Mobility seminar for researchers

Are you planning a research stay abroad? This seminar will help you with the planning.

Seminar 22.02.2024 – 09.00–12.00 Zoom

Registration link

International Centre together with the Occupational Health services, IT-department, and the division of Research and Innovation is hosting a mobility seminar for you who are planning a research stay abroad.

The topics that will be covered:

  • Health and vaccinations
  • IT security
  • Social security affiliation outside
  • Norway Health rights abroad
  • Taxation Insurance
  • Change of address
  • Personal security
  • Are you traveling with family?
  • Financing possibilities

Annual Research Presentations 2024

The Research School in Clinical Medicine at Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Clinical Science and Haukeland University Hospital organizes an annual gathering where PhD candidates present their research to their doctoral colleagues.

The event consists of two parts: a poster presentation with posters hanging in the lobby of Haukeland University Hospital, and a gathering with oral presentations.

prisvinnere forskerskolen 2024

Award winners from left to right: Prisvinnere for 2024, fra venstre til høyre: Solveig Løkhammer, Hilde Eide Lien, Rasmus Bach Sindre, May Gjerstad, Lise Skarstein Jakobsen og Urszula Kalucka. Rammah Elnour og Grete Ueland was not present.
Photo:Ingrid Hagerup



Read more: link

Seminar – Myelogene blodkreftsykdommer

Only in Norwegian

Kronisk myelogen leukemi (KML), Akutt myelogen leukemi (AML), Myelodysplastisk syndrom (MDS) og Myeloproliferative sykdommer (MPN) er eksempler på myelogene blodkreftsykdommer som har slektskap med hverandre.

Torsdag 8. februar inviterer Blodkreftforeningen til seminar om temaet på Radisson Blu Royal Bryggen hotell i Bergen. Seminaret blir også streamet og mulig å følge fra hele landet.

For program klikk lenke


MRCRM’s seminar series – February 2024

What does it take to obtain a manufacturing license for producing advanced therapies such as gene therapy, cell therapy and tissue engineering products?

Welcome to this year’s first MRCRM seminar, where the key personnel from the Section for Cell-based Medicinal Products (CMP) at Helse Bergen HF will present the Ex vivo clean room facility at Helse Bergen HF. Delve into the process, milestones achieved, and the final steps needed to secure a manufacturing license for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs).

Enjoy the insights over coffee, tea and cookies with your peers in Aud. 4 at BBB this Tuesday afternoon. The seminar is free and open to all.

Title:  How to obtain a manufacturing license according to current good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations.

Speakers: Elin Strand, Kimberley J. Hatfield and Petra Vogelsang

Time: February 20, 2024, from 14:30-15:30

Where:  BBB, Auditorium 4

MRCRM’s 2nd International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine

Logo: Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine

Mohn Research Center for Regenerative Medicine (MRCRM) invites you to join our 2nd International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine at Grand Hotel Terminus on April 15th and 16th, 2024.

The scientific program features renowned speakers presenting the latest advancements in regenerative medicine, including the development of advanced therapies and insights from clinical studies. We also invite master’s and PhD students to showcase their research during the Lightning Talk Session (see the link below for more information). Following the conclusion of the scientific program on day 1, we extend an invitation to a delightful networking dinner at the hotel.

Date and time: April 15, 12.00 – 19.00, April 16, 09.00 – 16.00

Venue: Grand Hotel Terminus

Registration deadline: March 22

Visit the conference website for the program and registration details!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Nominations accepted for the Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation’s 75th Anniversary Prize

The Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation’s 75th anniversary prize is awarded for significant contributions to psychosomatic research.

In this context, psychosomatic research refers to research that studies the impact of psychological factors on physical health, not research that focuses on how physical illnesses affect mental health.

The prize can be awarded to an individual scientist, a research group or a research community. Continue reading

Invitation to showcase your work at the SDG Conference 2024

Dear PhDs and postdoctoral researchers, It is our pleasure to invite you to present your work at the upcoming SDG Conference 2024!

The sixth SDG Conference in Bergen will take place 7-9 February 2024 with the theme “The role of universities in transformative change” (see SDG Conference Bergen | University of Bergen ( for details). This digital conference provides new opportunities to present emerging and important research by motivated PhD students and postdoctoral researchers addressing the conference themes. We therefore invite all PhDs and postdoctoral researchers that are interested to present a digital videorecorded poster on your research and how it relates to the theme of the upcoming conference.

The deadline for submitting a two-minute videorecorded poster is 2 February, 2024.

