Author Archives: hbe012

Happy Sunday!

The Sabbath (from Hebrew (שבת) means ceasing and was first used in bible context for the seventh day of creation. It is a religious day for rest, worship, party and / or activities within several religions. Sabbatical year or more precise named research term, is a good thing for academics. For many years, the universities have had this as a strategic asset because the knowledge society is international. Internationalization and stronger contact with international academic communities contribute to raising the quality of research and education. Research term is possible for permanent employed professors after six years of earning (in 100% position), allowing them to take their families abroad for a year, giving a great opportunity for new knowledge and new networks. The social dimension is also important by the ability to meet a new culture, make new friends, and come closer together as a family.

Research term abroad is strongly recommended for all permanent professors. Because the value of the university is so great, foreign stays should be a requirement for professor competence. There can of course be social reasons why this is difficult to implement. There is actually another interesting opportunity: What about spending the research term at the Center for Advanced Study in Oslo? Here you will find offices, meeting rooms and more for you and researchers you want to associate with you from home and abroad. The Center was created by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Every year there are hosts for three research groups. On the basis of proposals received, the groups are selected by the board after group leaders, proposed international partners and the projects have been through international evaluation. The Center will strengthen basic research and provide close collaboration between Norwegian and foreign researchers. The budget for each research group is 3.5 million NOK for project costs, scholarships, free purchases of foreign researchers, as well as housing, travel, conference and seminar expenses. The application deadline is mid-January 2019 for the academic year 2020-21.

I have had a research term in Boston at the Harvard Medical School in Boston and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in addition to being a postdoc at the University of Chicago. These stays have been central to my career as researcher plus that it has actually been very fun. Soon, I will go to Boston for a new stay at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, this time for six months. Eystein Husebye will be Acting Head of Department, thank you very much for that. See you all nest Spring!


Leftover holidays for 2018

The summer is over for most of us and its’s time to plan any leftover holidays for 2018.

Deadline for registering leftover holiday is 01.10.2018, and we remind that taking holidays is a right and a duty. It is important that all employees have cleared their holiday balance in advance of the end of the year. Therefore we request that any application for transferring holidays also be sent in no later than 01.10.2018. Registering holidays and application for any transfer is done in the HR-Portal.

Information about holidays and how to register holidays can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding Holidays and registering please contact HR Consultant:
Elin Myhrvold
Telefon: 55972954

(Norwegian) Satsingsområdet klima og energiomstilling (KE) ved UiB inviterer til temadag

Satsingsområdet klima og energiomstilling (KE) ved UiB inviterer til temadag 5. november 2018 på Realfagbygget, UiB.

Formålet med temadagen er å gjøre satsingsområdet kjent for fagmiljøene og å gi fagmiljøene mulighet til å være med å utforme det faglige innholdet. Spesielt håper vi å mobilisere nye fagmiljøer slik at bredden av fagkompetansen på UiB kan tas i bruk for å møte utfordringene knyttet til klima og energiomstilling.

Temadagen er åpen for alle ansatte ved UiB, men påmelding er obligatorisk.

Her er link til påmeldingsskjema og påmeldingsfrist er 22. oktober.

Program for temadagen

·       Status for satsingsområdet KE

·       Gruppearbeid om de fire tematiske satsingene havvindbærekraftig areal- og ressursbruknullutslippstransport og vannets kretsløp

·       Gruppearbeid om nye, potensielle tematiske satsinger innen KE

·       Oppsummering og planer for vegen videre for KE

CCBIO seminar: What is Scientific Excellence?

Welcome to a CCBIO Special Seminar September 19th with the title “What is Scientific Excellence”.

CCBIO is a Norwegian Centre of Excellence. But what do we understand by excellence? One commonsensical notion is close to circular: “Excellent research is research that can be published in excellent journals”. In this special seminar, we wish to go deeper into the issue of quality and excellence in science. Participants in the debate include Bruce Zetter (Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital) and Merle Jacob (Lund University) as well as Lars A. Akslen and Roger Strand from the CCBIO.

The seminar is organized as part of the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership, in the CCBIO Seminar series as a CCBIO Special Seminar.

