Monthly Archives: February 2024

Congratulations to the KG Jebsen Center for Myeloid Leukemia

Dear colleagues and friends,

It is with immense pride and excitement that I announce the establishment of the KG Jebsen Center for Myeloid Leukemia within K2. This momentous occasion marks a significant leap forward in our relentless pursuit of scientific excellence and innovative medical solutions.

Let us reflect on the profound impact that research centers like the KG Jebsen Center have on our academic community and beyond. These centers serve as crucibles of knowledge, where brilliant minds converge, collaborate, and ignite transformative ideas. They are the beating hearts of discovery, pushing the boundaries of human understanding and paving the way for groundbreaking therapies.

What centers does K2 host today?

  • The Broegelmann Research Laboratories (Broegelmann Foundation)
  • The Influensa Center (Directorate for Health and Care)
  • The Center for Pharmacy (UiB, with Department of Chemistry, Mat Nat)
  • The KG Jebsen Center for Genomic Cancer Therapy (Stiftelsen KG Jebsen)
  • The KG Jebsen Senter for Myeloid Leucemia (Stiftelsen KG Jebsen)
  • The Mohn Center for Diabetes Precision Medicine (Trond Mohn Research Foundation)
  • The Nutrition Research Laboratory (Trond Mohn Research Foundation)
  • The Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory (Trond Mohn Research Foundation)
  • The Center for Antibiotics Resistance (Trond Mohn Research Foundation)
  • The Center for Regenerative Medicine (Trond Mohn Research Foundation)
  • The Center for Heart Disease Research in Women (Heart Foundation)

Why are research centers so invaluable?

  1. Interdisciplinary synergy: Our new center exemplifies the spirit of interdisciplinary collaboration. By bringing together experts from diverse fields—hematology, genetics, immunology, and clinical medicine—we create a fertile ground for cross-pollination of ideas. It is at these intersections that breakthroughs occur, where a biologist’s insight meets a clinician’s practical wisdom, and where innovation thrives.
  2. Sustained focus: The KG Jebsen Center’s dedicated focus on myeloid leukemia ensures that we delve deep into the intricacies of this complex disease. With a laser-like precision, our researchers will unravel its molecular underpinnings, identify novel therapeutic targets, and improve patient outcomes. This sustained commitment is our promise to those affected by leukemia—a promise of hope and progress.
  3. Seedbed for future funding: While many centers operate within finite timeframes, their impact reverberates far beyond their initial funding cycles. The seeds they sow germinate into grant proposals, collaborative projects, and industry partnerships. The KG Jebsen Center, like its predecessors, will catalyze external funding, securing our position as a hub of scientific excellence.

Let us extend our warmest congratulations to Professor Bjørn Tore Gjertsen at the helm of the KG Jebsen Center. His unwavering dedication to leukemia research and patient care inspires us all. Under his guidance, I am confident that the center will flourish, yielding discoveries that change lives.

Wishing everyone a nice winter vacation and retuning to K2 with recharged batteries and improved range !

Pål & aiPål

Invitation to a forum – the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza

UiB wants to offer a meeting place for those affected by the war between Israel and
Hamas in Gaza, and who feels the need to come together to share experiences, and
give input to the university management.

In order for employees and students to be able to share concerns and thoughts in a
good way, there will be two gatherings. One gathering for Palestinian employees and
students, or with ties to Palestine, and one gathering for Israeli employees and
students, or with ties to Israel.
Simple serving.

Time: 1. mars 2024 12:00 – 13:00 og 14:00 – 15:00
Place: Musèplass 1, Styrerommet

Best regards,
Margareth Hagen

Link to invitation and registration:

This year Norwegian Flow Cytometry Meeting



The Norwegian  Society for Flow Cytometry (NFCF) and the University of Tromsø (UiT) warmly welcomes you to th 12th Flow Cytomerty meeting. The event will be held in Tromsø on Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of June 2024.

