Category Archives: This week’s editorial

Scientific meetings: Hunting for collaboration and friendship

At the time of writing, I am in Turku, Finland at the annual meeting of the Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes. As the name says, this is a Scandinavian meeting for physicians and researchers interested in diabetes. The mayor of Turku opened the meeting with an interesting question: Is there anyone who remembers where the meeting was last year, and the two years before? Uncertain responses. But do you remember someone you met at these meetings and what you talked about? Yes, that was something completely different! Of course we remembered meeting old and new acquaintances, exchange og information and ideas for new studies. Even though today we have very effective tools for sharing information through the internet and other types of computer networks, personal meeting with professionals at home and abroad is more important than ever. It maintains existing and opens up new friendships, and provides professional refills. It is possible that a meeting must have something physical to attract attendees, but I am not so sure that it really means so much. Hence, I’m coming back from a meeting full of enthusiasm and new ideas, and I think little about where the meeting actually took place. So, go to meetings, make new friends and learn something new!


Well spent Easter!

I hope everyone got to enjoy a bit of sun and snow during the Easter holidays and is ready for spring! It will come eventually!

Those of you intending to apply to NFR are hopefully well on their way and have been in contact with ʺtheirʺeconomist – are you in doubt who that is, get in touch with Amra ( The approval of the application by the institute leader should go via the economist (deadline 20.4.). If of interest, Amra is available to read through your application.

But now to something else that is more fun than writing applications: The awards of the medical faculty 2017.

Have you been supervisor for an exceptional PhD candidate who defended her/his outstanding thesis in 2017, or (maybe even better?) have you attended a PhD thesis defense and been impressed by the PhD thesis of the candidate? Send suggestions for PhD thesis of the year to Pål Njølstad! You also still have the possibility to suggest Research group of the year, Publication of the year and Dissemination award of the year – but remember, the deadline is today!

K2-News Week 12

The University of Bergen should deliver on four social issues, namely: research, education, dissemination and innovation. Previously, K2´s leadership had a strong focus on the fact that the Institute’s research would benefit society and K2 is therefore an institute that has thus far maintained its reputation in the field of innovation. The institute contributes many innovative projects where cooperation with both the hospital and the business community is central, among other things within drug development, medical technology and nutrition. Many will probably think that running innovation takes time from research and teaching and should just be a secondary consideration at UiB. However, the development of research ideas with commercial potential can be an excellent way to expand both networking and funding potential for project financing. The development of products and processes can also contribute to new research ideas. In K2, news no. 4, Amra focused on the importance of planning the application processes towards external funding sources. This is also true for innovation and commercialization projects.

The University of Bergen has set up Bergen Teknologioverføring AS (BTO) to help handle the further development of research ideas with social or commercial potential. Very often, in the development of these ideas and projects, its critical to apply for funds, just as in research. BTO has gradually gained experience with applications towards the various different funding programs availible. First and foremost, it is very important to get started as soon as possible with the application. The fact that these projects often also have more external partners only reinforce the importance of starting early. Furthermore, it is extremely important not just to describe the research or technical aspects, but also the usefulness and the commercial aspect. Business developers at the TTOs know how to best describe this. In addition, they often seek advice and assistance from external advisors to review the applications and provide feedback. BTO also cooperates closely with our administration at K2 and with the research advisors in the application processes. Here are some of the most important programs where UiB collaborates with BTO to get project funding, but there are of course many others, depending on the subject area and themes. Start by checking out these and see if there are some opportunities for financing some of your great ideas:

BIOTEK 2021 Optimizers: Project ideas with a commercial potential in biology and biomedicine can receive funding at a relatively early phase for further development. It is UiB which is the applicant institution, but it is mandatory to have a TTO onboard (in UiBs case, BTO), to ensure that the project evolves in a commercial direction.

STUDENT: Students with a good idea can earn up to NOK 1 million to further develop their idea commercially. It is UiB, which is the sender of an application to the Research Council of Norway. The scheme is aimed at those who are (or almost) at the master’s level. BTO assists both in the application process and after the project has been granted.