For more information on details on how to record your contribution and practical information regarding submitting, please see attached pdf flyer with information or visit the call for posters website. Your videorecorded poster videos will be showcased in the conference platform and available for all digital participants to view.  

This is a great opportunity to share your research with a global audience and we hope to see your presentation at the conference!

Link for more information

Vestlandslegen Colleagues – Tore Grimstad

Hello dear colleagues at Clinical Science and project Vestlandslegen,

My name is Tore Grimstad, and I am an internist and gastroenterologist, as well as an Associate Professor II affiliated with K2, based in Stavanger.

Clinically, I work at the gastroenterology outpatient clinic. In addition to my clinical work, my research primarily focuses on inflammatory bowel disease, and I am involved in both clinical, basic research, and microbiome-related projects.

Photo.:/ill Private

Since spring 2018, I have been teaching medical students during placement practice from UiB MED8, and additionally, Vestlandslege students since the fall of 2023. I find it exciting and inspiring to teach students, the future doctors, especially contributing to clinically oriented and hopefully educational discussions with students in an activating environment. I believe that special visits with small groups of students provide an exciting and developing teaching arena, aiming to engage students and facilitate effective learning within a secure framework. This also places important demands on us as teachers as clinical role models.

I also find it rewarding to work together with others towards a common goal and to have the opportunity to follow and guide PhD candidates in the scientific process from project improvement to a completed thesis. I want to contribute to building a scientific environment and mentoring other researchers in a section that has always focused on patient care and conducted extensive and intensive clinical operations. I am delighted by the increasing scientific activity at the gastroenterology section in Stavanger.

Vestlandslegen is in its early stages; the start has been challenging but also exciting. We have a unique opportunity to further develop professional, teaching, and research competence in the coming years, which will benefit patients, students, and staff. I hope my commitment to UiB will allow me to contribute significantly in these areas.

We truly have exciting years ahead!

Vestlandslegen Colleagues – Målfrid Holmaas Bjørgaas

Hello dear colleagues at Clinical Science,

Quick information about me:
Målfrid Holmaas Bjørgaas
Palliative Medicine
University Lecturer for Vestlandslegen, 5% position
Senior Consultant at the Palliative Center, Stavanger University Hospital

Photo:./ill Private

I teach students in Vestlandslegen in palliative care during their 7th semester. Palliative care is grouped with oncology and hematology, and in November, we had the first batch of 8 students. I conducted a two-day palliative care seminar with lectures, discussions, group tasks, and reflection, emphasizing the interdisciplinary perspective essential in palliative care. Students had the opportunity to meet various professionals, including doctors, physiotherapists, and hospital chaplains. We also visited the Boganes Palliative Care Unit operated by the Stavanger municipality.

In November 2024, the second batch is expected with nearly 20 students. It will be exciting.

I have always enjoyed teaching, and I do it extensively in my role as a senior consultant, both within SUS and in associated municipalities. I find it very meaningful to share my experience as both a general practitioner and a palliative care physician with young doctors, and I hope to provide insights into how we can approach patients and their families as whole individuals. I also hope to convey the importance of refraining from unnecessary treatment in the final stages of life and emphasize that providing effective relief is valuable in itself, even if patients do not recover.

SDG Conference in Bergen 2024

Remember to register for 

SDG Conference in Bergen 2024:

The role of universities in transformative change 

7–9 February 2024

The climate and nature crises indicate a code red for humanity. There is a huge gap between political leadership, knowledge, resources and technology. This reflects an urgent need for transformative change. How can universities and the academic professions engage in these changes in new and more radical ways?

We are delighted to invite you to the 7th annual SDG Conference taking place from 7 to 9 February 2024. This digital conference brings together participants from around the world and includes speakers from academia, government, innovation hubs, industry, and more.

The programme is now available online

The conference is digital. Participation is free of charge and open to all!

Register now!


Introduction to Research Ethics

The University of Bergen (UiB) has created the e-learning course “Introduction to Research Ethics,” which is recommended for all employees in scientific positions: The course aims to ensure a good understanding of fundamental research ethical norms and guidelines. It is available in both Norwegian and English and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Sound research ethics are crucial for both the quality and integrity of research. Research ethics not only form the foundation but also serve as a key to maintaining trust in research, both for individual researchers and for UiB as an institution.

Dear everyone!

It’s again time to find younger, promising candidates for Trond Mohn Starting grants: The Trond Mohn Research Foundation (TMS) has announced a new round of TMS Starting grants with a final deadline of 8 March (more info here). Since there is a limit to the number of nominated candidates each department can promote, we ask interested applicants to send an outline of maximum 3 pages describing the candidate, the project, and the research community, and the candidate’s CV (TMS wants a CV of up to three pages that includes the most important and relevant publications).

