB newsletter “På Høyden” comments in an article 8 October that it is not only the researchers themselves that have been focused in their work, the research leaders at NTNU, The Norwegian Research Council of Norway and the Ministry of Education and Research, and The Kavli Foundation have all pulled in the same direction, providing close to 600 million Norwegian kroners to the Moser group until now.

However, the success is not only about funding. A good framework and research-promoting environment is also paramount. One of the factors that professor May-Britt Moser mentions is mobility and temporary positions. She asks: Would the Norwegian football team Rosenborg have had so much success if every player had a permantent employment? The best research groups have a lot of mobility – people come and go; only the very best stay on and built their own groups. Her conclusion is that Norway needs to apply the American tenure track system. Young talents should have a 5-7 year period to qualify for a permanent position, and not everybody will succeed.

The minister of Education and Research now invites our Universities to a dialogue on how to improve Norwegian research. We have the chance to argue for increased mobility and how to foster an environment that can create new success stories such as the Moser’s have. It is therefore my hope that it will not take 113 years before the next Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded to a Norwegian researcher working in Norway.

Eystein Husebye

Acting Head of Department

Noise in the hallways- 8th floor, Lab-building

We have received information that many PhD-Candidates working in the open office area on the 8th floor of the Laboratory Building often find it difficult to concentrate on the work due to noise coming from the hallways. Thus we kindly ask everyone to bear this in mind and take care so that not too much noise is generated in the hallways.


Seminar on Research Politics 2014

The Norwegian Association of Researchers is inviting to a seminar focusing on research politics.  The title of this year’s seminar is “The bigger, the better?  Structure and quality in the education- and research sector”.  For more information click here (in Norwegian). Form for signing up click here (in Norwegian)

Time: Monday November 3, 9:30 – 15:30
Place:  Hotell Bristol, Oslo


New Publications

Week 42/2014.

Sex differences in cardiovascular outcome during progression of aortic valve stenosis.
Cramariuc D, Rogge BP, Lønnebakken MT, Boman K, Bahlmann E, Gohlke-Bärwolf C, Chambers JB, Pedersen TR, Gerdts E.
Heart. 2014 Oct 9. PMID: 25301859

Based on last week’s search forDepartment of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Skill training in the medicine curriculum

Eva GerdtsIt is time for moose hunting and autumn break, and practical skills are probably useful in both. In the professional medicine curriculum, training of practical skills is also important. Many of these skills were earlier obtained during the medical internship (turnustjenesten), but must now be incorporated into the study curriculum. A national competence list is being worked out and will provide guidelines for what skills must be taught in the medicine curriculum, also here at UiB. However, we as academic lecturers, have to organize and quality assure training in these skills within the curriculum.

Practical training periods at collaborative hospitals are important arenas for skill training, as well as the skill laboratory. On 17.09.14 we conducted a meeting on harmonization of requirements regarding skills and skill training in the 3rd medical term, and a new approval card is currently being developed, and will be introduced starting spring 2015. Remember that the requirements for completed service are, together with exams, what guides the students’ learning and training. In cooperation with K1, an expert group has now been established with the responsibility of developing the training which will be offered at the skill center. Head of this group is Associate Professor Steinar Skrede. Do you have any input as to what skills should be focused on related to your own teaching area? If so, please initiate a discussion on this topic with other teachers in your area.

Miniseminar on projects for mutation analyses of sarcoma as starting point for individualized treatment

NCGC (National Cancer Genetics Consortium, led by Ola Myklebost) collaborates witch clinicians in order to map mutations and molecular biological mechanisms which many serve as a starting point for individualized targeted treatment of various tumor types. A national mapping of mutations related to a high-grade sarcoma (NoSarC) is planned. One of NCGC’s international collaboration partners is Professor David Thomas, director of The Kinghorn Cancer Institute at The Garvan Institute for Medical Research in Sydney, Australia. David Thomas is a well renowned oncologist engaged in both clinical, molecular and cell biology research.

Ola Myklebost wishes to invite all oncologists at the Department of Oncology/Barneklinikken, the doctors at the research post, as well as all members of the sarcoma group at HUS to a small seminar with David Thomas. Ola Myklebost will give a brief introduction to NoSarC. Next, David Thomas will give a lecture on International Sarcoma Kindred Study (a global genetic, biological, epidemiological and clinical mapping of questions related to hereditary sarcoma) as well as on a new personalized strategy for clinical trials involving rare cancer diseases where it is very difficult to prove effects of medication targeting specific attributes in tumors with certain mutations.

Time and place: Monday October 13 at 10-12, Laboratory building, 6th floor, seminar room 6.1-6.2.

Seminar at the KG Jebsen Center for Diabetes Research

KGJ gruppen mars 2014. Sv-Hv.JPGTwice a year the KG Jebsen Center for Diabetes Research is arranging a one-day seminar for all participants of the center. Thursday September 25th, the focus was on international collaboration.