FORNY 2020 is the Research Council’s own verification program. The projects must be at a more mature stage of development than is the case with Biotek2021 Optimalization, but still the early “high risk” phase.

So if you have a good idea, please contact BTO right away!

Emmet Mc Cormack
Randi Taxt, Vice-director BTO

K2-News Week 11

It’s time to honor our best in research, teaching and dissemination 2017!

Prizes will be awarded for the year’s publication, the research group of the year, the year’s PhD work, and excellent research dissemination.

K2 can promote up to two candidates in each category. The proposals needs to be detailed. The individual proposal should be on 1/2-1 page. We ask research group leaders to submit proposals o by Friday 6 April 2018.

The Publication of the Year
-describe quality, originality, and innovation
– if relevant, consequences for further knowledge acquisition, clinical use or innovation
– should represent the department’s own research
-the original article as nominated should be enclosed as a pdf file of the printed article

The PhD Thesis of the Year
-describe quality, originality, and innovation
– if relevant, consequences for further knowledge acquisition, clinical use or innovation
-candidate’s own contribution to the work needs to be explained
-four printed copies of the thesis should be sent to the faculty (will only be returned on request).

The Research Group of the Year
-describe research production and quality
-should have close collaboration and not have the character of being a loosely linked network
-contributions to national and international research collaboration, networking and contributions to recruitment and education of researchers recruited

The Dissemination Price
-descrube how the researcher or research group has been able to convey recent research in an excellent way to a broad audience
-research dissemination must be of high quality in terms of professional content, design and execution
-should engage, awaken curiosity, give inspiration and new knowledge
-the dissemination must respond to society’s need for information and knowledge about research and higher education.

K2 has launched a teaching price of 50,000 NOK. The prize is awarded once a year to a lecturer who has particularly excelled for outstanding efforts in student education within subjects in the program of medicine, pharmaceuticals, dentistry or nutrition belonging to K2.We ask for proposals sent to by April 13, 2018.The prize will be awarded at the Examination and Teaching Seminar on 2 May.

Matters that are especially emphasized in the assessment of proposed candidates for the K2 tuition fee:

-student evaluation of teaching
-remarks for good education
-development of new student activating teaching methods
-use of new digital teaching or examination methods
-production of textbooks / textbooks
-internationalization of teaching
-other teaching or exam-related projects with clear transfer value


Desperately seeking … TEACHERS

At K2 we do have many teaching contributions: pharmacy, nutrition, molecular biology and dentistry, but the most comprehensive is the medical curriculum with all its facets from the basal anatomy, physiology and biology to the whole panorama of diseases (in addition, contributions from the university for the education of medical specialists are being asking for). As university employees we ALL have to contribute as teachers/facilitators, although at different levels. The academics hold the responsibility for lecturing, but specific student courses may need assistance from technicians/non-medical scientists. Students will also need mentoring during specific projects in handling instruments/machines and statistics.

PhD students with UiB scholarships are to fulfil a proportion of compulsory service/work. With relevant medial background I will ask for their appropriate time/share to be allocated for teaching. PhD students with other scientific backgrounds will be prioritized for other needy/worthy tasks. It is important that each mentor inform their PhD candidates accordingly regarding these UiB expectations and actively encourage them to participate in teaching activities. Other “non-UiB scholarship” candidates are encouraged to participate in teaching activities. During their PhD training, the candidate shall participate in academic dissemination. Teaching activities will be one way of fulfilling this. In addition, planning for future scientific employment, teaching experience is important. Hopefully I will be informed of who may be included as teacher from the new pool of PhD candidates.

The teaching day 2 May has a teaching portfolio as a theme, precisely to enable us to document and visualize teaching skills.

OSCE (Objective Structured Clincal Exam), or station exam in Norwegian, is used for pharmacy already, while in Medicine 2015 it will be held for the first time in full scale for a full litter of students on 20 June. We need that teachers from the first to the sixth semester make exam paper proposals. This must be reported to K1 OSCE responsible, professor Eirik Søfteland.

