Monthly Archives: September 2020

A big thank you!

After almost one week as acting head of the department, I would first like to say a big thank you for all the trust and support I have received, and Julie has deserved an extra thank you. I hope all of you understand that there may be some delays regarding some processes, but I’m doing the best I can, and together with Emmet, Mette and Julie I am convinced we will manage. I have now a post shelf on the 8th floor, and I will be available at Pål’s office on the 8th floor every Tuesday. The other days I can be met in my office on the 5th floor of the lab building (5395).

Although I have taken over most of the obligations, Pål and I have agreed that the employee interviews are postponed until after he returns as leader. But all research group leaders are encouraged to continue with their employee interviews, remember that it now is required to actually have them, it is not enough to just offer employee interviews.

Another topic I would like to mention is the university’s increased focus on ERC applications. All scientific staff should at least consider applying. Amra will contact you with more information during the coming months.

And even though autumn has begun, I hope we will get some sun during the weekend!

Norwegian: Fakultetets HMS-dag

Hold av datoen 10. desember for fakultetets HMS-dag! Noe usikkert i hvilken form den kommer, mer info vil komme når det nærmer seg.

På dagen skal det deles ut en arbeidsmiljøpris, til den eller de som har gjort en særlig innsats for arbeidsmiljøet i 2020.

Arbeidsmiljøpris på Det medisinske fakultet 

Arbeidsmiljøprisen tildeles årlig til en person eller enhet/gruppe som har gjort en særlig innsats for arbeidsmiljøet. Ut fra en helhetsvurdering skal prisen tildeles den eller dem som har gjennomført eller tatt initiativ til nye og innovative tiltak etter minst ett av følgende kriterier:

1. Bidrar til å øke sikkerheten på arbeidsplassen.

2. Bidrar aktivt til et positivt arbeidsmiljø preget av inkludering og mangfold.

3. Bidrar til å øke forståelsen av og kunnskapen om arbeidet med helse, miljø og sikkerhet.

4. Tiltak som bygger broer på tvers av organisasjonen, og som bidrar til at «vi -følelsen» styrkes.

Nominasjoner sendes inn her, med frist 15. november.

Norwegian: Søk på kurs innen vurdering i medisinsk utdanning og få kurs og utgifter dekket!

Nasjonal delprøve i medisinstudiet sine midler fra NOKUTs Utdanningskvalitetspris går blant annet til kompetanseheving innenfor medisinsk vurdering. Nå kan du søke om å få dekket reise, opphold og kursavgift via utgiftsrefusjon. Alle som lager eksamensoppgaver til eksamener ved medisinstudiene ved norske universiteter og/eller lager oppgaver til nasjonal delprøve i medisin kan søke. Teknisk-administrative som jobber tett med eksamen kan også søke, selv om de ikke lager oppgaver.

På grunn av COVID19-situasjonen er flere av kursene gjort om til online-kurs. Her finner du de aktuelle kursene i 2020/2021

Frist for å søke er 1. oktober 2020, og søknader sendes til arbeidsgruppen for nasjonal delprøve ved Åsmund Skaar:

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New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 8 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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Temporary changes in the K2 management

Dear all. The Dean’s office wants full focus on the CoE applications for the last 2 months, with the effect that the two coordinators at K2, Eystein Husebye and me, are given temporary leave from our positions in the K2 management. From 21/9 and for approx. 2 months, Slike Appel is promoted as acting Head of Department and Emmet McCormack as Head of Research plus Deputy Head of Department. All inquiries, emails, telephones etc. must thus go to these and not to Eystein or me at this time.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank both of you for your willingness to take on these positions. I am sure you will manage the positions in an excellent way and wish you luck!

Main deadline at Research Council of Norway 2021

Research Council of Norway has decided that next years’ main deadline, that many of you know as FRIPRO, will be 10 February. Below you will find information about the different calls. In addition, Collaborative and Knowledge-building calls, which include health calls, will have deadline 17 February. I will present these when further call details about the thematic priorities are published.

