Editorial K2 News week 23 2022

As of this writing, the OSKE12 exam is just finished. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your great efforts in planning and implementing this. Many have been involved, and I would especially like to highlight all administrative staff who have participated in time-consuming preparations and implementation of the day. As in previous years, I participated as an examiner in pediatrics. In addition to the fact that it is exciting to see how the students solve the assignments, it is inspiring to learn that they like this form of exam. Furthermore, it is fun to be part of such an event. You also get to meet staff at the faculty across departments and employment relationships in an exciting setting. Lunch and plenty of coffee help to keep the conversation going and the atmosphere is nice. However, it is a resource-intensive form of examination and with the challenges we now have financially, I doubt that we can spend more resources on this form of examination.

Summer holidays are approaching, and I would like to remind you that everyone must register their holiday wishes in the self-service portal. The deadline was May 1 and there are still many who have not registered the holidays for 2022. In addition to the fact that this is something we as an employer should have an overview of, there is another reason why we stress this. If you do not register the holiday, it will affect our finances. Unfinished vacation will be a debt to the employees at the turn of the year and increase the deficit in our budget. This may mean that we must freeze positions or something else in order to achieve budget balance. SO RUN AND REGISTER YOUR HOLIDAY NOW !!!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Head of Department

New research networks – medical and health research

COST is a European networking organization where most European countries (including Norway and all EU countries) are members. An important task for COST is to promote European research cooperation by initiating scientific networks (COST Actions). More information about COST can be found on their website http://www.cost.eu/ .

In May 2022, it was decided to initiate 70 new COST networks. Networks within or relevant to medical and health research are listed in the table.

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Enlist as a Welcome Week Watch!

UiB wants to make sure that the Welcome Week, 15. – 20. August is good experience, both for the arriving students and the other inhabitants of Bergen. In this regard, we are looking for volunteer colleagues to enlist as “Welcome Week Watch”.

As a Welcome Week Watch you are patrolling the city center together with three other colleges in shift lasting form approximately 22.00 until 03.00. Your job is to observe and make sure that everyone is safe. The volunteers will wear high-visibility vests.

As a watch, you also distribute food and water to those who need it, and make sure that people get home safely. This includes accompanying students that need it, to their home, bus, or taxi.

The job of the watch is to be a support for the student, and you are not supposed to replace other public services. The watch service will be organized with a call central, that the volunteers or the students can call if they need assistance or advise.

We encourage all our colleagues to contribute as a Welcome Week Watch. You get to know colleagues, and the service is important both for the students, Bergen and UiB as a whole.

If you want to contribute, sign up here (Norwegian only)

It is the student service organization Sammen that organizes and coordinates the Welcome Week Watch. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact faddervaktene@sammen.no

EU Mission on Cancer – National online workshop and networking opportunity (Norway)

To potential applicants/interested actors in Norway,

Would you like to contribute to EU’s Mission on Cancer? Are you interested in primary prevention and/or optimising treatments for refractory cancers?

Join us for an online workshop on two topics within the Cancer Mission’s open call:

The workshop will be a chance to better understand the two topics, to pitch and brainstorm ideas for the topics, and to network with others with the same interest for these or future topics. This workshop is open for any interested actors in Norway.

Date: June 15, 10:00 – 12:00

Register here

10:00 Welcome and introduction to the Mission Cancer Hub Norway
10:15 Primary prevention:

  1. Brief introduction to the topic by NCP Sofia Anderholm Strand, Research Council of Norway.
  2. Introductions and pitches by participants. Feedback and brainstorming possible ideas.

11:00 Optimising treatments for refractory cancer:

  1. Brief introduction to the topic by NCP Sofia Anderholm Strand, Research Council of Norway.
  2. Introductions and pitches by participants. Feedback and brainstorming possible ideas.

11:45 Wrap up and feedback on the form of the workshop.

Moderator: Astrid Bjerke, Norwegian Cancer Society

Participants that wish to pitch ideas are encouraged to notify us by email by June 13 (sast@rcn.no).

The workshop is a low-threshold event where we promote an open dialogue. We expect active participation by participants.

Topic introductions will be short, we ask that you get familiarized with the topics beforehand through the links above, and we also recommend to watch the recording from the European Commission’s information day about the Cancer Mission and the 2022 call:

Register for the event here


Dear all of you!