K2 shall be responsible for implementing the final OSCE for the 12th semester. There, we need to find a person with an interest in teaching/evaluation that will help lead the work towards the first exitOSCE in June 2019. Do you have experience (graduated from e.g. the Netherlands or the UK?), or just want to take the challenge with a new part of the educational range: contact me! Or tell me someone you think will suit this; “tip phone” =



The winter holiday is soon behind us and Spring is approaching with more daylight and brighter times. As mentioned earlier, times are also brighter for the budget K2 has scheduled for 2018. K2 thanks for many good suggestions for using the so-called Xtrafunds. The Faculty has decided the following guidelines for the use of these:

1) 10 mNOK for equipment for purchase in 2018
These will be distributed among the Departments by size of the annuity funds, which for K2’s part is 24%. The institutes must provide a 25% deduction. This means that K2 will make 3.0 mNOK available.

As previously mentioned, it is a prerequisite that the funds can be used in 2018. They cannot be used for salary or self-financing of externally funded projects.

2) 8 mNOK to Faculty measures
These funds will be used for various measures, such as the animal department and the caretaker housing for the students.

3) 45 mNOK set aside in the long-term budget 2019-22
Here are funds for larger equipment where the tender rules apply. A priority list will be made based on input from the Departments. Furthermore, funds are used for various projects, such as externally funded projects, where the university has to match the funds.

K2 will contact the research group leaders for the completion of the purchase of equipment for research or teaching that K2’s management group has prioritized. Prioritized equipment that can be bought and paid in 2018 will be charged the 3.0 mNOK that we will make available. Equipment that cannot be purchased budget year 2018 will be placed on the Faculty’s list of larger equipment for the long-term budget 2019-2022.

Research group leaders have a deadline to report exact price of the equipment and plan for the procurement process. Deadline for this feedback is 1 May. Final deadline for documented opportunity for procurement 2018 is set for 1 October.


Bergen Research Foundation

We are approaching the winter holidays and for many a much appreciated break from work. And for those who are not going to leave, there is a little more peace and quiet at the workplace to clean up the desk or to plan new activities.

Bergen Research Foundation (BFS) has two different initiatives: BFS Starting Grants and Thematic Strategies. There will soon be a new deadline for BFS Starting Grants, and we have also very good candidates this year. As regards the Thematic Strategies, BFS operates with different phases of the process. It starts with an idea phase without any form of ties that eventually passes into an analytical phase with only administrative management. If certain criteria are fulfilled, the idea is treated at a board meeting where it is decided that the idea / theme will be announced as a call. In the review phase, the applications are processed. The project that wins comes to the appointment phase. When an agreement is reached, the project is in the active phase. At the end of the project period, the project enters the final phase period.

The Faculty of Medicine wants to get an overview of new and existing ideas for projects and centers that may be relevant for the Faculty to suggest to BFS. The Faculty wishes to receive input from the Departments for discussion at the Department Head Meeting on 20 March. Since the BFS plays an active role in the idea phase of a project, the Faculty wishes ideas more than completed projects.

K2 therefore invites the research group leaders to submit input to possible projects / centers financed by the BFS. It is desirable with sketches that are approx. ½ page. The amount allocated from BFS should be given, which probably should be in the order for 20–30 mNOK. The deadline is Friday 16 March, and the sketches should be sent to

Happy winter holidays!


Small research funds

It is time for the allocation of small research funds (SMÅFORSK). The funds are available due to a joint event between RCN and UiB. The intention of these funds is that funds will be awarded research groups that have not been endowed large allocations so that they can start new projects. Applicants can ask for means to cover expenses for travel, seminars, courses, materials, technical-administrative assistance and other operating expenses. It is a requirement that the applicant should hold a permanent position, be an active researcher at K2, and that the applicant can document that he/she has applied for funds from other external sources during the last two years.