The internal deadline is February 12. The project outline and CV must be sent to

It is worth noting that this scholarship provides an opportunity to bring in external candidates, something both the foundation and the Faculty of Medicine strongly encourage.

And it is still possible to promote individuals for the faculty awards 😊

Proposal for Publication/PhD/Group/Dissemination/Innovation

Suggestions for Education Awards

Have a nice week-end!


Tilskudd til StudentEntreprenørskap (STUD-ENT)

Er dere studenter ved et norsk universitet eller høyskole med en forretningside og har ambisjoner om å starte bedrift? Har dere undersøkt om det finnes et behov eller et marked for idéen? Har dere etablert et team som ønsker å jobbe med dette? Da kan dere søke inntil 1 million kroner i tilskudd til utvikling og kommersialisering av løsningen.

Det er nå åpent for å registrere nye søknader for 2024. Søknadsfrist er 29. februar.

STUD-ENT retter seg mot studenter som skal etablere egen bedrift basert på kunnskap fra studiene. Formålet er å lage en skalerbar og bærekraftig forretningsmodell rundt en forretningsidé, og utvikle nye løsninger som markedet etterspør.

Unfortunately the call text is only in Norwegian

Vestlandslegen Colleagues – Tesfaye Madebo

Hello dear colleagues at K2,

I am Tesfaye Madebo, working as a specialist in pulmonary and internal medicine. I am an attending physician at the Lung Department at SUS and hold a concurrent position as an associate professor at K2 (Vestlandslegen, UIB).
In my clinical practice, I mainly focus on lung cancer (diagnosis and treatment) and various other pulmonary diseases, both in inpatient and outpatient settings, as well as during on-call shifts. We have ongoing collaborative projects with colleagues from UiB in the field of lung cancer (shared decision-making, OL Margrethe), and within the ATLAS4LAR group (Professor Lars Thore), we are conducting clinical studies on lung diseases. As part of the national lung cancer network, we collaborate with other major hospitals in Norway, such as OUS (DART, SOLUCOM, MIMILUC, and LUNGEVAC studies) and St. Olavs Hospital (TRIPLEX and THORA II), mainly in clinical phase II and III drug trials. Despite impressive results in recent years with new treatment modalities like immunotherapy and biological treatment for lung cancer, many patients still experience progression or relapse. It is crucial to increase our understanding of the underlying biology influencing responses and resistance. Numerous exciting studies are underway in Norway, with SUS actively participating, aiming to identify predictive and prognostic markers for the development of better treatment options over time.

Photo: / Private

In addition to my clinical work and research, I am actively involved in teaching students in pulmonary medicine, including medical students, junior doctors, and oncology nurses. I also serve as a co-supervisor for a Ph.D. student. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the development of the medical program at SUS as part of Vestlandslegen/UiB. It not only provides an exciting experience but also makes a significant contribution to the local SUS environment. It is a great privilege for me to integrate clinical practice, research, and teaching in my profession (now under UiB).

What do i enjoy working on at K2?
I officially start working with medical students from May 2023, which is a relatively short time into my position as an associate professor. I enjoy working at Vestlandslegen/K2 because, through clinical work, research, and teaching as part of a large environment, I have significant opportunities for professional development. I continuously gain new insights through collaboration with colleagues, research partners across specialties, and engaged students. This dynamic interaction not only energizes me but also provides goals to strive for. Collaborating across disciplines is particularly enriching, offering me the opportunity to explore different perspectives.
Additionally, the work gives me a chance to meet colleagues at various stages of their careers, both across disciplines and institutions. This diverse interaction contributes to a broader understanding of my field. Working at Vestlandslegen/K2 also provides access to courses in pedagogy and mentoring, enriching not only my professional competence but also positively impacting my personal development. Through teaching, I encounter skilled and curious students, and it is a pleasure to contribute to their knowledge in the field of pulmonary and internal medicine. Guiding and teaching medical students and junior doctors brings me great satisfaction. It is inspiring to observe the growth and development of my colleagues’ professional and clinical competence. The working environment is pleasant, and my colleagues, both in scientific and administrative positions, are competent, helpful, and engaged. This creates a positive expectation and enthusiasm for each working day.

