Tag Archives: 10/2016

NRC Application Process Spring 2016


Monday 29 February: Deadline for submission of 1-2 page sketches to the Head of Department
Monday 14 March at 1 pm: First joint meeting with a short presentation of the scientific goal of the project, and briefly about the budget (with list of positions and operating expenses). Participants: extended management team and other senior researchers; research adviser; administration
Monday April 18: Creating online application in NRC’s systems, and provide access for the project economist.
Wednesday, 20 April at 1 pm: Joint meeting. The project leaders present the applications for each other and department management (5 to 10 min per presentation).
Thursday 21 April – Friday 22 April: Contact Meetings between management and researchers, budget planning. Siv will make a time table for meetings these two days.
Ultimo April: Internal peer review.
Monday May 23: Deadline for approval by Head of Department.
Wednesday May 25: At 1 pm Final deadline to NFR.

Equality policy, is that something we in K2 have to think about?

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasI grew up in a school system with a fairly even distribution of boys and girls with equal skills.

When I was a medical student (early 80s) we were also equally distributed (as opposed to the current situation with 70% girls), but the lecturers were essentially men, and women professors were a rare breed. (I can actually remember that Professor May-Elin Koller of the anesthesia department made an impression as an almost solitary swallow.) In gynecology I have always had many female colleagues and at KK the management also has a dominance of women now.

When I stepped into the University function however, it was like tugging “back to the 80s”: I experience that I am the almost single swallow! Look around your section: How many research groups, platforms or centres of excellence have female leaders? And in middle management, how is the situation there? In the hospital we can clearly see how male nurses largely possess such positions, and how is it for the Medical Laboratory Scientists?

Is this inequality a problem? Should we just sit around and wait for all the current female students and PhD students to grow up an hope that it will then even out? Or should we have an active equality policy where this is on the agenda? A friendly push; actively encourage women to apply for management positions (yes you ARE good enough!) and employ them! Should we have affirmative action? We are currently writing a new strategy document. Should a greater proportion of women in the scientific positions be an objective? If we do not mention it,it means we do not find it important (enough) to work towards. It is a choice.


New Names

julie sletten

We present Julie Sletten, Candidate of Medicine with research experience from The Medical Student Research Programme.

Julie started as a PhD candidate in the Clinical Fetal Physiology Research Group in February.

If you want to say hello, you will find her on the 4th floor of Kvinneklinikken.

EUs Health Programme – Work Programme for 2016 has been published


Dear all,
The work programme for 2016 has now been published. Project funding for 2016 has been published with a deadline of 2 June. See Chafea’s website.
Contract Research (Procurement) will be announced consecutively on the same website.
See more information on the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s web page.
Attached you will find an English summary of the work programme for the current year.

With best regards
Janicke Fischer
Senior Adviser
Department of Global Health
Norwegian Directorate of Health
P.O. Box 7000 St Olavs plass, N-0130 Oslo, Norway.

IT service maintenance on Saturday, March 12

Because of the easter holiday, this month’s IT maintenance Saturday – normally the third of the month – has been moved to March 12th!
The maintance we perform this Saturday whould not have major effects for most users, but please note that:
– There will be short interruptions in the network services VPN and UiB-Guest around 4 PM (1600).
-The connection to some administrative services will be lost for a period during the morning. This includes FS, MyIP, Oracle Financials and BasWare.

The IT Department

Call for applications – Exploratory Pre-Seed Grants – Spring 2016

For the Novo Nordisk Foundation I hereby forward the 2016 Spring call for applications for the initiative Exploratory Pre-seed Grants.

The exploratory pre-seed program is a stimulus fund established to accelerate commercialization of biomedical research findings and development of novel technologies within the life sciences. The goal of an exploratory pre-seed grant is to stimulate Continue reading

Postdoctoral position

Dear everyone,
There’s currently a postdoc position available through the EU Scientia Fellows program studying innate immunity (NK cells, MAIT cells, ILCs) in bile duct inflammation. The position is initially funded for two years and is a shared position between my lab at Karolinska Institutet and the Norwegian PSC Centre at Oslo University and the labs of Tom Karlsen and Espen Melum. Follow this link for more information and how to apply.
Deadline for the application is April 29th. Please spread the information to anyone who might be interested.

Best regards,
Niklas Björkström, Associate Professor, MD PhD
Center for Infectious Medicine
Karolinska University Hospital
Karolinska Institutet

Public PhD Defence, Week 11


naesgard_patrycjaPatrycja Anna Næsgaard will defend her PhD thesis on Tuseday March 15th, 2016
Trial lecture: Tuseday March 15th, 2016 09:15
Topic: “Vitamin K in cardiovascular disease – supply or suppress?”
Place: Aula 2. etasje, Sydbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Tuseday March 15th, 2016 10:30
Place: Aula 2. etasje, Sydbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation: “Prognostic impact of vitamin D in coronary chest pain populations with high and low dietary intake of omega-3; comparison of a subtropical and a Nordic population”
1st opponent: Professor Eva Swahn, Universitetet i Linköping, Sverige
2nd opponent: Professor Rolf Jorde, Universitetet i Tromsø

Press release (in Norwegian)


New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to elin.opheim@uib.no.

Functional Effects of Schizophrenia-Linked Genetic Variants on Intrinsic Single-Neuron Excitability: A Modeling Study.
Mäki-Marttunen T, Halnes G, Devor A, Witoelar A, Bettella F, Djurovic S, Wang Y, Einevoll GT, Andreassen OA, Dale AM.
Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. 2016 Jan 1;1(1):49-59.

Mental Health in Children Born Extremely Preterm Without Severe Neurodevelopmental Disabilities.
Fevang SK, Hysing M, Markestad T, Sommerfelt K.
Pediatrics. 2016 Mar 4.

Novel Mad2-targeting miR-493-3p controls mitotic fidelity and cancer cells’ sensitivity to paclitaxel.
Tambe M, Pruikkonen S, Mäki-Jouppila J, Chen P, Elgaaen BV, Straume AH, Huhtinen K, Cárpen O, ‘Lønning PE, Davidson B, Hautaniemi S, Kallio MJ.
Oncotarget. 2016 Mar 2.

VRK2 gene expression in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and healthy controls.
Tesli M, Wirgenes KV, Hughes T, Bettella F, Athanasiu L, Hoseth ES, Nerhus M, Lagerberg TV, Steen NE, Agartz I, Melle I, Dieset I, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA.
Br J Psychiatry. 2016 Mar 3.

Comments on paper: “Quantitative determination of estrone by liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry in subcutaneous adipose tissue from the breast in postmenopausal women” by Vihma et al.
Lønning PE.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2016 Feb 26.

Non-fasting triglycerides predict incident acute myocardial infarction among those with favourable HDL-cholesterol: Cohort Norway.
Egeland GM, Igland J, Sulo G, Nygård O, Ebbing M, Tell GS.
Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2015 Jul;22(7):872-81.