When: 19. September 2018, 13:00-16:00 (+ time for pizza-get-together afterwards)

Where: Auditorium 4, BB-building, at Haukeland University Hospital campus.

13.00 Lars Akslen/Roger Strand: Welcome
13.05 Bruce Zetter: Thoughts on Excellence
13.30 Merle Jacob: Thoughts on Excellence
13.55 Lars Akslen: Thoughts on Excellence
14.05-14.30 Intermission with refreshments
14.30 Roger Strand: Introduction to debate
14.40-15.50: Panel debate with questions and comments from the audience
15.50-16.00: Lars Akslen: Concluding words

Open for all: researchers, educators, postdocs, students, technicians and other staff, all over the UiB. No registration.

We know that all great minds also need food, so after the lectures and debate, we invite to a pizza-get-together in the lobby outside of the auditorium where we can continue the exchange of ideas and experiences.

Open research seminar on Cancer-Related Vascular Biology

Open research seminar with speakers Michael Rogers and Bruce Zetter from Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Michael Rogers’ talk: “Validation of Anthrax Toxin Receptor 2 (Antxr2/CMG2) as a Target for Small Molecule Antiangiogenic Therapy.” Bruce Zetter’s talk: “Drug discovery for treating metastatic cancers.”

Welcome to an open research seminar, hosted by CCBIO as part of the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership, in the CCBIO Seminar series as a CCBIO Special Seminar.

The seminar is part of a 3 week course in Cancer-Related Vascular Biology, but as an open research seminar for those who would like to attend the lectures by our Harvard colleagues, but do not wish to follow the entire course. It is open for all, no registration, and no charge.

First speaker is Assistant Professor Michael Rogers from the Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Title: “Validation of Anthrax Toxin Receptor 2 (Antxr2/CMG2) as a Target for Small Molecule Antiangiogenic Therapy.”

Second speaker is Professor Bruce Zetter, Boston Children’s Hospital, and Charles Nowiszewski Professor of Cancer Biology, Surgery, Harvard Medical School.

Title: “Drug discovery for treating metastatic cancers.”

When: Thursday September 20th 09:00-12:00:

09:00-10:00 Michael Rogers

10:00-11:00 Coffee and discussion

11:00-12:00 Bruce Zetter

Where: Auditorium 4, BB-building, at Haukeland University Hospital campus.

You are all welcome!

Reminder! CCBIO course: Cancer-Related Vascular Biology

CCBIO is happy to introduce a new course in the CCBIO Research School for Cancer Studies portfolio! We have teamed up with experienced researchers from the Vascular Biology Program at Harvard Medical School, through the CCBIO-INTPART program, for a comprehensive course on Cancer-Related Vascular Biology.

More information about the course is found here.

Course dates:

  • Course week 1: September 17-21 2018. Program is available here.
  • Course week 2: October 1-5 2018
  • Course week 3: Date not set, will be late 2018 or early 2019.


Please use this registration form.

Deadline is September 10th 2018.

Dr Einar Martens’ Lecture 2018

“Dissecting Amygdala Cell and Circuit Function: Translation to Anxiety and Fear-Related Disorders”

Prof. Kerry RESSLER, Chief Scientific Officer, McLean Hospital Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Where: Audit.2, BBB, Haukeland University Hospital

When: Thursday 27 September 2018 14:15-15:15

Dr. Ressler’s research focuses on fear and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). His group uses well-established mouse models to examine different aspects of fear learning and investigate the role of different brain regions, in particular the amygdala, in fear processing. Furthermore, the lab examines how these mechanisms may be involved in the development of fear-based disorders, such as PTSD, phobic disorders, and panic disorder. Utilizing data collected from human clinical populations, Dr. Ressler and his team identify genetic traits and neural processes that may contribute to the underlying causes of these illnesses and provide novel targets for animal models research. Dr Ressler research is pioneering in explaining biological mechanisms in psychiatric disorders which are relevant for the Biological Psychiatry field.

Refreshments (coffee, tea and cakes) will be served at the lecture!

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 18 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

Continue reading

“FAKE SCIENCE”: How to avoid the predators?

