Monthly Archives: August 2019

Locally sourced educational refill!

On Monday 26th, those who wanted, might attend the AMEE (Association of Medical Education) congress free from any “PLANE SHAME”! By Skype, from the Congress in Vienna, we could attnd the main lecture and the following plenary discussion on “Medical work and Learning in Transition”. Provided with breakfast rolls and coffee those of us gathering in the Board room in the house of Armauer Hansen could discuss our local study organization!

The Unit for Learning continues with providing more low-threshold education: in the same location in the Armauer Hansen’s house, in early afternoon (during 15.00 to 15.45), the following drop-in sessions will be held:

30.09 Strengthening of practice (we host a lot of skill teaching in both pharmacy and medicine!)

28.10 Flipped classroom, how do students prepare for teaching?

26.11 Stringent PowerPoint use

09.12 Longitudinal assessment: experiences from map-evaluation in the 11th semester of the medical study.

And more in-depth pedagogy: do you need PRACTICAL training in using MittUiB / Canvas (the site where we will actually post handouts or literature proposals and create quizzes), or how to create multippl choice questions (MCQ) to be posted in the MCQ-database?

Our “super-user” Harald Wiker has offered to organize hands-on courses! First in line is the pharma environment (who cannot find their former posted files after the site front-page was reorganized..). Could please all group leaders ask their teachers what they need; new employees as well as long-time professors. We will come back with specific time- and theme slots. If these times do not fit with your needs, contact me and we will reorganize.

A farewell letter from Marius Alvheim

After 2 fantastic years as an apprentice at K2, with a diploma in hand, I set off for uncharted waters. I have met many wonderful people and learned a lot of useful things that I now carry with me in life. It’s hard to say goodbye to a job I’ve enjoyed so much, but sometimes in life, goodbye is something you have to say and change is not something you can prevent. So thank you for my time here everyone, and thanks for 2 amazing years. I’m going to miss K2 in its entirety and all the wonderful people here. With UiB mail disabled and phone delivered to K2’s new apprentice Tonje whom I hope you take good care of, I leave you with one quote from my favorite CEO Elon Musk.
“Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.”

I also leave my private email address if anyone needs it.

Thanks for the time K2. You’re going to be missed.

(Norwegian) Informasjonsmøter om RETTE

RETTE er et nytt verktøy ved UiB hvor alle prosjekter som behandler personopplysninger skal registreres. I uke 33 og 34 er det opplæring og informasjonsmøter om verktøyet.

RETTE har som mål å heve kompetansen innen personvern hos studenter og ansatte, og skal være et verktøy for instituttene ved UiB så de kan være sikre på at personopplysninger behandles i henhold til gjeldende lovverk.

Det skal rulles ut ved hele UiB, men utrullingen starter først ved Det medisinske fakultet ved studiestart 2019.

I den forbindelse inviterer fakultetet til opplæring og informasjonsmøter om systemet for forskningsrådgivere, instituttledere, veiledere og andre som skal bruke verktøyet i uke 33 og 34.

Datoer for møter:

  • 21. august kl. 10-11
  • 21. august kl. 12-13
  • 28. august kl. 10-11
  • 28. august kl. 12-13

Rom: Undervisningsrom D301 ved Haukeland Universitetssjukehus, Sentralblokka

Mer info her.

(Norwegian) Støtte til likestillingstiltak 2019

Vi viser til vedlagte brev fra HR-avdelingen datert 20.5.2019, hvor det informeres om fagmiljøene sine muligheter til å søke støtte til likestillingstiltak.

Fristen for fakultetet å sende inn søknad om støtte til likestillingstiltak skulle vært 31.8.2019 men på grunn av en feil, har ikke fakultetet mottatt informasjon om saken før i juli måned og vi har fått noe utsettelse på søknaden.

Instituttene kan søke om støtte til likestillingstiltak ut fra kriteriene i HR-avdelingen sitt notat. Det forutsettes at instituttet / fagmiljøet bidrar med tilskudd tilsvarende søknadssummen.