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To all associate professors wanting promotion to professor

This year’s deadline for applying for promotion to professor after competence may have come somewhat abruptly on some of you in these extraordinary times. Did you want to apply for promotion this year, but didn’t meet this deadline due to corona-related delays? Then you can submit a brief justification (two-three  sentences) to  by September 25, 15:00. You will then get another opportunity to apply at an extraordinary deadline set for 31.12.2020.

Those who have already applied within the ordinary deadline will be treated as usual.

Norwegian: Fulbrightstipend for norske statsborgere til USA 2021-22

Covid19 har naturligvis skapt problemer for årets  kull av norske Fulbrightstipendiater – som for alle andre – og vi har tillempet så godt vi kan innenfor rådende restriksjoner; noen har vært nødt til å trekke seg, noen reiser ut først i januar, og andre har valgt å utsette oppholdet til neste år.

Men nå håper vi på bedre tider, ser fremover,  og minner om søknadsfristen for Fulbrightstipend til USA for det akademiske året 2021-22: 1. oktober, 2020.

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Norwegian: Forespørsel om tema for bacheloroppgaver i human ernæring

Våren 2021 skal 25 studenter ved bachelorprogrammet i human ernæring skrive en bacheloroppgave. Oppgaven skal utgjøre 15 studiepoeng, som tilsvarer ca. 6 uker fulltidsarbeid. Målet med oppgaven er å gi studentene erfaring med ernæringsvitenskapelig arbeid, i form av planlegging, gjennomføring og presentasjon av et vitenskapelig prosjekt. Oppgaven kan være en begrenset empirisk oppgave eller en litteraturoppgave (review). Litteraturoppgaver er anbefalt, og den skal helst være en ‘systematisk review’. Studentene får opplæring i litteratursøk og skriveteknikk som en del av emnet. Veiledningen vil i hovedsak fokusere på vitenskapelig innhold. Erfaring viser at det er lurt å finne et begrenset tema med ukontroversiell litteratur.

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Norwegian: Forespørsel om tema for masteroppgaver i klinisk og human ernæring (oppstart august 2021)

I forbindelse med at studentene på masterprogrammene i klinisk og human ernæring skal skrive en masteroppgave, etterlyser Programutvalget for ernæring nye masteroppgaver i ernæring. Masteroppgaven skal gi 60 studiepoeng og er beregnet til to semestre fulltidsstudium. Studentene velger oppgave innen april 2021, og arbeidet med oppgaven blir høsten 2021 – våren 2022. Studentene skal få oppnevnt max. to veiledere i forbindelse med arbeidet med masteroppgaven. Enten hoved- eller biveileder må være tilsatt ved Universitetet i Bergen.

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New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 6 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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The possibility for public attendence at the dissertations has been warranted as this is the day the candidates can show what they have been working on for so long. The Faculty has therefore developed a scheme that can hopefully address both the technical challenges of digital implementation of disputation and infection control considerations.

A solution is now in place where up to 20 people can be present in a suitable UiB room during a trial lecture and dissertation. This can only take place by agreement with the Department and provided that infection control rules are complied with. Candidates who want such a solution must contact Irene Hjelmaas ( as soon as possible. It is the candidate’s responsibility to submit lists of participants with a telephone number to the Department no later than 2 days before the public defense. If lists of participants are not registered, the public can not be allowed into the room.

By agreement on a physical dissertation, there must be an infection control guard present in the room during the entire event. This is responsible for access control up to the list of participants, disinfection of contact surfaces before and after use, and that everyone present follows the rules of keeping their distance before, during and after the public defense. The infection control guard can, for example, be one from the candidate’s research group.

During the doctoral exam, our PhD contact (organized by Irene Hjelmaas) will prioritize the digital event as this forms the basis for the assessment. PhD contact will therefore not be physically present, but will be available digitally and facilitate testing and implementation.

The following also applies:
– Full digital dissertations are still recommended. By fully digital is meant a solution where everyone involved, including the candidate, is disputing from their own home or office (with private or UiB equipment).
– Everyone who has an active role in the dissertation must participate in testing well in advance, with the equipment and in the room they will be staying at the disseration itself. Everyone who has an active role during the dissertation must become well acquainted with the equipment through testing.
– IT assistant will be physically present (as long as they do not have to be quarantined or similar). This is ordered via UiB Help.
– Zoom webinar is the recommended solution from UiB central.
– Unfortunately, it will not be possible to invite more than 20 people in total into the dissertation room, even if the size of the room should indicate that it is possible.

