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Tittel: Can marine proteins protect against type 2 diabetes?
Foreleser: Lise Madsen, leder for Dyreavdelingen, Klinisk institutt 1, UiB
Moderator: Jutta Dierkes
Tid: Onsdag 18. oktober 2023 kl. 14.30-15.30
Sted: Aud. 4, BB-bygget
Studies investigating the relationship between intake of marine proteins and development of obesity and type 2 diabetes are inconclusive. Discrepancies between different prospective studies may relate to variations in type and amount of seafood intake and preparation methods and the degree of obesity in the population. Seafood may mediate its action through omega-3-derived lipid mediators such as endocannabinoids and oxylipins. However, evidence from animal trials demonstrate that other constituents of seafood, such as the fish protein per se can modulate development of obesity and diabetes.
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