Søknad om støtte til likestillingstiltak i fagmiljøene sendes fakultetet snarest, og senest innen 6.9.2019ved å legge inn søknaden i denne ephortesaken.

Mer info her.

Basic first aid course

Basic first aid course Thursday 19th September 2019 for foreign employees at The University of Bergen.


The participants shall be able to examine a person regarding
respiration and circulation, and take action accordingly

TARGET GROUPE:    Foreign employees at The University of Bergen


  • What is life-saving first aid?
  • Emergency services
  • Basic assessment and actions sick/injured person
  • Free airways
  • Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation
  • Unconscious person, recovery position
  • Foreign body airway obstruction

DATE:       Thursday 19th September

TIME:         From 0830 – 1130

LOCATION:   Museplass 1 – lower ground floor – Entrance from Prof. Keysersgt.

NUMBER:          Max. 22 participants

COURSE PROVIDER:   Røde Kors Førstehjelp

REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  Thursday 12th September


When the course is fully booked, the registration will be closed. If you would like to be put on an waiting list, please contact

(Norwegian) Helse Vests utdanningskonferanse 2019

Helse Vest ønskjer å fokusere på den svært viktige rolla utdanning speler for helseføretaka. Utdanning bidreg til behova for gode helsetenester i framtida og vi ønskjer å fremje det faglege nivået på utdanning av helsepersonell i regionen.

Tid og stad
Torsdag 21. november klokka 16:00 til fredag 22. november klokka 14:00 på Clarion Hotel Bergen Airport.

Konferansen startar med registrering og kaffi. Det er middag om kvelden med utdeling av den første utdanningsprisen i Helse Vest. Konferansen blir avslutta med lunsj frå 13-14 fredagen.

Temaet for konferansen
Kvalitet i høgare utdanning.

Leiarar og tilsette som arbeider med utdanningsrelaterte spørsmål.

Program og mer info finner du her.

Velkommen til Prisvinnersamtalen 2019!

Rektoratet har den store ære av å invitere deg til panelsamtale med vinnerne av Abel-, Holberg- og Kavliprisen. Temaet er «The Future of Humanity – What Remains to Be Discovered?» og det er første gang en slik samtale avholdes. Sted og tid: Universitetsaulaen onsdag 4. september, kl. 15.00 – 17.30.

(Norwegian) Frokostmøte 5/9: Opphavsrett og bildebruk i undervisning

Tema for første frokostseminar i UiB læringslab høsten 2019 er om opphavsrett og bildebruk i undervisningsplanlegging i Mitt UiB. Målgruppe er undervisere og andre innholdsprodusenter. Dato for frokostmøtet er 5. september.

Det vil for øvrig komme en komplett labfrokostserie for høsten om kort tid. Følg med på UiB læringslab sine nettsider.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 2 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

Continue reading

Welcome back from vacation!

I hope everyone has had a nice holiday returning with the batteries reloaded.

At the time of writing, the students have already begun, and many K2 employees are fully occupied with teaching. It is often busy getting started after the holiday. Switching from vacation to a hectic university life takes time. New students means more work at the start. Research never rests. Although many have picked up email and delt with the most urgent, most have probably a lot of outstanding tasks that now need to be sorted out.

On August 21, we had the visit of Rector Dag Rune Olsen, Vice-Rector for Education Oddrun Samdal and Vice-Rector for Global Relations Annelin Eriksen. Presentations were given by Researcher Randi Bertelsen (A New ERC Starting Grant – BRuSH), me (A completed ERC Advanced Grant – SELECTIONpreDISPOSED), Researcher Bergithe Eikeland Oftedal (Innovation in endocrinology), and Professor Stian Knappskog (Personalized Medicine in Cancer Treatment). Afterwards there was a tour of the university premises in the Glass Blocks. It was clear that the Rectorate was impressed with the quality of the research, that K2 alone stands for approx. 15% of all BOA at UiB, and great premises for research and teaching. Thanks to all who contributed.

Good luck with a new term!

