In May 2022, we started hiking up Ulriken from K2. Since then, we have been a group from the K2 Administration who have hiked up Ulriken every week, regardless of the weather. So far, we have completed 54 trips from K2 to Ulriken, and those of us who have participated every week have naturally gotten into top hiking shape. To join, send an email to
Author Archives: cra002
Disputas- Merete Salveson Engeseth
Kandidaten utgår fra Klinisk institutt 2
Hovedveileder:professor Ola D. Røksund
Medveileder: professor Thomas Halvorsen
Prøveforelesning: Tirsdag 14. – juni 2022 kl. 10.15Sted: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28, underetasje
Oppgitt emne: «Respiratory sequelae of COVID-19 infection»
Disputas: Tirsdag 14. – juni 2022 kl. 12.15
Sted: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28, underetasje
Avhandlingens tittel: “Outcomes following PDA surgery in extremely preterm born subjects. Focusing on left vocal cord paralysis and associated short and long-term outcomes”
1. opponent: Professor Sveinung Berntsen, Universitetet i Agder
2. opponent: Ph.d. Camilla Slot Mehlum, Syddansk Universitet, Danmark
3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Bernt Bøgvald Aarli, Universitetet i Bergen
Disputasen blir ledet av professor Ola Myklebost
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(Norsk) Disputas- Mona Synnøve Bjune
Kandidaten utgår fra Klinisk institutt 2
Hovedveileder: førsteamanuensis Simon Dankel
Medveiledere: professor Gunnar Melgren
Fredag 10. – juni 2022 kl. 9.15
Sted: Auditorium 2, BB Bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Oppgitt emne: «Branched-chain amino acids and type 2 diabetes: evidence from clinical studies and implications for future research? »
Disputas: Fredag 10. – juni 2022 kl. 11.15
Sted: Auditorium 2, BB Bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Avhandlingens tittel: “The valine-3-HIB pathway in obesity, insulin resistance and fatty liver”
- opponent: Professor Philipp Kaldis, Lund Universitet, Sverige
- opponent: Ph.d. Christine Sommer, Universitetet i Oslo
- medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Mette Vesterhus, Universitetet i Bergen
Disputasen blir ledet av professor Silke Appel.
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Undervisningsdagen 18. mai !
Nå er programmet for Undervisningsdagen K1&K2 18. mai klart!
Tid: 18. mai kl. 12.00
Sted: Auditoriet i AHH, underetg.
12.00 Lunsj
12.45 Velkommen
12.50 Tegneskjermer og responsverktøy v/Øystein Ariansen Haaland
13.15 Fra idé til gjennomføring; utvikling av elektivt emne om gynekologisk ultralyd for medisinstudenter som ledd i universitetspedagogikk v/Jone Trovik
13.45 Pause
14.00 Utplassering i MED8 og særplass: Status og veien videre v/Trude Gundersen og Anne Berit Guttormsen
14.20 Fremtidig OSKE6 med økt antall studenter v/Eirik Søfteland
14.35 Merittering som fremragende underviser. Hvordan søker en? v/ Martin Biermann
15.00 Prisutdeling undervisningsprisene
15.15 Slutt
Det serveres lunsj kl. 12.00 som krever påmelding senest 12. mai. Meld deg på her.
Diputas – Olena Fedotkina
Prøveforelesning: Fredag 13. mai 2022 kl. 10.15
For tilgang til digitalt møterom: se pressemelding
Oppgitt emne: “Type 2 diabetes as a multifactorial disease determined by lifestyle, genetic and epigenetic factors”
Disputas: Fredag 13. mai 2022 kl. 12.15
For tilgang til digitalt møterom: se pressemelding
Avhandlingens tittel: “Intrauterine and genetic risk factors for proliferative diabetic retinopathy”
Hovedveileder: professor Valeriya Lyssenko
Medveileder: professor Stephanie Francoise Claire Le Hellard
1.opponent: Professor Robert Wagner, University Hospital Tübingen, Tyskland
2.opponent: Professor Benedicte Lie, Universitetet i Oslo
3.medlem av komiteen: Professor Ola Myklebost, Universitetet i Bergen
Disputasen blir ledet av professor Simona Chera.