Note that when it comes to public access, there may be changes at short notice if the infection situation worsens.

Good luck!

Norwegian: Verneombud 2021–2022

Brenner du for et godt arbeidsmiljø?
Verneombudet er viktig for arbeidsplassen, kollegaer og arbeidsgiver.

• skal ivareta arbeidstakernes interesser i saker som
angår arbeidsmiljøet
• er involvert i UiB sitt helse-, miljø- og sikkerhetsarbeid
• er med der det skjer
• blir kjent med nye kollegaer og bygger nettverk
• får ny kunnskap og opplæring
• samarbeider med medarbeidere, tillitsvalgte og ledere
Lyst til å bli verneombud?

Se Flyer_verneombud 2020_ eller les mer om valg av verneombud her.

Har du spørsmål om det å være verneombud kan du ta kontakt med ditt
lokale verneombud eller hovedverneombud.

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium September 17, in Zoom

We have the pleasure of inviting you to our CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium (JUSS) September 17, 2020! This is an online event in Zoom.

In the keynote lecture, Christine Stansberg (ELEXIR) and Kari Ersland (Digitalt Liv Norge) will talk about how to implement digital tools in your research and inform you how to get help analyzing your biological data. In addition, local junior researchers will present their work on cancer therapy resistance, obesity and cancer, salt-sensitive hypertension, and metabolomic signatures predicting heart failure.

Join us for a perfect occasion for professional input and digital networking!

Open for all – register at for Zoom-link!

When: Thursday September 17, 2020 at 09:00 – 12:10 (Norwegian time)

Where: Digital event in Zoom (logon details will be sent to registered participants)

Program: can be found here.

Registration: At

General information: More information about the Junior Scientist Symposia can be found here.

Any questions can be addressed to Cornelia, Maria or Kenneth.

Save the date: K2 Junior annual retreat

This year’s K2 Junior Retreat will be held on Monday – Tuesday November 16-17 at Solstrand. You will receive an invitation to register and more information about the program in the coming weeks – for now, hold the dates! Please note that we have a limit of 30 participants, so be ready to register soon.

Best wishes,

The K2 JR Organizing Committee

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 6 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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Helse Vest’s reasearch and innovation awards

Helse Vest RHF annually awards two prizes: a research prize and an innovation prize. The prizes will be awarded at the annual Research Conference in the autumn, and we encourage the various research environments in K2 to apply.

Helse Vest’s research award

The award is given to a researcher, research environment or young researcher (under the age of 40) who, through his or her research, has contributed to strengthening a research field or a research-based health service offering. The research must be of a nature and standard of significance for the level of research and / or the service offer in the region. Candidates (researcher, research environment or young researcher) who have contributed to the development of either a) research area, b) research collaboration / environment or c) who through their research have improved clinical practice in Helse Vest can be proposed.

The following form (Norwegian only): Forslagsskjema 2020- forskingspris og innovasjonspris should be filled in by the proposer.

Helse Vest’s annual research prize consists of NOK 200,000 and a work of art. The prize amount will be used for further research.

Helse Vest’s innovation award

The innovation prize is awarded to one or more persons who, through their work, have contributed to the development of a new or improved product, service, production process or organizational form that constitutes a concept that can be reused in the health sector. The award can be given both on the basis of research-driven and demand-driven innovation. The development must be made visible through the idea / innovation project being either reported and / or further developed together with the regional office of Innovation Norway, InnoMed, the Research Council of Norway or one of the region’s two Technology Transfer Offices (TTO). Similarly, internal projects that have not been made visible through the mentioned actors will also be considered. In such cases, it will be important that the product, process or services have been used, and it can be demonstrated to what benefit the innovation has had for the hospital.

A separate form (Norwegian only): Forslagsskjema 2020- forskingspris og innovasjonspris has been prepared to be filled in by the proposer.