Only a few weeks after my first published article I received an invitation in my email-inbox to present at an international congress. Imagine; the big scientific community wanted to hear more about my amazing research! Very flattering for a (not quite) young but still junior PhD fellow. Luckily, I had a supervisor who quickly grounded and explained that this was not an invitation as a lecturer with covered travel and stay expenses but a, for her, totally unknown congress/organization so the invitation was relocated in the spam bin. But thereafter still more and diverse variants of inquiries are being delivered: publish articles, write book chapters and immediately be appointed as co- or chief -editor!

It is not only me who receives such inquiries; The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has conducted thorough investigative journalism by their “Fake Science”-project and thoroughly documented methodology and findings in Aftenposten’s Weekly magazine last Saturday. Researchers are fooled to pay for “Open Access” (principally great that science is widely available) but not in junk journal without thorough peer review and quality assurance! If the results have been published in such a substandard “predator” journal these results may never be published in a proper scientific journal and all the hard work is wasted/worthless. And to attend a congress to present and discuss hard-earned findings to realize that the whole conference is a small room where the other speakers either do not show up (they have already received their proof of participation) or present completely different disciplines than yours (computer algorithms, cognitive psychology, literary science and packaging technology in the same session) make participation completely scientifically worthless and time & money is completely wasted.

Here are some suggestions on how to avoid being caught by predator journals/ congresses:

– Ask  your supervisor / a senior scientist or clinical colleagues. Is this a magazine / congress / congress organizer they are familiar with? It is rare to be invited to an international lecture without knowing the invitees. Additionally, it is typical that there is nothing about coverage of travel and stay.

Check the magazine / organizer’s website:

-Are the names of the editorial board stated? Are these familiar in your field of expertise’s international/national environment? I checked the organizer of Congress of Cancer diagnosis & treatment hosted in Oslo the 2nd-3rd of August 2018; not a single Norwegian co-organizer, and not one scientist I had ever heard of. Searching through PubMed I found little correspondence between the named scientists and their specified workplaces. These were definitely not renowned scientists!

-Does the journal have information about its bibliography? E.g. which databases it is indexed in.

-Avoid these organizers: WASET, OMICS, Sciencedomain and Bioevents.

-Be are aware of names that are almost entirely similar to a journal you actually know: The International Journal of your field, may be named Journal of International your field or International Clinical & Research in your field.

To avoid violation of publication ethics: This has formerly been published as a commentary in På Høyden, 21stof August 2018.

New travel agency

DIFI has entered into a new framework agreement on behalf of public sector agencies resulting in the appointment of G Travel as the University of Bergen’s travel agent.

Please find an information and welcome letter from G Travel attached.

UiB employees who arrange and book trips for others will receive their own e-mail from G Travel.

There are many who have existing orders for future trips with our old supplier Berg-Hansen, in relation to which we advise the following:

Existing orders

Existing orders will remain with Berg -Hansen. You can find these in your travel folder on and in the App.

If you need to change or cancel existing travel contacts at Berg Hansen’s customer center at 08050 or

Receipts and attachments for completed travel are available in your travel folder at

Questions regarding the new agency, use issue-tracker.

More information can be found here.

(English) Ønsker du/dere en masterstudent?

Masterprogrammet i biomedisin ønsker å få en oversikt over aktuelle masteroppgaveprosjekt, og ber interesserte fagmiljø melde inn forslag til prosjekt.

Les mer om studiet her.

Masteroppgaven skal gi 60 studiepoeng og er beregnet til 2 semesters fulltidsstudium.

Oppgaveforslagene som blir meldt inn i denne runden er tiltenkt masterstudenter som starter på studiet i høst, og som skal ferdigstille masteroppgaven sin våren 2020.

Vi ber om en kort beskrivelse av aktuelle masteroppgaver innen 15. september 2018, på e-post til

Mal for prosjektoppgave finner du her.

Programutvalget tar også løpende imot forslag til oppgaver, men vær obs på at mange av studentene kommer til å velge prosjekt nå i løpet av høsten. De som sendte inn oppgaver til Programutvalget høsten 2017, men som fortsatt ønsker studenter i tilknytning til prosjektet, bes sende inn oppgaven på nytt.

