REMINDER – Invitation to the 4th Norwegian Microbiology Meeting (NoMi-16)


Dear microbiologists, post docs, researchers, master- and PhD students

The registration for the NoMi-16 meeting is closing soon.
There are only a few spaces left at a reduced conference price, so hurry up
and register!

“The 4th Norwegian Microbiology Meeting” (NoMi-16) on April 13th – 15th
2016, Quality Hotel & Resort, Sarpsborg

The vision for this event is to create an arena for researchers and PhD
students within microbiology to meet, socialize, make friendship, and
exchange knowledge. In addition to PhD students presenting their work,
internationally well recognized speakers and a representative from industry
are invited to the conference to give a talk. Besides the PhD students,
master students and post docs are particularly encouraged to participate.

Registration deadline: 15th of march 2016

You can register to the conference by following this link.
Registration will remain open until 15th of March or until the conference is
fully booked. Note that there is a limitation in number of early bird
spaces, the first 50 registered attendees will get a reduced price!

The first 50 registered attendees will get a reduced price. The price for a single room is NOK 3200,- per person for two nights, and the price for
a double room is NOK 2800.- per person for two nights.
The prices include all meals, accommodation and entrance to the Inspiria
science center.

All other participants will have to pay a conference fee equivalent to the
accommodation cost. The price for a single room is NOK 4200,- per person for
two nights, and the price for a double room is NOK 3800,- per person for two
nights. The prices include all meals, accommodation and entrance to the
Inspiria science center.

Participant may also attend the conference without accommodation, for
one/two/three days NOK 650/1300/1800. The prices include all meals and
entrance to the Inspiria science center.

Delegates, based on abstracts, will be chosen by the NoMi-16 organizing
committee to give an oral presentation or present a poster of their work at
the conference. The selected PhD students will be notified by the 1th of
April by the latest.

In order to register abstract please fill out the registration form (attatched word
document) and send it to the following e-mail addresses:
Julia Isabel Tandberg:
Sarah Finke:

More info will be posted about the event on the NoMi-16 homepage.
If you have any questions, small or big, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Best regards and hope to see you at Quality Hotel & Resort, Sarpsborg in
April 2016

The NoMi organizing committee

Price information
Preliminary programme
Registration form
Inspiria Science Center

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