Requirements for application and criteria for allocation:

  • The research group leader shall be applicant
  • The purpose of the use of funds must be justified and should be discussed and prioritized within the research group
  • It must be documented that the group in 2016 or 2017 has applied other external sources for research funds covering the present purpose
  • The funds must be used this year and can therefore not be transferred to next year
  • Benefits go to research groups that do not already have large assets

The deadline is Monday 5 March at. 13:00.

The application form can be found here and should be submitted to Siv Johnsen Eggereide.

Good luck!


Research education at the Department of Clinical Science

As new deputy head of research at the Department of Clinical Science, will research education be something I focus on. The past years, the number of PhD thesis defences at the Faculty for Medicine has declined. While it was 98 and 97 defences in 2015 and 2016, respectively, it was only 82 in 2017. At the same time, the number of candidates taken up into the PhD programme has been quite stable between 90 and 100 per year. The numbers for the Department of Clinical Science are following a similar pattern. The number of defences has decreased from 31 in 2015 to 19 in 2017, while around 30 new PhD fellows have been taken up per year. Therefore, the leader group will give more attention to having PhD candidates finalizing their thesis and try to arrange as good as possible for this to happen. All PhD candidates and supervisors are encouraged to take contact if they encounter any problems.

In the last round of PhD positions from the Medical Faculty, the Department of Clinical Science was very successful with up to 16 new PhD candidates. That is very good news! Most of them have gotten a 4 years position with 25% obligatory duty work. As the head of research at the time, Roland Jonsson, wrote already in 2014, this is a great asset for the institute. In order to get a fair distribution of the obligatory duty work, all PhD candidates financed from the university will be contacted during the next weeks for a short meeting regarding planning of the obligatory duty work, together with representatives from the leader group, main supervisor and PhD coordinator Irene Hjelmaas.


Economy for 2018

The Faculty of Medicine has a temporary economic surplus for 2018 due to positive results in 2016, which provides budget growth in 2018; transfers of unused funds from 2017; as well as the need for lower transfers in the basic fund than 20 million NOK in total for 2019.

This means that the departments including K2 will be given an opportunity to increase the basic appropriation beyond what is budgeted for 2018. K2 is important for the faculty’s budget growth, and it is great that some of this now will benefit us.

The order from the Faculty are that the measures can go to research, including equipment that can be purchased this year; teaching, including equipment that can be purchased this year; and other measures such as HSE.

Research group leaders are challenged to propose measures within the framework of approx. 0.5 mNOK and that equipment cannot have a cost beyond the EU limit for tender. The last is because tenders take time, and the faculty wishes to spend the funds in 2018.

Unfortunately, there is a very short deadline for making suggestions. This is set to February 9 at the Faculty level. We need time for an internal process on K2, too, why our deadline for you is during February 5. I am very sorry for this ultra short deadline. All proposals must come through the head of the research groups.

Enjoy the weekend!


Application process spring 2018

A new year and an earlier deadline from Research Council of Norway (RCN) means it is time to plan the application process for spring. We will continue the K2 tradition with submission of application sketches and a joint meeting for applicants to the programs BEDREHELSE, BEHANDLING, HELSEVEL and FRIMEDBIO. Thursday 15 February is the proposed deadline for the sketch and we have reserved Wednesday 7 March at 13-16 (seminar room 7th floor) for the meeting. The intention with this meeting is to present the sketch and receive constructive feedback from experienced colleagues which is useful for the preparation of the final proposal. You can send your sketch to

Last years’ results from RCN showed the importance of applying in the program that fits the research project. I therefore want to draw your attention to a seminar in Bergen on 7 February where representatives from RCN will present the programs BEHANDLING, BEDREHELSE, HELSEVEL og HORIZON 2020 (Program). They will present what is expected from the various programs, so I encourage you to attend if you have the possibility to do so.

Other relevant deadlines during the coming months are GLOBVAC, Novo Nordisk, Kreftforeningen og Extrastiftelsen, to name a few. I also want to remind you about BFS Starting Grant, a program aiming to recruit and develop excellent research leaders at UiB, where the deadline to send a sketch and CV is 12 February, as presented in the newsletter last week. Research advisors also want to join the digitalization processes taking place at UiB. Relevant research deadlines will therefore be published on this page, while announcements relevant for education can be found here. If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement please let me know.