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Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop
Welcome to Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop – a follow-up event to the Info Day in January 2022.
13.05.2022 – 09.30–15.00
Scandic Hotell Ørnen, Lars Hilles gate 18
Registration deadline is 10.05.2022 – 12.00 and you can register here
New application opportunities
Susanna Pakkasmaa, our new research advisor is in place and ready to assist, as is our team of economists. Do not hesitate to get in touch, have a chat, or invite Susanna to group meeting.
The Norwegian Cancer Society’s call for researcher projects is open with an application deadline on Tuesday 31 May at 1 pm. Read more If you plan to apply, contact Linn Iversen (finance) and Susanna Pakkasmaa (research advise)
For cancer researchers, there are also new announcements within the EU’s Mission Cancer, which opens on 24 May. EU Missions address some of the greatest challenges facing our society. The European Commission has identified five Missions that they want concrete and ambitious solutions to by 2030. One of these is cancer, another is soil health and food that may be of relevance to nutritionists and others. Read more about missions on the Research Council’s website (in Norwegian) and
European Commission website
It is K2’s clear ambition to strengthen the portfolio of EU projects. Therefore, see if you can prioritize UiB’s workshop on Horizon Europe, which will be held on 13 May at Scandic Ørnen. This all-day event is for all UiB researchers. More information Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop | Research and Innovation Department | UiB
It is also possible to influence the research profile of Horizon Europe by participating in one of the Research Council’s reference groups that are now recruiting new members. There are 10 reference groups, including health, research infrastructure and digitization. The members should have a good knowledge of the framework program, and competence to provide relevant professional input. They are not representatives of the institution, but must have a good dialogue with institutions and companies in their respective areas. This is a great opportunity to influence and gain insider insight into Horizon Europe. The nomination deadline is 6 May and we must receive the proposals by Monday 2 May at 12 o’clock. Read more here: (in Norwegian)
Susanna Pakkasmaa Eystein Husebye
Research adviser Acting head of department
(Norsk) Håkon Solheim
Jeg jobber i Administrasjonen på K2 , 8. etg. Lab bygget
Her jobber jeg med prosjektøkonomi for gruppe G1, G5, G20, G21 og CCBIO
Det jeg liker best ved jobben min er unit4 -prosjektmodulen.
Jeg liker også den brede variasjonen i arbeidsoppgaver.
Arbeidsoppgavene varierer en del. I starten av året er det gjerne mye bistand til prosjektledere som skal søke om midler til NFR, samt rapportering til eksterne finansiører på prosjekter som er ferdig. Det er også andre søknadsfrister/rapporteringsfrister gjennom året vi jobbet opp mot. Ellers er det løpende drift på prosjekter, blant annet innkjøp, fakturabehandling og holde orden i økonomien på prosjektene.
Det er et veldig trivelig arbeidsmiljø på K2, med gode kollegaer!
(Norsk) Disputas- Aril Løge Håvik
Prøveforelesning: Fredag 06. mai 2022 kl. 10.15
Sted: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28
Oppgitt emne: «Vestibular and other schwannomas of cranial and peripheral nerves – a biological perspective»
Disputas: Fredag 06. mai 2022 kl. 12.15
Sted: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28
Avhandlingens tittel: “Genetics of vestibular schwannoma. Genetic landscape of irradiated and radiation-naïve benign and malignant vestibular schwannoma”
Hovedveileder: professor Per Morten Knappskog
Medveiledere: professor Morten Lund-Johansen og ph.d. Ove Bruland
1.opponent: Professor Cordula Matthies, University Hospital Wurzburg, Tyskland
2.opponent: Professor II Rolf Skotheim, Universitetet i Oslo
3.medlem av komiteen: Professor Øystein Fluge, Universitetet i Bergen
Disputasen blir ledet av førsteamanuensis Lars Helgeland.
link for digital dissertation here:
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Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop Scandic Ørnen Hotell, May 13th, 2022
The programme begins with a brief overview of the different types of funding available for research, innovation, career and networking in Horizon Europe and Erasmus + and how to find them.