The innovation award consists of NOK 100,000 and a work of art. The prize amount will be used for further innovation work.

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Norwegian: Unngå identitetstyveri!

Visste du at flerfaktor-autentisering er den mest effektive måten å beskytte seg mot identitetstyveri?
Dette vil hindre at noen kan logge inn på kontoen din selv om passordet ditt skulle komme på avveie.

IT-Avdelingen ved UiB tilbyr flerfaktor-autentisering til alle ansatte og studenter. Den gjelder i første omgang Office 365 og VPN; flere tjenester vil bli lagt til fortløpende.

Aktiver flerfaktor-autentisering på kontoen din NÅ ved å gå inn på

New positions: PhD-position and Postdoctoral Research Fellow

15 PhD-positions and 3 Postdoctoral Research Fellows are available from the Faculty of Medicine starting 1 February 2021 with application deadline 20 September 2020.



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Master projects for the biomedical students 2020-2021

The program committee on the Institute of Biomedicine want the scientific staff to offer master projects for the biomedical students. The project will take place from the fall 2021 to the spring of 2022. Please use MAL Projectdescription.

We will arrange an event for students and supervisors during this semester. The students will get a chance to meet potential supervisors, and the scientists get the opportunity to present their research. We will send out details about this later. We hope you want to attend this! More information: VEILEDER INFO_

Please send your master projects by 18th of September to or to

Norwegian: Gjesteforelesning: SLE – disease mechanisms, clinical features and prognosis

Gjesteforelesning på K2 og Avdeling for Reumatologi, 10. september 2020, kl 15:00

SLE – disease mechanisms, clinical features and prognosis

Foredragsholder: Professor og overlege Anders Bengtsson, Lunds Universitet og Skånes Universitetssjukhus

Professor Bengtsson er en av Sverige ledende revmatologer med systemisk lupus erytematosus (SLE) som spesialfelt. På torsdag holder han en state-of-the-art forelesning om SLE.

For å få tilsendt lenke / møteinvitasjon til foredraget, vennligst registrer deg på følgende skjemaker:

This week`s employee – Simona Chera

What are you working on?

I work as an associate professor at the Center for Diabetes Research, K2. My research is directed at how cell death features govern the type of regenerative strategy employed by a biological system. By coupling classical and newly generated murine models of cell loss with genetic cell tracing, timed conditional gene expression and omics assays (transcriptomics, proteomics, scRNAseq), I study the dynamic molecular fingerprint of pancreatic islet cells decay and regeneration, with focus on self-renewal and global regulators of cell identity maintenance processes. Besides the in vivo approach, I use patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) as disease models coupled with large-scale imaging and omics for studying islet cell fate acquisition and maintenance. We are also developing a 3D culture system to investigate the influence of mechanical forces and adhesion on signaling pathways controlling the pancreatic progenitors’ differentiation potential. Our goal is to enlarge the knowledge base about pancreatic islet biology in order to create a better treatment for diabetes, or preventive measures in the future. My personal goal is to induce at least a certain level of endogenous regeneration of the pancreatic islets as seen in highly regenerative animals (like hydra, salamander or fish). My career started by working on such a successful regenerative system, and during my PhD work at University of Geneva, we described that apoptotic cells resulted upon injury were the source of regenerative signals. During my postdoctoral work (University of Geneva), I started working on pancreatic islet regeneration and showed that the mammalian pancreas also exhibits, at a very low level, an endogenous regenerative capacity. A better understanding of how islet cells are formed during development will also improve future regenerative strategies.

What do you enjoy working with at K2?

I started working here five years ago, which gave me the opportunity to get to know the tools and needs of clinical research. I am part of a very heterogeneous multidisciplinary group of researchers, integrating genomics, molecular and cellular biology, bioinformatics and clinical research. We all study diabetes but different aspects of the disease from the molecular mechanisms to clinical aspects. I like the challenge of learning how to effectively communicate with scientists from different disciplines, and to see the diabetes research from so many other points of view. Being so close to the clinics at K2 also changed my perspective over my own research, especially regarding motivation and impact.