You are all invited to the luncheon next Tuesday, 13’th December.
All you need to do, is to send me an e-mail ( before 12’th of December that you will like to attend.
Network luncheons are a great opportunity getting to know fellow PhD candidates and their Projects.
We will serve you a warm lunch (FREE OF CHARGE) after the presentations.
If you have any allergies or are vegetarian, please let me know ( and we will fix
Please join us 13’th of December, 11.30 in the conference room (109F), 3’rd floor BBB (under the stairs, vis-a-vis the auditoriums).
Remember, if you are signed up in Studentweb to get credit point, you need to attend three luncheons in total, one in which you present yourself.
Importantly, you do not have to be signed up to attend, the luncheons are for all PhD candidates
We have two speakers this day with interesting topics (10 minutes each talk):
Håvard Forsmo
«Pre- and postoperative stoma education reduces length of hospital stay in colorectal surgery»
Katina Dingtorp Handeland
» Fatty fish intake and cognitive performance in healthy Norwegian adolescents: a 12-week randomized controlled intervention trial»