These are difficult economic times, and the political game around the Research Council is worrying. We have to look for alternatives when it comes to research funding, and it was therefore very nice to see that K2 was well represented at the workshops on “Horizon Europe and Beyond” organized by the FIA. We received many practical tips on how to proceed, and worked a little with a tool created by Hiwa Målen from the FIA that makes it easier for researchers to find suitable calls for proposals. Do not hesitate to contact our research advisor Susanna Pakkasmaa if you need help.

At K2 we also have several good examples of successful external research funding from alternative channels: Eva Gerdts and her Centre for Research on Heart Disease in Women  recently received support from Godvik Sanitetsforeningen, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen was awarded funding for CD37 CAR T cell therapy from the regional health enterprise program KLINBEFORSK, and Nina Langeland sitt Vestnorsk research centre for antibiotic resistance (CAMRIA – Combatting Anti-Microbial Resistance with Interdisciplinary Approaches) supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation had a grand opening this week with the Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol present, where Randi Bertelsen is one of the PI that receives support (https://mohnfoundation.no/vestnorsk-samling-om-forskning-pa-antibiotikaresistens/). Congratulations to everyone involved!

And last but not least: we at K2 are actually very good at educating the next generation of researchers with a total of 21 public defences in the first half of 2022! There is some research funding aimed at younger researchers, so just contact Susanna if you need advice.

Have a nice Pentecost!

Workshop: Oral and Dental Health and Tissue Regeneration. 

Dear all,

Centre of Translational Oral Research (TOR) at IKO and Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine welcome ALL to the 2-days workshop.

Active clinicians and researchers including 3 world-leading keynote speakers will update you the latest advancement in Oral and Dental Health and Tissue Regeneration.

The launch will be served (registration required).

Time/Date 23rd-24th June
Place Midgard at Arlek Helseklynge
*Please see the flyer for the detail

We look forward to seeing you.

Best regards,
TOR workshop Organisation Committee

Disputas- Merete Salveson Engeseth

Merete Salveson Engeset

Kandidaten utgår fra Klinisk institutt 2
Hovedveileder:professor Ola D. Røksund
Medveileder: professor Thomas Halvorsen

Prøveforelesning: Tirsdag 14. – juni 2022 kl. 10.15Sted: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28, underetasje

Oppgitt emne: «Respiratory sequelae of COVID-19 infection»

Disputas: Tirsdag 14. – juni 2022 kl. 12.15

Sted: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28, underetasje

Avhandlingens tittel: “Outcomes following PDA surgery in extremely preterm born subjects. Focusing on left vocal cord paralysis and associated short and long-term outcomes”

1. opponent: Professor Sveinung Berntsen, Universitetet i Agder
2. opponent: Ph.d. Camilla Slot Mehlum, Syddansk Universitet, Danmark
3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Bernt Bøgvald Aarli, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Ola Myklebost

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(Norsk) Disputas- Mona Synnøve Bjune

Kandidaten utgår fra Klinisk institutt 2

Hovedveileder: førsteamanuensis Simon Dankel
Medveiledere: professor Gunnar Melgren

Fredag 10. – juni 2022 kl. 9.15

Sted: Auditorium 2, BB Bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91

Oppgitt emne: «Branched-chain amino acids and type 2 diabetes: evidence from clinical studies and implications for future research? »

Disputas: Fredag 10. – juni 2022 kl. 11.15

Sted: Auditorium 2, BB Bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91

Avhandlingens tittel:  “The valine-3-HIB pathway in obesity, insulin resistance and fatty liver”

  1. opponent: Professor Philipp Kaldis, Lund Universitet, Sverige
  2. opponent: Ph.d. Christine Sommer, Universitetet i Oslo
  3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Mette Vesterhus, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Silke Appel.

Åpent for alle interesserte


Research for the students

The students at the faculty want to have more contact with researchers and academic life. A portal where students can get in touch with us researchers at the departments is therefore being established at the faculty. It is important that more researchers, from PhD-level up to professor, sign up for this portal so that we can reach out to many students. I encourage everyone to participate, see more details about this here.

Enjoy the weekend!

Pål R. Njølstad

Broegelmann lecture

Dear all,

This year’s Broegelmann lecture will be held the 30th May. It is given by Professor Marie Wahren Herlenius, Professor at KI and Professor II at UiB. She has a longstanding interest in Sjögren’s syndrome and has used Sjögren’s patient material to dissect underlying molecular mechanisms of sexual dimorphism in autoimmune diseases. We can look forward to an interesting seminar!