Programutvalget for biomedisin har vedtatt retningslinjer for veilederforhold, som vi ber dere lese nøye gjennom før innsending av forslag. Oppgaveforslag som ikke innfrir kravene til veilederforhold kan ikke godkjennes. Det er også et krav at oppgavene bygger på relevante metoder og modeller innen biomedisinsk fysiologi, celle/molekylærbiologi eller bildeanalyse.

Godkjente oppgaver gjøres tilgjengelig for studentene via Mitt UiB.


The Olav Thon Foundation – support for Nordic research projects in medicine 2019

Against this background and in addition to its other announcements, the Foundation will reserve NOK 20 million for grants to Nordic research collaboration in the field of medicine for 2018. Only researchers associated with universities or academic institutions in the Nordic countries are eligible for support. Previous collaboration will be regarded as an advantage and should be documented (by co-publications or similar). The collaboration must include specific research groups in at least two Nordic countries and be led by personnel holding professorships or equivalent permanent academic positions.

Applications will be assessed in light of their academic quality and the projects’ potential for development of new and ground-breaking knowledge in medicine. For 2019, the Board of the Foundation has decided to invite applications for research on reparative medicine targeting diseases in the musculoskeletal and peripheral and central nervous system.

Projects should be based on the use of stem cell biology, genetic approaches, tissue engineering, biotechnology, or regenerative medicine with the aim of repairing, regrowing or replacing damaged or diseased cells or tissues.

Research support for each project is restricted to a maximum of NOK 2.5 million per year for a maximum of four years.

Deadline: 15 September 2018. 

More information and practical information can be found here.

(Norwegian) Utlysning av Olav Thon-stiftelsens nasjonale priser og støtteordninger for 2019

Pris for fremragende undervisning.
Forslag til pris for fremragende undervisning skal utformes av tjenestegjørende professorer eller førsteamanuenser innen medisin og/eller naturvitenskap/ matematikk. Det er en forutsetning at også studentene står bak forslaget, enten a) ved å være blant forslagsstillerne eller b) ved at institusjonens egne studentorganer/studentforeninger utformer selvstendige forslag i samarbeid med tjenestegjørende professorer/førsteamanuenser. Det skal presiseres i institusjonens forslag hvem som har utformet dette/disse og på hvilken måte studentene er delaktige.

Kandidater til prisene kan være fra forslagsstillerens egen institusjon eller fra andre universiteter eller høyskoler i Norge. Prisene er personlig.

Søknad om støtte til forskningsprosjekter.
Støtten forbeholdes forskningsprosjekter innen medisin og/eller naturvitenskap/ matematikk som bringes aktivt inn i utdanningen som et element i «studentaktiv forskning» (jfr. Forskningsmeldingen som fremhever at det er vesentlig å «satse mer på å kople forskning og utdanning, blant annet gjennom studentaktiv forskning»). Søknader vil bli vurdert på basis av potensial og planer for involvering av studenter, om og hvordan nye undervisningsformer utvikles og implementeres, og på basis av vitenskapelig kvalitet. Detaljert plan for studentinvolvering, med milepæler, budsjett og leveranser, skal følge søknaden.

Søknadsbeløpet er begrenset oppad til 500 000 pr år for maksimum 3 år. For tildeling utover ett år kreves dokumentert fremdrift i prosjektet inklusive en beskrivelse av hvordan forskningsprosjektet har styrket utdanningen gjennom bedre studentoppfølging og studiekvalitet. Inntil 5 forskningsprosjekter vil bli støttet i 2019.

Frist: 15. september 2018.

Mer informasjon om prosessen finner du her.

(Norwegian) Invitasjon til innspillsmøte for ansatte i forbindelse med revisjon av UiBs strategi “Hav, Liv, Samfunn” 2016 – 2022.

Universitetets strategi «Hav, Liv, Samfunn 2016 – 2022», skal revideres innen 2019. Universitetsstyret vedtok i sak 7/18 og sak 42/18 mandat og opplegg for revisjonen. En sentral arbeidsgruppe bestående av dekanene og museumsdirektøren er i gang med arbeidet under ledelse av prorektor Margareth Hagen. Som del av revisjonsprosessen inviteres alle ansatte ved fakultetene, instituttene, sentrene og sentraladministrasjonen til felles innspillsmøter.