It has become a tradition to hold the seminar at Urdihuset. In pleasant surroundings members meet to discuss and share research experience, all with the same goal: to promote diabetes research.

Professor Anne Christine Johannessen, the Vice-Rector for international affairs at the University of Bergen, was invited to open the seminar. She gave a nice overview of agreements that UiB holds with institutions throughout the world. She presented strategies, possibilities, and founding opportunities to promote internationalization for both education and research.

Next, inspiring talks were given by Professor Pål. R. Njølstad , Postdoctor Simon Dankel, Professor Anders Molven and Associate Professor Jørn Sagen. They shared their experience from research stays in the States, including Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Harvard Medical School, University of Chicago, and Baylor College of Medicine. They all emphasized the importance of travelling abroad, to get inspiration and ideas, to start new collaborations, to get access to patient cohorts, and not least to meet new people. They also gave examples of how coincidences can lead to fruitful collaborations, followed by publications in high impact journals such as Nature, Cell and PNAS . Continue reading

Norwegian Language Courses for Employees at UiB and their Partners

The Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies offer courses in Norwegian Language and Culture for employees at UiB, as well for their partners. In order to apply you must have a 100% engagement at UiB for a minimum period of 6 months. All qualified applicants who apply before the deadline 1 November will be offered a seat for one of the courses.
For more information and application form

Call for apllications for funding of collaboration between higher education institutions in Norway and institutions in Canada, China, Japan, Russia, the Republic of Korea and the United States

SIUThe Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) is a Norwegian public sector agency that promotes international cooperation in education and research.The High North Programme supports collaboration between higher education institutions in Norway and institutions in Canada, China, Japan, Russia, the Republic of Korea and the United States in order to increase knowledge about the High North. Accredited Norwegian higher education institutions, public and private, may apply to the High North Programme.

The programme has three project categories;
• long-term project cooperation (four year projects up to NOK 2 million per project)
• limited cooperation activities (two year projects up to NOK 300 000 per project)
• preparatory visits for projects with a main partner in China, Japan or the Republic of Korea (up to NOK 70 000)

Deadline November 5th, 2014. For more information (In norwegian)

A final thank you from the outgoing editor

This week’s K2Nytt is my last as editor. Starting next week, Ida Wergeland will take control over the editorial staff. In that respect I want to say a few words.

I started as co-editor in IFI-info in the autumn of 2012, with responsibility for the publications, and took over as editor in the autumn of 2013. In the two years I have been a part of the editorial staff there have been three major changes with our newsletter. The two first was mainly carried out by K2Nytt’s previous editor, André Sulen.

First, we created an English version of the newsletter, which essentially doubled the work load of the editorial staff, but was a great improvement because it became easier for our international colleagues and students to keep track of what is going on at the institute.
Then the faculty was completely reorganised at New Year’s 2012/2013. This turned IFI-info into K2Nytt. The gathering of research groups that used to be on different departments gave us more viewpoints on how the newsletter should be. We have tried to make K2Nytt into a newsletter for everyone, regardless of the department they belonged to before the reorganisation, and I hope we have succeeded at that.

In the autumn of 2013 we implemented the third major change. The server in which K2Nytt (and IFI-info) used to be stored was closed, and we had to find a new way to make the newsletter. We decided to use a blog format with WordPress. The transition itself took considerable work, but for the editorial staff it was a great improvement compared to the old PDF-format, since the editing of K2Nytt became much easier and more efficient. At the same time, the blog format is less flexible, and we did not manage to make it look just the way we wanted. Hopefully, this is something that can be improved in the future.

Finally, I want to mention the editorial staff. The total workload of making K2Nytt is about 1,5-3 days per week. This work is divided between a team of competent people. The editor, as well as Kristian Jensen, write and translate the texts, Lars Emil Mossefinn and Klaus Rehberg publish the texts and find suitable illustrations, Olivera Bozickovic takes care of the publications and finds a new PhD-comics (K2Nytt’s weekly highlight) and Irene Lavik Hjelmaas keeps control of the pages in the overhead menu and helps out when needed. In addition, Corina Guder collects application deadlines and meetings/courses of interest for the Department’s employees and students. Our new editor, Ida, has been an extra back-up in case of disease. I would like to thank you all for the great work you have done this last year, and for making the job as editor fun and rewarding!
Additionally, I want to thank the readers for your patience, for tipping us of things to write about, and for good and constructive feedback!

At last, I want to wish Ida good luck as editor in the months ahead!

Christine Haugen
Outgoing editor of K2Nytt

Election of safety representatives

Four safety representatives (two from the lab building, one from the Women’s Clinic and one from Children’s Clinic) and two deputy safety representatives shall be elected to represent the Department of Clinical Science. Summary of protected areas and current safety representatives are on the University’s Employee Pages, under Safety Representatives.All employees has the right to propose candidates. Proposed candidates for safety representatives and deputy safety representative should be sent to Synnøve Myhre, use this form, deadline Tuesday October 21st. The election should be held no later than Tuesday, November 11th. For more information about the process (in Norwegian).