Monthly Archives: February 2014

K1 and K2 Seminar Series

Per BakkeNext week (5/3) the seminar series
“Perspectives in Translational Medicine” hosted by K1 and K2 will
commence.  The series has been presented
earlier in this editorial by Stefan Johansson

He is the leader of the group responsible for organizing the series.

The purpose of the seminar series is to let different research groups at K1 and K2 present their own research in a way which stimulates cooperation with other groups at K1 and K2.  A prerequisite for this to be a success is that established researchers allocate time to participate at the seminar.  The series may then be useful not only for the presenter of the topic, but also for other scientific employees and, not least, PhD candidates and postdocs. The series was recently discussed at the strategy seminar for K2’s research group leaders and academic leaders.  A number of suggestions for how this series can be a good meeting arena were proposed.

The first lecture is given by Bjørn Tore Gjertsen: Personalized Medicine – how personal can we get?  Location:  Main Auditorium, Sentralblokken, March 5, 2:15 pm.  I strongly encourage you to attend!  Knowing Bjørn Tore, there is a big chance that this will be time well spent!


SIU is looking for experts for evaluation of project applications

SIU is looking for experts for evaluation of project applications

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) is looking for experts who can join in the evaluation of applications for the Erasmus+-program and international education programs affiliated with higher education. Application deadline is March 20.

For more information (in Norwegian).


Public defence Kishan Chudasama


Kishan Chudasama will have his public defence on Thursday March 6, 2014.
Trial lecture: Thursday March 6, 2014, 09:15
Topic:  “Next generation sequencing (NGS) in clinical testing: Opportunities and challenges”
Public defence: Thursday March 6, 2014, 10:30
Place:      Auditorium 1, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “A genome-wide approach to monogenic diabetes syndromes”
1st opponent:        Professor Michel Polak, Hôpital Necker Enfants-Malades, Paris, Frankrike
2nd opponent:        Professor Eivind Hovig, Universitetet of Oslo
3rd member of the committee:  Professor James Lorens, Universitetet of Bergen
The public defence will be led by professor Per Omvik.
Public defence and prøveforelesning (both in Norwegian).

Quality assurance of Doctoral education

Roland JonssonDoctoral education is a major Norwegian and European investment reflected also at Department of Clinical Science with its approximately 140 PhD trainees. Although the PhD education system has many qualities, it also faces persistent challenges and emerging issues that need to be addressed. One area where almost all higher education institutions have a way to go concerns explicating the relevance of the competencies acquired during the PhD period, for different labour markets and occupations. Current trends indicates that increasing numbers of PhD holders, also in biomedicine and health sciences, will work outside the research and higher education sectors, in a range of clinical, advisory and managerial jobs. Due to this, there is a need to strengthen the focus on the increasingly diverse career trajectories of their PhD holders, and consider how PhD qualifications are used in different occupations and sectors. In accordance with a recent NIFU report initiatives should be supported to develop better practices in promoting generic/transferrable skills training e.g. in project management, leadership and communication skills.

With such an increase in the demands of the PhD student, all skills cannot be accommodated by the traditional apprenticeship model, if the quality of the research is to be maintained.  Excellence in research is the sine qua non of the PhD programme, but a new attitude to the PhD is needed, away from the idea that it consists only of learning scientific method and laboratory techniques towards having responsibility for a project.  A new approach is needed. (Univ Wold New artikkel)

When it comes to translational medicine, which is clearly multifaceted, it should be emphasized that successful training in this discipline requires an understanding of at least three main subject areas: biomedical technology, clinical issues, and leadership and technology management. Increasing the quality of training for graduates who go on to have careers primarily in medtech and biotech are other challenges for our educational system in the field of translational medicine. For more information read here. Our institute aims to follow this up.


Application for “smådriftsmidler”

The research groups at K2 is invited to apply for “smådriftsmidler”. There are 760.000,- for this purpose. The application criteria is that it has to be documented that the group has applied for other external funding, and that the purpose of the application has been discussed and prioritised in the entire research group. The maximum amount given is 100.000,- and the deadline is March 1st. The research committee at K2 will grant the funding at the next meeting. Only column B, C, D and J need to be filled in the application form, which must be sent to Siv Johnsen Eggereide

This weeks leader

Per Bakke

Centre for Pharmacy 10 years
Centre for Pharmacy celebrates its 10th anniversary at UiB. The center is interdisciplinary between MatNat and MOF while administratively located at K2 with Svein Haavik as director of the center. Today 24 students are annually accepted at the master program in pharmacy. It has become a popular program and has the highest admission requirements among the pharmaceutical schools in Norway.
It is a healthy 10 year old we are talking about. At the same time there is no reason to hide the challenges the center is facing. The study in Pharmacy is not fully funded by the government. It is a clear goal to achieve this. There is a great need for pharmacists in Norway and another goal is to increase the educational capacity to 35 students per year. The teaching of pharmaceutics is currently being held at the University of East Anglia. From 2015 it will be moved to Bergen and the teaching capacity within this subject must be developed at MatNat and MOF. There is a need for more pharmacists with research expertise and work is being done to establish a research school in pharmacy. Centre for Pharmacy also provides opportunities. Master Students in Pharmacy represents a great resource that many of K2 ‘s research groups should take advantage of .

More about the Center for Pharmacy here (in Norwegian).

There is reason to congratulate the Centre for Pharmacy with the first 10 years and wish good luck with the next!


Reduced K2nytt

Several members of our editorial staff have been absent due to sickness, causing K2nytt to be somewhat reduced the last 2 weeks and this week.

We regret the inconveniences this may cause for our readers, and wish the absent editorial members a speedy recovery!