For ansatte ved MED, Psyk, KMD, UB og sentraladministrasjonen er møtet:

11.september kl. 11.00 – 12.30, Auditorium AHH, Armauer Hansens hus.

Ytterligere informasjon om innspillsmøtet finner du her.

Påmeldingsfrist: 4. september.

Påmelding her.

(Norwegian) Kurs i bruk av spørreskjemaprogrammet SurveyXact

Det er framleis ledige plassar på haustens to (identiske) kurs i bruk av spørjeskjemaprogrammet SurveyXact,  den 11. september og 12. november. SurveyXact er eit program for oppsett, distribusjon og analyse av enkle spørjeundersøkingar, og kursa er relevante for alle som har behov for å utvikle undersøkingar/evalueringar i sitt arbeid.

Meir informasjon og påmelding:

–          Kurs 11.september, 2018

–          Kurs 12. november, 2018

Opening seminar Hordaland Health Study 3rd wave – HUSK3

Place: Bikuben conference center, Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital.
Time: Monday 24.09.18 11:30-15:30

We have now started the 3rd wave of Helseundersøkelsen i Hordaland
(HUSK). Please see https://husk.w.uib.nofor details. We are reexamining
3000 persons, who have participated in the two previous waves of HUSK in
the 1990s, when the participants were in their forties.

The focus for HUSK3 is how lifestyle and change in risk factors when you
are in your forties, determineyour cardiovascular health 20 years
later. HUSK3 has also a particular focus on high blood pressure and
cardiac health in women.

The project is an unique research collaboration between the University
of Bergen and Helse-Bergen, and is the first large scale project
performed in Research Unit for Health Surveys (FHU). Other
representatives in the project are the Norwegian Women’s Public Health

The opening seminar will be held in Auditoriet in Bikuben congress
center, Haukeland University Hospital. The international lecturers have
been involved in developing the new European guidelines for prevention
of cardiovascular disease as well as the guidelines for treatment of
arterial hypertension. These are also international members in the
project’s board.

Are you in need of an update on how to best prevent cardiovascular
disease? In that case, this seminar is perfect for you.

Sign up her

Program can be found here.

(Norwegian) Webinarfestivalen 2018

6. og 7. november 2018 arrangerer Læringssenteret ved NTNU en heldigital konferanse for alle som er opptatt av undervisning og læring.
Webinarfestivalen er en digital møteplass for utveksling av kunnskap, erfaringer, ideer og problemstillinger, og hvor man kan knytte kontakter og etablere nettverk for videre samarbeid. Det er også en fin anledning til å teste digitale samhandlingsverktøy. Vi håper nettopp DU vil bidra til å inspirere og motivere!

Mer informasjon om festivalen finner du her.

Mobility seminar

International Centre UiB invites researchers, post doctors and PhD candidates who are going on research mobility in 2019 to seminar.

The mobility seminar will cover the following topics:

  • Financial support
  • Membership in NIS
  • Tax
  • Insurance
  • Practicalities

This is a nice opportunity to get to know other outbound researchers and share experiences.

The seminar will be held in English.

Link to seminar here.

(Norwegian) Idékonkurransen 2018 og StudentIdé

Idékonkurransen 2018
Bergen Teknologioverføring (BTO) inviterer i samarbeid med Sparebanken Vest forskningsinstitusjonene i Bergensregionen til å delta i Idékonkurransen 2018.

Premiesummen er også i år på hele 500 000 kroner.

Idekonkurransens formål er å stimulere til kommersialisering av forskningsresultater, synliggjøre miljøet omkring forskning og kommersialisering, og skape oppmerksomhet rundt behovet for forskning og innovasjon.

Forskere og ansatte, inkludert Ph.d. og Postdoktorer, fra alle BTOs eier- og partnerinstitusjoner kan delta.

Søknadsfrist er 18. oktober.

Les mer her.