Researchers and research advisers from UiB share their experiences in talks and panel debates on network building, team building and proposal writing.
Mingling sessions: Throughout the day, there will be open stations where researchers can get advice and help from research advisers to find funding opportunities within their research field or interest, or ask questions about Horizon Europe and Erasmus +.
See the full programme here. Please register before May 10th.
(Norsk) Forskningstermin 2023 – søknadsfrist 6. mai
Horizon Europe Inspiration worskhop på Scandic Hotel Ørnen fredag den 13. mai
Som en oppfølging av Horizon Europe info day @UiB 14. januar arrangeres det en Horizon Europe Inspiration worskhop på Scandic Hotel Ørnen fredag den 13. mai fra kl. 09.30 til kl. 15.00.
Forskere og forskningsrådgivere fra UiB deler sine erfaringer i innlegg og paneldebatter om nettverksbygging, teambygging og søknadsskriving.
Minglesesjoner: Gjennom hele dagen blir det åpne stands der forskere kan få råd og hjelp fra forskningsrådgivere til å finne finansieringsmuligheter innenfor sitt forskningsfelt, eller stille spørsmål om Horisont Europa og Erasmus+.
Her finner dere programmet og lenken til påmeldingsskjemaet.
(Norsk) Thea Midtun
Jobber med Studie, Klinisk institutt 2
Jeg jobber som semesterkoordinator for MED9 (niende semester på medisinstudiet) og er administrativ ansvarlig for noen masteremner ved instituttet.
Det som jeg liker best ved jobben min, er at det er så mange ulike og varierte arbeidsoppgaver, og at jeg har ansvaret for alle prosesser i et emne fra start til slutt! Det er givende å se at arbeidet man legger inn i planleggingsfasen fungerer i praksis, og å kunne legge til rette for at både studentene og de vitenskapelige har det de trenger for å kunne utføre arbeidet sitt.
Mesteparten av tiden på jobben går med til å holde kontroll på at alt går som det skal med undervisning, praksis og eksamen.
Jeg liker å jobbe på K2 fordi jeg har så mange gode og kjekke kollegaer her! Og ikke minst er det givende å være med på å legge til rette for at vi kan utdanne de beste legene i landet.
Do you want to contribute during the research days in Bergen?
UIB is the largest contributor to the festival i Bergen, and we hope more professional communities will join i making research visible to the city`s population. The research days is an annual, national festival and this year take place from 21th of September to 2nd Oktober.
We are applaying for contributions to:
- 23. og 24. september in a big tent in Festplassen, filled with 25-30 stations from the city`s research and educational institutions.
for more information:
Open guest lecture at the Faculty of Law UiB.
On May 16, the Faculty of Law will host an open guest lecture with Professor Stephen J. Morse of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and the Department of Psychiatry, in collaboration with the DIMENSIONS research project. The title of the lecture is “Neurolaw: Perils and Promises” (see the invitation for a more detailed description of the topic), and the topic may be of interest across different disciplines. Invitation here!
Kreftforeningens hovedutlysning, Forskerprosjekt 2022 -Frist 31. mai
Open Call, Rosa sløyfe, Krefttak mot Kreft og geografisk spredning
The Cancer Society works to fight and prevent cancer, and to ensure the best possible life for cancer patients and their relatives. The Norwegian Cancer Society announces funding for research projects in these thematic areas:
- Free cancer research (Open Call, NOK 130 million).
- Breast cancer (Pink ribbon, NOK 28 million).
- Cancer with spread (Efforts against cancer, NOK 20 million).
- Cancer research at institutions outside the big cities (NOK 8 million).
For more information on this call:
Are you planning to apply to the Norwegian Cancer Society in 2022? Then you must fill in the form below:
Jeg planlegger å søke Kreftforeningen med frist 31. mai
Internal control for laboratory work 2022.
