The Jewish Healthcare Foundation fra Pittsburg I USA besøker Senter for forskning på hjertesykdom hos kvinner på sin studietur om kjønnsforskjeller i helse til Norge 8.juni, kl.10.00 til 11.00
Heart disease in women – Meeting with the Jewish Healthcare Foundation
Place: Meeting room 8.1 Laboratory building, 8th floor
Time: 08.06.23 kl. 10-11 CEST
Chair: Professor Bente Moen
Nancy Zions, Jewish Healthcare Foundation: Introduction about the Foundation and motivation for the visit to Norway (10 min)
Postdoctoral researcher Hilde Halland: Hypertension in women: Lots of knowledge but lack of implementation (15 min)
Associate professor Dana Cramariuc: Sex and gender disparities in heart valve disease (15 min)
Tea and coffee will be served