Category Archives: Uke 4

This weeks edithorial

Dear everyone!

Now we are embarking on a new chapter at K2: Together with K1, we have gathered areas in the laboratory building that will be transferred to the Laboratory Clinic at the hospital. This will save the faculty from rental expenses that “K3” will have added to its budgets, and in addition, the departments will save operating costs that are paid directly by the departments. This means that some research groups will have to move a little closer to each other, which hopefully will have a positive effect such as joint projects in the future.

In addition, we will have a mandatory workshop with Kristine Tangen for all our PIs (i.e. associate professors/professors in a main position and postdocs/researchers with their own projects) to gain more understanding of our finances. A registration link will be sent out soon, there will be several possible dates to sign up for.

And last but not least: Remember to nominate for the faculty’s awards! Link to the research awards can be found here, and to the teaching awards here. The deadline is 1.2.2025

Have a great weekend!


19th Annual Research Presentations at

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to invite you to the 19th Annual Research Presentations at Haukeland University Hospital, taking place from January 29-31, 2025. This event, organized by the Research School of Clinical Medicine, will feature poster and oral presentations from researchers at K1, K2, and Helse-Bergen.

Join us to discover the latest advancements and research highlights from the past year. It’s a great opportunity to learn, network, and engage with our local research community. During the event, coffee, cookies, and fruits will be served!

Please see the attached program for more details.

Best regards,

Research School of Clinical Medicine

About the course in scientific writing 20.–21. May:

Dear all

We are continuing the success from earlier years, a seminar in Scientific Writing May 20-21, 2025, in the extended CCBIO/Harvard INTPART collaboration. Registration deadline is February 1.

Learn how to:

  • Organize ideas, results and messages in a scientific paper
  • Improve titles and abstracts
  • Present a clear problem statement
  • Use punctuation, grammar and numbering in a text
  • Write an informative and convincing cover letter

The course will also present and discuss what is good research communication.

Even with the introduction of AI, there is something to learn for all of us! We strongly encourage students at all levels, including postdocs, to prioritize this and attend! Senior staff are also very welcome. The seminar is also open to national and Nordic visitors.


  • Christine Møller, an experienced lecturer in medical and scientific writing with many years of experience as assistant editor of APMIS (Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica).
  • Randy Watnick, assistant professor at the Vascular Biology Program, Harvard Medical School.
  • Media Advisor Marion Solheim at our Faculty of Medicine.

Registration: UiB students register in StudentWeb within February 1, 2025, course code CCBIO908. Other students from other Nordic universities register through Søknadsweb. Deadline Feb. 1 also here.

ECTS: 2 ECTS at the UiB for PhD candidates and other students.

Open for others: If you don’t need the ECTS (studiepoeng) registered as part of an education/degree, and just want to join the lectures for professional update, you register through this separate link.

Where: Birkhaugsalen, Sentralblokka 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital. In-person attendance.

When: May 20–21, 2025. 

Responsible: CCBIO with academic responsible Erling Høivik,

More info: On this web page.



ATMP Webinar Series

Please save the date for Bridging Nordic ATMP a new ATMP Webinar Series hosted by the Nordic EATRIS Nodes.

The seminar series will take place online 12.00-13.00 CET once every month starting 5 February 2025 with a lecture by Professor Magnus Essand. Title of presentation: “Novel cell and gene therapies for the treatment of cancer – The Uppsala experience”

Magnus Essand obtained his PhD at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden in 1995 and his postdoctoral training at the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, USA. He returned to Sweden in 2000, first as an Associate Professor and from 2009 as a full Professor at the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University. Essand has tutored twelve PhDs to the completion of their doctoral thesis and is currently the main supervisor of four PhD students and five postdocs. He has published more than 100 original peer-reviewed scientific research articles.

The next webinars will be held on:

  • 12 March 2025 – David Morrow, EATRIS Senior Scientific Programme Manager
  • 2 April 2025 – Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, Professor at University of Eastern Finland
  • 7 May 2025 – Kamal Mustafa, Professor at the University of Bergen
  • 4 June 2025 – Anna Passetto, Professor at University of Oslo & Marie Gårdmark, Regsmart

NORA Summer School 2025

Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA) will organize NORA Summer Research School from Tuesday 10th June to Saturday 14th June 2025. The NORA Summer Research School will take place at Østfold University College, Campus Fredrikstad.

The Summer School offers four intensive courses on current topics within the field of Artificial Intelligence.

  1. Multi-modal learning
  2. Critical linguistic awareness in the intersection between human language and machine generated linguistic output
  3. AI Ethics, Human Learning and Societal Change
  4. Generative AI for Synthetic Data: Applications in Machine Learning


Say hello to Lila!


My name is Lila Gravellier and I’m a new postdoctoral researcher at K2. I come from France, where I completed a PhD in computer science in Toulouse. I am now part of the center for diabetes research where I am supervised by Helge Ræder. My current research explores the relationship between data collected by wearable sensors (sleep, physical activity, glucose level, …) and daily fluctuations in steroid hormone levels.

You can find me at the office 6168, Glasblokkene, blokk 1, 6th floor.


Launch Event for the Innovation Roadmap for the Bergen Region on February 5th

The Alrek Health Cluster’s Innovation and E-Health Working Group has created a comprehensive map showing who can help you move forward with an idea ( The goal is to make resources easily accessible, strengthen collaboration across sectors and with the emerging business community, and contribute to health innovations that provide value for residents, healthcare professionals, academia, and businesses. MED participates in this project.

The Innovation Roadmap for the Bergen Region will soon be launched at the Alrek Health Cluster, and everyone who wishes to attend the launch event is very welcome.

Time/date: February 5th, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Location: The Canteen, Årstadveien 17

You will also have the opportunity to get acquainted with the new initiative TILT, which is VIS’s new academic entrepreneurship program designed to guide researchers in transforming groundbreaking research into successful startups or commercial ventures.

Registration to the seminar is required in order to have lunch, and the registration deadline is January 29th.

Information and registration link: Faglunsj: Lansering av innovasjonskartet – Alrek

Open call for the 2025-2026 Momentum Programme

This is a call for applications to the 7th UiB Momentum Programme. The application deadline is 21 March at 17.00 (CET).

Momentum is the UiB career development programme for early stage researchers at UiB who seek a career in academia.

The Momentum programme includes five seminars, planned to run between September 2025 and June 2026.

Applicant Webinar: Competence and Collaboration Project on Health

January 30th, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

The Research Council, through the Health portfolio, is announcing up to NOK 93 million for research that contributes to sustainable health-promoting and preventive measures, treatment, and services for vulnerable population groups. You can find the call text here (under the Health theme): Up to NOK 93 million for sustainable prevention, treatment, and services for vulnerable population groups.

In this webinar, we will provide an overview of the thematic call and answer any questions participants may have.

Link to the webinar