SIU announces grants of about 90 million NOK for five-year projects through Norwegian Partnership Program for Worldwide Academic Cooperation (NORPART). NORPART supports educational cooperation and student mobility between higher education institutions in developing countries and Norway.
The application deadline is 5 September 2016 at 3 pm Norwegian time. Continue reading
Tag Archives: 14/2016
Correct affiliation
The university has an increased focus on correct affiliation, not only related to publications, but also in contact with the press. In the latter case, it is important to check that we are addressed by the name of the institute and then University of Bergen. You may also want to first state the name of the research group, and that is of course OK. As to the title, we for are for instance professor at the Department of Clinical Science, UoB. Those who are also employed by the for instance Haukeland University Hospital or Stavanger University Hospital may be consultant, while not professor at the hospitals.
One may argue that the press will not accept such an affiliation as it is too extensive. However, Laurence Bindoff at K1 is a recent example that this is quite possible. When his research was presented in VG, he was addressed with Department of Clinical Medicine, UoB.
A good advice is to review the text prior to publication and this is an opportunity to also check the affiliation. My experience is that also the journalists want the content of their papers to be correct.
The HSE Corner
New exercise class for UiB employees at SiB Årstad.
A few weeks ago, an additional exercise class for UiB employees at SiB Årstad was started.
The class is led by researcher Aurora Brønstad from K1, who is also a trained instructor. This is a strength and cardiovascular class with simple exercises that anyone can do.
Time: Wednesdays at. 3:00 p.m. to 3:55 p.m.
New Names
NRC Application Process Spring 2016
• Monday 29 February: Deadline for submission of 1-2 page sketches to the Head of Department
• Monday 14 March at 1 pm: First joint meeting with a short presentation of the scientific goal of the project, and briefly about the budget (with list of positions and operating expenses). Participants: extended management team and other senior researchers; research adviser; administration
• Monday April 18: Creating online application in NRC’s systems, and provide access for the project economist.
• Wednesday, 20 April at 1 pm: Joint meeting. The project leaders present the applications for each other and department management (5 to 10 min per presentation).
• Thursday 21 April – Friday 22 April: Contact Meetings between management and researchers, budget planning. Siv will make a time table for meetings these two days.
• Ultimo April: Internal peer review.
• Monday May 23: Deadline for approval by Head of Department.
• Wednesday May 25: At 1 pm Final deadline to NFR.
Roland – Vice Dean
Invitation to the Health Conference 2016
See attached invitation letter (in Norwegian). For further information and registration follow this link.
Mass cytometry KICK-OFF
You are invited by the Flow Cytometry Core Facility to be introduced to our
new Mass Cytometry platform, and learn how your work can benefit from it, see programme.
Candidates for The Research and Innovation Award for the Health and Care services, City of Bergen 2016
At the opening conference for enhanced collaboration in research, innovation and education 14 June, a research & innovation prize will be awarded to an environment or a person who has given an outstanding contribution to research and innovation in health and care in Bergen.
The Department of Health and Care Services, the City of Bergen, invites employees in the City of Bergen, the University of Bergen, Bergen University College, Helse Bergen and Uni Research Health to propose candidates. Continue reading
Announcement: The Blix Family Endowment
The Blix Family Endowment for the promotion of medical research was established on 1 December 1983. The purpose of the fund is to support medical research, particularly in the fields of cardiovascular disease and cancer, including medical diagnostics in these fields. Research projects combining basal and clinical research are preferred, with special emphasis on applications from young researchers. Applications for grants should be submitted to the Fund’s Board by Attorney Erik Keiserud, Advokatfirmaet Hjort DA, PO Box 471 Sentrum, 0105 Oslo. Applications must be sent no later than 25 June 2016 and should be written on a standard application form which will be sent by request to e-mail:
The Research Council of Norway warns against research magazines with paid content
Norwegian researchers are regularly requested to give interviews to magazines such as International Innovation and Science and Technology (Pan European Network).
Note that these magazines bill researchers from NOK 20 000, – and up for publication.
Several employees of UiB have also been contacted by these magazines, and it is easy to be tempted into giving an interview. Continue reading
Open meeting: New guidelines for the use of genetic testing in medical and health research
Thursday 21 April, we organize an open meeting on new guidelines for the use of genetic testing in medical and health research.
Open meeting: How should we conduct genetic research in Norway?
Genetic information has become central to a lot of research. Rapid development in the field in combination with the data’s sensitive nature has created much debate and also uncertainty surrounding the management and proper implementation of such projects.
For more information, please see attachment (in Norwegian).
Kosovo International Summer Academy Call for Applications 2016
Dear Professors, colleagues, partners,
We would greatly appreciate if you will disseminate the attached information about Kosovo International Summer Academy among your students.
Best regards,
Judita Krasniqi