Tuesday this week RCN visited Bergen to talk about possibilities for the public sector in research. There will be an increased emphasis on this subject, so if you have any contacts in the municipality I want to remind you about “Offentlig ph.d.”. The municipality and RCN fund the candidate 50-50 while we are a partner representing the educational institution. More information will be made available during March and the deadline will most likely be beginning of April.

Finally, I would like to advertise a bit for myself. I would be happy to assist you in one or all of the areas represented below. I am at your assistance until deadline 25 April at 13, but it is best to give us more time. This I will leave up to you as to what fits best.


The Annual Research Presentations

I am writing to you to encourage participation at the upcoming week´s event, the Annual Research Presentations by the Research School in Clinical Medicine.

What is The Research School in Clinical Medicine?

It is an arena for PhD students from K1, K2 and Helse-Bergen to socialize and present own research to fellow students. The research school also organizes courses that may be included as part of the mandatory training component of the PhD program, and a seminar series where current research from the faculty is presented by excellent speakers.

Our own Professor Stefan Johansson is the current leader. The team also includes Researcher Kristoffer Haugarvoll (K1), Leader of the Research Unit for Children, Camilla Tøndel (Helse Bergen), Researcher Stian Knappskog (K2), Professor Thomas Halvorsen (K2), Solveig Lund Witsøe (K1), PhD Student Torbjørn Kråkenes (K1), and PhD Student Andreas Venizelos (K2).

The poster presentations will take place Wednesday 24 January in the reception foyer, floor 0, Sentralblokken, Haukeland University Hospital; oral presentations Thursday 25 January in Birkhaugssalen, floor 3, Sentralblokken, while the award ceremony will be Friday 26 January 12:00–12:30 in the reception foyer, floor 0, Sentralblokken.

The research school was founded by Professor Emeritus Amund Gulsvik and has been a great success. I take the opportunity to thank him, and all following leaders and staff members for organizing this important event. But what is more, the Research School would be nothing if it were not for the participants, presenters and audience; my sincere thanks to them, too. My high school teacher said I should post the following sentence over my bed: ”Never a day without a line (to read)”. There is always something new to learn. So come! And please, do not only read: Also ask a question. Not to show the others that you can ask a question, but because there is something you want to learn. We learn from questions because that urges us to find out why. Novel knowledge arises.


Pål Rasmus Njølstad

A fruitful new teaching year

To all K2 employees: Welcome to a fruitful new teaching year! We need you, at all the different levels/programs we conduct; from planning, facilitation (administrative or practical) to the actual performing of teaching. Thanks to everyone!

New this year in the medical curriculum is “Elective period”: In these four first full weeks each year (January), students may choose between different courses of two to four weeks duration. These span from molecular biology to cardiac ultrasound, from learning practical pedagogy with student-driven OSCE stations at the Medical Skills Center to Medicine for the Future. Probably the most extrovert (literally out-doors) is the course in Mountain Medicine, where one student definitely ended up in “deep water”; a (voluntary) student jumped in ice water on the Landås mountain to be rescued and taken care of by fellow students! K2 has prepared several exciting courses, but we need more. We would encourage each of our academic communities / research groups to offer one annual elective course.

The annual study day for K1 / K2, aiming to inspire and improve our teaching, will be held on 2 May (AFTER this spring’s most important research application deadline). There we will demonstrate examples of good student activating teaching, learn how to build a teaching portfolio (to document your own teaching experience / competence), and discuss how to make good station examinations (OSCE). Please note the date in your calendar already.

Apropos OSCE: 20 June, the first really qualifying OSCE exam (objective structured clinical exam) will be held for all 3rd year / 6th semester medical students. Then 160 students will pass through 5 parallel stations, which require contribution from the vast majority of scientific employees and teaching administrators at the medical faculty engaged in the teaching within these 6 semesters. We need you! So, neither dissertations, summer holidays nor congress permissions should be planned for this date.