Attached is a link for this year’s internal control for work at the laboratories.
Please submit only one form per research group/unit by 11th of May
Registration of main holiday in the Self-service-portal, deadline 1st of May.
All employees at UiB must register holiday in the UiB portal: Selvbetjeningsportalen | Ansattsider | UiB Press the button ‘Requests for absence’ and ‘Create request’.
Inform your nearest leader about your main holidays and register before May 1, write that the holiday is approved by your leader.
Rest holidays must be registrated in the portal within 1st of October.
this year`s Broegelmann-lecture will be May 30, 2 p.m in AHH
(Norsk) Bli med på Forsker grand prix? Søknadsfrist 30. april
Eystein at the helm
This week I took over as head of department after Pål, but only for a short period – Pål has a short leave until 10 May and I will try to provide the same good service as him in the meantime. Now that it is time for Easter, it is appropriate to thank all K2 employees for their efforts so far this year. Research and teaching are taking place at a high pace, even though resources are scarce. Falch’s Junior Prize will be awarded and the research group leaders are asked to promote candidates, see announcement in this issue of K2-news.
A special thank you to Maria Holmaas and the rest of the administration who are making a formidable effort to keep the wheels turning. K2 is a fantastic workplace and has an enormous potential for good research and teaching. Carry on and do what is good better.
I hope all of you all take the opportunity to enjoy some days off over Easter, and recharge your batteries with both physical and perhaps spiritual food. The war in Ukraine is a strong reminder that we cannot take freedom and democracy for granted.
Easter greetings,
Eystein Husebye
The Novo Nordisk Foundation calls for applications within basic and clinical research within the endocrine system and metabolism relating to cellular energy homeostasis. The objective is to promote Nordic research at the highest international level to carry out research projects of 1-3 years duration.
(Norsk) Ønsker du å bidra under Forskningsdagene i Bergen?
MRCRM seminar series «the Ex vivo facility – why, how and when”, with Einar K. Kristoffersen
Time: April 27, from 14:30 – 15:30
Venue: Auditorium 4, 3rd floor, BBB, Jonas Lies vei 91
Register for tapas:
Streaming link will appear here:
Welcome to the first seminar in the Mohn Research Center for Regenerative Medicine (MRCRM)’s seminar series, where Einar K. Kristoffersen will present “the Ex vivo facility” – the new cleanroom laboratory at the Laboratory Building. Do not miss this excellent opportunity to learn
Øyvind Byrkjedal-Bendiksen
I work as a coordinator for the joint study administration at K1 and K2. In practice, this means that I am the supervisor of the fine team that administers the medicine, nutrition and pharmacy studies at the department.
What I like best about the job are my colleagues and the good working environment. We are a nice bunch who are passionate about making everyday as good as possible for both students and employees at UiB. Right now, we are working on putting in place the timetables for the autumn of 2022.
Another thing I like is that I contribute to something bigger than myself. Being so lucky to be part of the education of tomorrow’s doctors, pharmacists and nutritionists is very inspiring. It is very exciting to collaborate with professionally skilled doctors, teachers, researchers and committed students.
(Norsk) Diputas-Hege Fredriksen Berg
Hovedveileder: professor Camilla Krakstad
Medveiledere: ph.d. Erling Høivik
Prøveforelesning: Torsdag 21. april 2022 kl. 10.15
Sted: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28
Oppgitt emne: «Clinical implementation of multi-omics methodology in cancer diagnostics»
Disputas: Fredag 22. april 2022 kl. 08.15
Sted: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28
Avhandlingens tittel:
“Organoid models and novel biomarkers for improved treatment of endometrial cancer”
- opponent: Ph.d. Gema Moreno-Bueno, Universitetet i Madrid, Spania
- opponent: Ph.d. Mads Haugland Haugen, Oslo Universitets sykehus
- medlem av komiteen: Ph.d. Gro Vatne Røsland, Universitetet i Bergen
Disputasen blir ledet av professor Harald G. Wiker.
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