Are You contributing to evaluation of medical students?

The National exam committee have funding to attend relevant courses if You participate in MCQ or OSCE exams. You may apply for the following courses:

AMEE: International Association for Medical Education course regarding OSCE (objective structured clinical exam) and MCQ (multiple choice questions) held in Vienna

Great news for those who would like to attend AMEE 2019 – but can’t.

On Monday 26. August from 08.15 am to 12.00, the faculty’s Learning unit will stream live from AMEE 2019 in Vienna. Read more here.

Health Professionals Assessment Consultancy, master class in evaluation (introductory level) held in London

and advanced evaluation course

EBMA: European Board of Medical Assessors, held in Maastricht. Introductory course in evaluation.

Psychometrics regarding evaluation in medical education

Application to be sent to Martha, deadline 1st of September


  • A brief description of Your affiliation/role regarding exams
  • Which course you aim to attend

If these slots did not fit our autumn calendar: The courses will be arranged similar time points next year. You may still display Your interest, use the same mail address and ask for future funding!


Educational refill for faculty staff – mini seminars from the Learning unit, fall 2019

The demands for educational competence for employees in the university sector are increasing. This is reflected in the revisions of current regulations  effectuated 01.09.2019 (Regulations concerning appointment and promotion to teaching and research posts). The Faculty of medicine has with their Learning unit (“Enhet for læring”) established an academic community for medicine and health professions education.

As part of our services, the Learning unit offers open, monthly seminars called “Educational refill” targeting all faculty members. All meetings take place in the board room (“fakutetsstyrerommet”), 4th floor, Armauer Hansens building. Schedule with topics can be found here.

The first meeting takes place Monday 26. August from 08:15 am to 12:00, with a live streaming from the AMEE 2019-conference in Vienna. The morning’s theme is “Medical Work and Learning in Transition”. NB: registration  is necessary, as the unit will order breakfast for all attendees!

Participating in these seminars can be included in your future educational portfolio, as university-educational training.

(Norwegian) Utlysning av stipendmidler for Erasmus undervisnings- og ansattmobilitet 2019-2020

Stipendmidler for Erasmus undervisnings- og ansattmobilitet 2019-20 er nå utlyst.

Fristene for å søke om stipend er 20. august og 20. januar.

Mer info om utlysningene:

Mobility agreement for teaching. 

Mobility agreement for training.

European Society for Clinical Cell analysis

This year the European Society for Clinical Cell analysis will be held in Bergen 18-21 September.  This is the perfect opportunity to for us in Bergen to join.
The conference will be interesting for both researches and medical staff, with lecture on new developments in cytometry, mass cytometry, immunology, hematology and much more.

Here for more information.

Reminder: Digital Life 2019

The Digital Life 2019 conference is coming up very soon. There are very few participants from UiB.

The conference will be important to learn about activities in the centre that could also be beneficial for your partner project and perhaps become a source for future collaborations. We have available funding in the centre for research activities between projects.

We hope that researchers from CCBIO will participate in Tromsø. It is free for participants of DLN partner projects to attend if they register within 22. August. It is also still possible to participate with a poster presentation, but the abstract must then be sent to Marie.

The DL Research School still have a few available travel support for DL2019, but be quick…

More info and registration here.

New Names

K2 presents our new apprentice and receptionist Tonje Lomheim.
She has taken over for Marius and has had her first week at K2 this week.
If you have any questions, she can be reached by mail (
or phone (55 58 30 50/55 97 30 50). Or you can contact her if you’d like to welcome her to K2. She has office space at the K2 reception at the 8th floor in the  lab building.

New names

Name: Christian Magnus Thaulow. Began as a PhD candidate Spring 2019 and working on a project that maps and analyses Antibiotic use and resistance patterns on children. Antibiotic resistance is “Climate crisis.” The project is a partnership with KAS (Competence Centre for antibiotic use in specialist health services). He can be contacted on email:


New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on a search on PubMed that includes articles that has been published over the summer (23.06.19 – 23.08.19, and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 92 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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