For registration and further information, please visit our website:

In addition, we are pleased to offer an optional Flow Cytometry course on Wednesday 5th of June lead by Mikkel and Charlotte C. Petersen from Aarhus University Hospital and University of Aarhus.

Please note that an early bird-discount is available until March 1st!

18 new open calls from EU4Health in 2024

There are 200 million euros available in funding for open calls from EU4Health. Seven of the calls are directly targeted towards the field of cancer, covering areas such as personalized medicine, artificial intelligence, and quality of life.

EU4Health is the EU’s fourth health program and will be implemented during the period 2021-2027. The total budget is 5.3 billion euros, making it the largest health program in EU history.

EU4Health aims to protect European citizens from cross-border health threats, improve access to medical equipment, medicines, and other crisis-related supplies, and contribute to strengthening national health systems and the healthcare workforce.

2024 EU4Health Work Programme

UiB Climate Fund

Logoen til UiBs klimafond

Foto/ill.: Margareth Haugen, UiB

UiB has decided to establish a fund to finance actions that will help motivate employees and students in the work to reduce the university climate footprint.

This fund will amount to 2 million NOK in 2024. The fund finance measures that support the work to ensure a more environmentally and climate friendly university. Either through direct reduction of UiB’ s climate footprint, or by motivating students and employees to participate in a joint “environment and climate dugnad”.

Deadline for applications is set to March 17th.

More info here:

Horizon Europe Course; Available Spots

Whether you are a beginner or experienced, we have Horizon Europe courses that suit you!


We still have available spots in the upcoming courses.

B.2 – Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact (Oslo)
B. 2 (level 2, for advanced): The course provides an introduction to project development in Horizon Europe (work program, topics and calls, application process, characteristics of Horizon Europe applications, the different types of projects, and also application preparation). During the course, we will go through the application process from idea to completed project proposal, and you will have the opportunity to participate in a practical exercise.
27. feb – 28. februar 2024
B.2 – Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact (Oslo) (

B.1 – Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: The first steps (Oslo)
B1: (Level 1, for beginners): The course provides an overview of what characterizes a successful research and innovation project in the EU, what needs to be done in the preparation phase, and explains the responsibilities and tasks of each partner in the project. We delve into how to build a strong consortium, the various stages of the application writing process, and how to effectively lead an application development process until submission.
5. mars 2024
B.1 – Horizon Europe Proposal Writing: the first steps (Oslo) (

C.1 – Project Management and Reporting: the first steps (Oslo)
C.1 (Level 1, for beginners): The course provides an introduction to the lifecycle of an EU project; how to initiate the project, as well as reporting and management along the way. We will go through the Funding and Tenders Portal, and you will receive valuable tips on effective ways to disseminate information about the project and project results throughout the project period. The course also includes a practical exercise in project management, where we discuss how to handle difficult situations that may arise in a project in the best possible way.
6. mars 2024
C.1 – Project Management and Reporting: the first steps (Oslo) (

D.1 – Budgeting in Horizon Europe – step-by-step (Oslo)
Course (Level 1, for beginners): The course is an introduction to funding and budgeting in Horizon Europe, covering the basic principles of EU funding in research and innovation projects. We explain the ways in which budgeting in Horizon Europe differs from Horizon 2020, and teach you how to set up a good resource plan and accompanying budget. The course concludes with a practical workshop where you learn to set up a budget and calculate costs for a hypothetical project.
7. Mars 2024
D.1 – Budgeting in Horizon Europe – step-by-step (Oslo) (

D.2 – Financial rules of Horizon Europe and H2020 (Oslo)
D.2 – The course provides you with a detailed overview of the financial rules in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, and we review which costs are eligible and which are not. We discuss various methods of calculating personnel costs, and show which other eligible costs can be included and how these are calculated (e.g., travel expenses, equipment, and internal invoiced costs). At the end of the course, we go through how a project audit is conducted.
11. mars – 12. Mars 2024
D.2 – Financial rules of Horizon Europe and H2020 (Oslo) (