Best regards,


Dear Mentimeter user at UiB

As previously announced, a basic course will be arranged on June 8., which will be repeated on August 23., and a course for advanced students on June 15., which will be repeated on August 30., all between 1000-1100 hrs. Stina Nilsson Helander from Mentimeter will guide us through the course, and will go through everything you need to know to start with Mentimeter. Stina is from Sweden and there will be an opportunity to ask questions in both Norwegian and English both course days. You can ask along the way, and she will also be available for 15 minutes afterwards if any questions.

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Christina Flornes

I work as a research and education consultant, Ph.D.-Coordinator, and study advisor at K2. In practice, this means that I manage most of the work around dissertations and mid-term evaluations. In addition, I have other task in the administration in K2.

What I like best about my job are my colleagues and the good working environment. We are a nice bunch who work for the workplace to bee as good as possible for both candidates and employees at UiB.
Right now I am working on coordinating the semesters final dissertations, so that everyone who is going to defend their thesis before the summer, gets what they need from hotels, dinners, flowers, lunch, auditoriums, robes, folders, messages, signatures etc.

I am lucky to be able to participate in the education of tomorrow`s researchers. It is very fun to collaborate with professionally skilled colleagues and there are always exciting new tasks to get better at!

EU Cancer Mission – calls for 2022 are now open!

EU Missions are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. They have ambitious goals and will deliver tangible results by 2030. EU Missions are a novelty of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for the years 2021-2027.

One of the relevant missions for researchers at our faculty is the Mission Cancer. It aims to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better.

The Mission Cancer calls 2022 are now open:
Improving and upscaling primary prevention of cancer through implementation research
Strengthening research capacities of Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures
Pragmatic clinical trials to optimise treatments for patients with refractory cancers
Towards the creation of a European Cancer Patient Digital Centre
Establishing of national cancer mission hubs and creation of network to support the Mission on Cancer

Please contact amra.grudic@uib.no if you are interested in one of the calls and would like to discuss.

More about research funding

We have previously written that the Faculty and the departments must cut costs. Now it’s The Research Council’s turn. In Khrono (khrono.no), Nobel Prize winners Moser and Moser warn for the effects of funding cuts. They are shocked and they are not alone. Khrono writes: In order to save NOK 842 million this year and next year, it is proposed, among other things, to reduce the allocations this year by 20 per cent, not to announce funds for ground breaking research (Fripro) next year and postpone the start of new Centers of excellence”. In addition, there are proposals to postpone the funding of research infrastructure.

How should we handle this as a department? I think it is important to apply for funding from the Research Council even if the “eye of the needle” is even narrower than before. Furthermore, we must look for alternative sources of funding. Here, Horizon Europe stands out as a great opportunity. While Norway cuts research funding, the EU will invest 95.5 billion Euros in Horizon Europe (2021-2027)!

The research department arranged an information day on 13 May where the application possibilities were explained, and they are many and organized in 3 pillars

  1. Excellent science (ERC scholarship, Marie Sklodowska-Curie mobility program)
  2. Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, where, among other things, Health is one of the programs
  3. Innovative Europe

Horizon Europe has a special focus on adaptation to climate change, cancer, climate-neutral smart cities, healthy seas and lakes, soil health and food

Here are opportunities to apply that we pursue. The Research Department at UiB and our research advisers are ready to help.

I’ll make Nike’s slogan my own: just do it!


Eystein Husebye

Vice Head, K2

Get to know Horizon Europe

Hiwa Målen from the Division of Research and Innovation has developed a tool for navigating Horizon Europe and its calls. The focus is on Pillar 2, Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness, which includes Cluster Health.

Course on this Power BI tool on Tuesday 31 May at 9.00-11.30 at Eitri.

Registration Horizon Europe and Beyond – a tool to navigate the EU landscape (uib.no)

Questions? Please contact Amra Grudic-Feta: Amra.Grudic@uib.no

Eitri demo

Eitri Medical Incubator hosts startups and researchers striving to improve healthcare by developing better solutions to today’s problems. Join us for a breakfast on May 31 and hear from a few of them!

May 31, 8:30-10:00, at Eitri, Hauklenadsbakken 31.

Sign up here: https://www.eitrilab.no/events/eitri-demo-breakfast

Please, contact maija.slaidina@uib.no or torleif.lunde@uib.no if you have any questions.

Can science make sense of life?

Meet the 2022 Holberg Laureate, Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard University) in conversation with Stephen Hilgartner (Cornell University). Jasanoff and Hilgartner are internationally leading scholars in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and have done extensive research on the social dimensions and politics of biomedicine and biotechnology (among other fields). Join us Friday June 10 at 09.30-10.15 in Store Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital!

More information here