Daily Archives: Thursday November 6th, 2014

Focus and structure for skill training

Eva GerdtsAfter the termination of the medical student internships, a natural arena for skill training has disappeared. Our newly trained doctors are authorized upon completing the professional curriculum and passing the exams. The government, employers and patients all have expectations regarding what procedures a newly trained doctor should be able to perform. This places new demands on the skill training incorporated in the teaching of medical students. Harmonized demands regarding what skills should be incorporated in the professional medical school is currently being worked out. The construction of a new skill center at MOF has high priority at the Dean’s Office. K2 has the academic responsibility for the skill center. In order to promote the teaching activities being done at the skill center, as well as provide better follow-up of student teachers employed at the skill center, K2 has, together with K1, appointed an academic supervisor group for the skill center. The group is led by Professor Sverre Lehmann. He is joined by experienced teachers from both K2 and K1. I am convinced that this academic supervisor group will contribute to an increased focus on skill training. At the same time it is important to emphasize that not all skill training should, could, or will be performed at the skill center, but a lot must also be integrated in our own teaching at bed post, laboratory or outpatient clinic. Not least are the practice periods at collaborating teaching hospitals very important arenas for documenting that key skills have been acquired.


Aksel har flytta frå oss

Obituary Aksel Harald Schreiner                                                                                              (This text is in norwegian only)

Vår alles kjære kollega og ven Aksel Harald Schreiner døydde fredeleg torsdag 6. november etter kort tids sjukdomsleie. Aksel vart 81 år. Eg vitja han dagen før, og han og Astrid bad meg helsa alle gode vener og kollega. Den dagen minnast vi over 40 gode år saman – frå Harrison og Schlesinger i propedeutikken (1972), til gode år på Medisin B, i Sentralblokka, i Tanzania, og 30 år saman i Radio Medico Norge, inkludert siste strålande «takk for maten» tale 27. august i år under ein internasjonal sjøfartsmedisinsk konferanse i Bergen. Aksel har hatt eit rikt og kreativt arbeidsliv og vist stor arbeidsglede. Dei siste 8 åra kom han tilbake til loftet på Medisin B der han har vore ein viktig pioner i Norsk Senter for Maritim Medisin. Han har vore dagleg på jobb til i haust, og siste prosjektet hans var å laga små videosnuttar for undervisningsformål. Me har mange gode minner etter Aksel. Det same har mange pasientar og tidligare studentar.

Minnerike helsingar,


Deadline for using funds in 2014

The institute has decided that Monday November 24 at 2 pm is final deadline for making purchases on this year’s budget.

Travel reimbursement
Deadline for submitting forms for travel reimbursements that are to be paid in 2014 is Wednesday December 10 at 2 pm.  These forms must be signed by leader.

K2-researchers perform a “clean sweep” in the rewarding of Norwegian Cancer Society funds for 2015

Following the top award granted Professor Helga Salvesen who has been awarded nearly 5 million kroner, Per Eyestein Lønning, Olav Dahl, Øystein Bruserud, Emmet McCormack, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, Karl-Henning Kalland and Per Magne Ueland will also receive funds from the Norwegian Cancer Society. K2 congratulates! Read about this in
BT here(in Norwegian)

Seminar: Qualified and competent until Dovre falls?

Is the will to change in the university and college sector in tune with the needs of the working community?
We are no longer suffering from a master’s disease, but what are the skills really needed in the future?
Is the multidisciplinary profile of many of our educational programmes adapted to the employment students will face?
Finally, what do we really mean when we talk about quality?

These are some of the questions asked at the seminar “Qualified and competent until Dovre falls?” which The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions and Bergen University College will arrange on November 14.

For more information

For signing up

65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting – Call for Nominations

European science foundation” (ESF) have received an invitation from the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings to nominate potential outstanding young scientists to attend next year’s interdisciplinary meeting of Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings which will be held from 28 June to 3 July 2015. For more information.  Nominations of scientists from K2 should be sent to kristian.jensen@k2.uib.no by no later than Friday November 14.  For more information about Nobel Laureate Meetings.