Monthly Archives: January 2014

Leader from the Research School of Clinical Medicine


Photo_stefanLast week, The Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research successfully held its annual event: Research Presentations 2013: A total of 45 posters and 15 oral presentations were being held from PhDs and postdocs from K1, K2 and the hospital departments (evt link til innsiden-sak??). The event illustrates the wide variety of research projects that are being performed at the two institutes with very high quality poster- and oral presentations. The event ended with a price ceremony, speeches and entertainment.  We congratulate all the award winners, lead by first price winners Alessandro De Bortoli (K2) for the poster contest and Lene Bjerke Laborie (K1) for her oral talk. I would also like to thank the committee members phd students Marie Omsland, Monica Dalva and Ina Nepstad and the jury for making this an event to remember!

 The Research school begins the year with a new board. We thank the previous leader Eyvind Rødahl and the board for their work. We wish to continue upon their work and aim at making the Research school a meeting point for phd-students where they can meet with their peers across different research fields to discuss science and life.

 This semester, a new research seminar series will be started at the K1 and K2 – Perspectives in translational medicine: The lectures will be held by leading scientists and clinicians at K1 and K2, the first Wednesday each month at 14.15-15.00. We hope that the series will be characterized by high quality research and presentations, ”hot topics” and a special emphasize on translational studies. We welcome all researchers, postdocs and phd-students and hope that this will be a forum for scientific exchange and discussions.

 The first lecture will be held by Bjørn-Tore Gjertsen: ”Personalized Medicine – How personal can we get?”, March 5th. PhD students who attend the seminars can get his approved as a one credit phd course. You just have to sign up on the course – FSKLI902!

 Furthermore, from this year on, the network meetings that are held and administered by the phd students will be administered as a phd course. This means that those who present their work at the meetings can sign up for the course and get one credit if they complete the course requirements (kurs-id FSKLI901). The network meetings will continue to be open for all phd students and provide food for your body and mind.

 Note that the deadline for course registrations is already February 1st. More info can be found at

 Stefan Johansson
For The Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical research

This weeks leader

Roland Jonsson      Scientific publishing and Cristin

About ten years have passed since our government initiated result based distribution of a large part of the basic funding of universities and colleges.  Scientific publishing is a fundamental part of this.

Each article and every book chapter means not just status but also kroner and øre.  Thus, everyone is encouraged to verify that all works from 2013 have been added to Cristin.  This can be done here. You log in by choosing institution “University of Bergen”, and then use your regular user name and password.

There is not so much registration work left for each individual researcher.  Mostly everything is registered through the purchasing of references in Thomson ISI-database of scientific publishing.  If there are any problems with the registration, you may contact Kristian Jensen (  This assistance is offered if there are problems with the registration of scientific work which gives rbo-credits.  Thus, this does not include posters and abstracts.

The Norwegian Cristin-database has gathered most of research-Norway under one roof.  This makes the registration of co-publishing with researchers attached to other Norwegian institutions easier.  However, there might be published work that has not been included.  Special attention should be focused towards books and anthology contributions which are not covered well in the ISI-database.

According to the university library, quite a lot of scientific work remains in order to match the 2012-numbers.  Most of the scientific contributions are journal articles.  It is also claimed that so far the number of level 2 articles is a little low.

NB!  Our final deadline is February 15 for registering.  Also, do not forget to verify the registrations of your works thoroughly so that all details are correct – not least that your affiliation with Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, is included.


Information meeting for PhD candidates and postdocs

A brief information meeting will be arranged for interested PhD candidates and postdocs on February 4th, 1 pm – 2:30 pm. The meeting will be held in seminar room on the 7th floor of the Laboratory Building. At the meeting, the administration will present routines for personnel/HR, financial administration, and PhD. There will also be time allocated for questions. The meeting is open for anyone interested, but is particularly recommended for new employees.

Technician pay

Per BakkeThe financial situation of K2 is, as we have pointed out several times in this column, tight. Even after a thorough review with the faculty where we got approval for our view that salary obligations related to old BFS-agreements must be compensated, we still face a year of deficit.

One of the initiatives implemented to balance the situation is the introduction of technician pay. This means that research groups must pay for the technical services received from the institute. It should be stressed that this only applies to technicians receiving salary directly from annum. Technical positions at K2, funded from external sources, or technicians that have been bought free, will not be affected by this.

The principle of technician pay has been discussed in the institute, which has given its support to the initiative. It has been decided that the technician pay will be kr 50 000 pr man-year per year. For research groups where several scientific employees share one technician, the leader of the research group must divide the amount based on internal use of the technician. The financial section at K2 will contact each research group in order to clarify the practical aspects of payment.

The technician pay is calculated to yield approximately 1 million kroner annually to the institute finances, and thus reduce the deficit this year to about kr 900 000. This is a manageable amount which, with tight cost control during the year, may be reduced further.


Overview of requisitioners at K2 – Orders

All orders has to be done by appointed requisitioners in the research groups, and must be done through the ordering system Basware PM.

Only these persons are allowed to order on behalf of UoB.
Here (in Norwegian)  you will find an overview of the requisitioners for all groups. The orders will be sent from the requisitioner to someone in the economy section for approval. Each research group have a fixed economist as point of contact. The economists are also backup in case of absence.

Orders made before 14:00 will be executed the same day. After this they will be dealt with consecutively as much as possible. Continue reading

New routines for travel claims – reminder

As you should now know, all employees at UoB must send their travel claims through Pagaweb, and a print of the main page must be sent/delivered to the institute together with all receipts.

The travel expenses need to be formally approved by the project leader, to keep track of the economy. From this year on, all travel claims must have a signature from the project leader before it is sent to the economy section.

A note with directions for where the money should be pulled from, would also be helpful.