Dear colleagues and friends,
The Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT) warmly invites you to a symposium titled ‘Narratives and Imaginaries’
that will be held over the 2nd and 3rd of September.
Concepts of narratives and imaginaries are increasingly drawn on by scholars across the social sciences and humanities, including at the SVT,
which inspired us organize some interesting speakers and discussion for a general audience.
Particularly it will look at how narratives are told through film and visual media, before looking at related concepts of imaginaries.
The symposium will start at 16.30 on Wednesday the 2nd at the SVT, where we will show and discuss Mieke Bal’s film ‘Madame B’.
On Thursday the 3rd we will host a full day of talks and discussions at Litteraturhuset, with the morning session devoted to narratives
and the afternoon to imaginaries.
Please see the programme and speakers attached.
The symposium is free to attend, and complimentary light refreshments will be served.
Please contact Sissel S.Aasheim if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you there