Første runde med innovasjonskonkurransen StudentIdé ble en stor suksess. Bergen Teknologioverføring og Sparebanken Vest viderefører derfor initiativet og gir på ny studenter i Bergen muligheten til å vinne 50 000 kroner til å videreutvikle deres innovative ide!

Vinneren stikker av med hele 50 000 kroner.

Konkurransens formål er å stimulere til at flere studenter får sine innovative ideer vurdert av oss, at flere forsøker å starte sin egen bedrift og at flere søker om finansiering fra Norges Forskningsråds STUD-ENT-ordning.

Det er studenter fra Universitetet i Bergen, , Høgskolen på Vestlandet og NHH Norges Handelshøyskole som kan delta

Søknadsfrist er 27. september.

Les mer her.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 13 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

Continue reading

Apply for grants – Use Your Talents

This summer, we received the great news that Randi Bertelsen was awarded an ERC Starting Grant (K2-News week 33). In addition to obtaining a solid economical basis to build her own research and become a principal investigator, Randi’s grant acknowledges the quality of the research community she is a part of, our department and The Faculty of Medicine.

Funds from The European Union, The Norwegian Research council, The Norwegian Cancer Society, and other funding bodies, as well as our production of publications and candidates, provides the bread and butter for K2. In addition, external funding is necessary in order for investigators to conduct experimental research at all. Grants are also an important parameter when assessing applications for positions and other resources – and it will be even more important in the future.

The parable of talents (Matthew 25) is probably known to most of you; “For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away”. It may seem unfair, but the parable is applicable to research funding. The road is always steepest in the beginning. For a young person or young environment it can be difficult to obtain the most competitive grants like the FRIPRO program of The Norwegian Research Council. Perhaps a better strategy is to apply more low-hanging fruits like The Regional Health Authorities of Western Norway grant program, Health and Rehabilitation programs or funds aimed at specific disease groups or treatments.

K2 and the faculty have worked systematically in recent years to improve applications and grant success rates. We have employed research advisors and built up internal procedures for application assessment and budgeting. Weekly overviews of grant opportunities are published in K2-Nytt. All these efforts are to make it easier for you to apply.

The next big opportunity is the Helse-Vest call ending on 15 September. Read the call and submit your application, so that you can get return on your talents.

Good luck

Vice head of department

ISSOTL2018: Towards a learning culture

In October 2018, UiB is hosting the annual conference for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL). Instead of offering our annual UiB Learning Conference, UiB wishes to invite our staff to participate in a pre-conference workshop at ISSOTL – free of charge!

The focus of the conference is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): the process of undertaking systematic inquiry into our own teaching and our students’ learning in higher education. The six pre-conference workshops, led by experienced scholars, take place October 24th, and include:


  • Get started with SOTL, Andrea Webb and Melanie Hamilton
  • The SoTL Commons: Cultivating a SoTL Culture on Your Campus and Beyond, Brian Smentkowski, Laura Cruz and Balbir Gurm
  • Using self-determination theory (SDT) to inform professional development, understand why active learning works, and foster the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), Chantal Levesque-Bristol, Lucas Jeno and Vigdis Vandvik


  • Innovative methodological approaches to SOTL, Stephen Bloch-Schulman, Peter Felten, Johan Geertsema, Yahlnaaw/Aaron Grant and Heather Smith
  • Writing for Publication in SOTL, Mick Healey and Kelly Matthews
  • International perspectives on engaging students in SoTL, Lucy Mercer-Mapstone, Chris Ostrowski, Paul Taylor and Sophia Abbot

Read more about the workshops and the conference here

Register for one free workshop here.
Note: Registration is binding; your department or unit will be billed for no-shows.

Intrigued? Excited? Consider attending the whole conference – it is a rare opportunity in Bergen!

Early Bird registration ends on September 1, 2018. 

Come and experience:

  • 4 plenary talks by Terje Mørland, Elizabeth Minnich, Renuka Vithal, and Torgny Roxå
  • Over 200 papers presenting new research and visions for teaching and learning
  • 28 workshops demonstrating how to implement SoTL concepts and strategies
  • 14 panels offering multiple perspectives on SoTL issues
  • 100 posters displaying research findings and offering opportunities for interaction

Preliminary program here

Follow us on twitter: @issotl18