A.3 – Looking for partners and joining consortia (short webinar)
WEBINAR: A.3 – This webinar will assist you in understanding the type of partners to look for in Horizon Europe, whether you are proposing a collaborative project in Horizon Europe or simply seeking a consortium to join. You will learn what characterizes a winning consortium in Horizon Europe, and you will receive practical advice and tools that you can use when searching for project partners.
12. mars 2024
A.3 – Looking for partners and joining consortia (short webinar) (

D.3 – EC Audit workshop (Oslo)
D.3 (levels 2 and 3, for intermediate and advanced): This is the ultimate course for those interested in gaining a comprehensive and detailed overview of all financial aspects of Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe, from budgeting and cost reporting to project audits conducted by the European Commission. To fully benefit from the course, it is a prerequisite to have completed the D.2 course, as the D.3 course builds upon D.2.
13. mars 2024
D.3 – EC Audit workshop (Oslo) (

You can find an overview of all courses until summer here:

Forskningsrådets arrangementer (

Welcome to the courses, and feel free to get in touch with Inger Nordgard – if you have any questions.  

Zoom in on Health, Environment, and Safety: A Prelude to HMS Day – the digital way

As the University of Bergen’s Medical Faculty prepares to host its annual Health, Environment, and Safety (HMS) Day, anticipation mounts for an enlightening and impactful event. Scheduled to take place next Wednesday 21 February at noon, this day aims to prioritize well-being, sustainability, and safety within our academic community and beyond.

A cornerstone of the program is the presentation by HMS Coordinator Ørjan Leren on the Action Plan for HMS and the Faculty’s priorities for 2024. He will outline a strategy to reduce barriers for higher education. Further enriching the discourse, Senior Consultants Nora Abdalla Mohammed and Michelle Odette Iversen Badiane from the Study Department will shed light on the “Diverse UiB – No One Left Behind” project.

The FPD Include Erasmus+ project, presented by Associate Professor Reidun Lisbet Skeide Kjome from the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, promises to offer insights into fostering diversity and inclusivity within academic settings.

University Chief Safety Representative June Vibecke Knudtsen Indrevik will underscore the importance of a safe work environment for all, emphasizing collective responsibility and vigilance.

As the day draws to a close, the presentation of the 2023 Work Environment Prize by HMS Coordinator Ørjan Leren will be a fitting culmination, celebrating exemplary contributions to creating a safe and healthy workplace.

I hope you are inspired and urge you to participate, even if it a digital event.

Eystein Husebye
Vice Head of K2

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 654 6480 6396
Password: yQ80h4zh

EIT Digital Future Proofing Healthcare

EIT Digital Future Proofing Healthcare

Future-Proofing Healthcare will gather together industry leaders and digital health luminaries to discuss and explain cutting-edge digital technologies can make healthcare systems more robust and adaptable to challenges like pandemics, conflict and aging populations.

The event is aimed at national and regional innovation authorities, health service providers, the founders and executives of digital health start-ups and scaleups, venture capital firms which focus on the digital health sectors, healthcare corporations, researchers and academics.

Wed, 21 Feb 2024 11:00 – 12:30 CET

Join us for the second “Pandemifrokost” on the 29th of February

Banner Pandemifrokost

The Pandemic Center welcomes you to this year’s second breakfast meeting in Alrek health cluster. This time, we are honored to have Dr. Yana Litins’ka from Lund University (Sweden) as well as Ellen Margrete Iveland Ersfjord and Hege Mari Johnsen from the University of Agder, joining us. Dr. Yana Litins’ka will deliver a presentation on barriers to vaccinating adult immigrants in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ellen Margrethe and Hege Mari from UiA will discuss what happened to individuals with intellectual disabilities living in supported housing during the pandemic.