K2-News Week 11

It’s time to honor our best in research, teaching and dissemination 2017!

Prizes will be awarded for the year’s publication, the research group of the year, the year’s PhD work, and excellent research dissemination.

K2 can promote up to two candidates in each category. The proposals needs to be detailed. The individual proposal should be on 1/2-1 page. We ask research group leaders to submit proposals o pal.njolstad@uib.no by Friday 6 April 2018.

The Publication of the Year
-describe quality, originality, and innovation
– if relevant, consequences for further knowledge acquisition, clinical use or innovation
– should represent the department’s own research
-the original article as nominated should be enclosed as a pdf file of the printed article

The PhD Thesis of the Year
-describe quality, originality, and innovation
– if relevant, consequences for further knowledge acquisition, clinical use or innovation
-candidate’s own contribution to the work needs to be explained
-four printed copies of the thesis should be sent to the faculty (will only be returned on request).

The Research Group of the Year
-describe research production and quality
-should have close collaboration and not have the character of being a loosely linked network
-contributions to national and international research collaboration, networking and contributions to recruitment and education of researchers recruited

The Dissemination Price
-descrube how the researcher or research group has been able to convey recent research in an excellent way to a broad audience
-research dissemination must be of high quality in terms of professional content, design and execution
-should engage, awaken curiosity, give inspiration and new knowledge
-the dissemination must respond to society’s need for information and knowledge about research and higher education.

K2 has launched a teaching price of 50,000 NOK. The prize is awarded once a year to a lecturer who has particularly excelled for outstanding efforts in student education within subjects in the program of medicine, pharmaceuticals, dentistry or nutrition belonging to K2.We ask for proposals sent to jone.trovik@uib.no by April 13, 2018.The prize will be awarded at the Examination and Teaching Seminar on 2 May.

Matters that are especially emphasized in the assessment of proposed candidates for the K2 tuition fee:

-student evaluation of teaching
-remarks for good education
-development of new student activating teaching methods
-use of new digital teaching or examination methods
-production of textbooks / textbooks
-internationalization of teaching
-other teaching or exam-related projects with clear transfer value


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