Tesfaye Madebo
Attending Physician at SUS
Associate Professor at UiB


Colleagues at Vestlandslegen – Kjetil Isaksen

Dear colleagues at Clinical Science,

My name is Kjetil Isaksen, and I have recently joined as an associate professor at K2, based at Stavanger University Hospital. I work clinically as an invasive cardiologist and specialize in internal medicine, digestive diseases, and heart conditions.

In my role as a university employee, I am involved in teaching University of Bergen (UiB) students from both the “old curriculum” and the newly initiated cohort associated with Vestlandslegen. My focus is on teaching heart diseases.


It has been particularly exciting to be part of the planning and now the implementation of the teaching for the first students at Vestlandslegen. I am confident that, in collaboration with UiB central, we will create a well-structured program for future doctors here at SUS.

Meeting talented and eager-to-learn students is inspiring, and my goal is to make a small contribution to their professional development and maturation into the role of physicians.

Kjetil Isaksen
Associate Professor
Specialist in Internal Medicine

UiB Ferd Career Center for Early-Stage Researchers

UiB Ferd supports Early-Stage Researchers: doctoral candidates, postdoctoral fellows, researchers and associate professors. We offer a range of services designed to help you develop your career within and beyond the university. 

Throughout the spring semester, the University Library offers open webinars on the principles of Open Science, and how to meet requirements and best-practices. The Library also offers support and courses for researchers on other topics, such as literature searching, publishing, and digital tools.  

UiB Ferd located in Nygårdsgaten 5.

UiB Ferd Newsletter for January 2024 

Registration for the UiB Ferd monthly newsletter

RCN Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges

Application type Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project
Application deadline 13 March 2024, 13:00 CET
Relevant thematic areas for this call

Cross-cutting topics

Enabling technologies

Target groups Research organisations
Funding scale NOK 4 000 000-20 000 000
Amount of funding presumed available for this call for proposals NOK 1 095 000 000
Project duration 24-48 months

Open call for the 2024-2025 Momentum Programme

This is a call for applications to the 6th UiB Momentum Programme. The application deadline is 17.00 on the 22 mars 2024. Information on eligibility criteria, the application process, admission requirements and participation in the programme is available online (link below).

Momentum is the UiB career development programme for early stage researchers at UiB who seek a career in academia.

Total 15 persons will be admitted, 3 of them from the Faculty of Medicine.

Join Eitri Pitchfest next Friday!

Eitri opened two years ago! Want to see what our members are working on?

Come see a bunch of brief pitches by startups, innovation projects and students!

Sign up here!

When: January 26, 13:30 – 15:30
Where: Eitri, Haukelandsbakken 31

Detailed program:
13:30 – 13:45 Eitri Welcome and Intro
13:45 – 14:15 Exciting pitches
14:15 – 14:40 Mingling
14: 40 – 15:15 Exciting pitches
15:15 – 15: 20 Voting for the best pitch
15:20 – 15: 30 Best pitch award and closing remarks
15:30 More mingling

Disputation – Md Obaidur Rahman 2. February 2024

Trial lecture: Date: Friday, February 2, 2024, at 10:15 AM
Venue: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28 Topic: “The clinical and regulatory hurdles for cell replacement strategies in Addison’s disease”

Foto:../ill. Privat

Dissertation defense: Date: Friday, February 2, 2024, at 12:15 PM
Venue: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28 Dissertation title: “Autoimmune primary adrenal insufficiency – autoantibodies and cell regeneration”

  1. Opponent: Professor Per-Ola Carlsson, Uppsala University, Sweden
  2. Opponent: PhD Ras Trokovic, University of Helsinki, Finland
  3. Committee member: Professor Helena Harris, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Jone Trovik.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release

Disputation Solveig Tangedal – February 1st 2024

Trial lecture: Date: February 1, 2024, at 10:15 AM
Venue: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28 Topic: “The role of human respiratory microbiota in health and disease”

Dissertation defense: Date: February 1, 2024, at 12:15 PM
Venue: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28 Dissertation title: “The lower airway microbiota and inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Thoughts on where to measure it, how to interpret it, and why it might matter”

Foto/ill.: Frida og Hedda Tangedal-Straus

Foto/ill.: Frida og Hedda Tangedal-Straus

  1. Opponent: Professor Christopher Brightling, University of Leicester, U.K.
  2. Opponent: Associate Professor Kristian Tonby, University of Oslo
  3. Committee member: Associate Professor Anagha Madhusuda Joshi-Michoel, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Emerita Birgitta Åsjø.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release

Happy New Year also from me 😊

We are now in the final stages of RCN’s EVALMEDHEALTH report, thank you very much to all of you who have contributed so far! There is still some work to be done before the deadline 31.1., and not least, I encourage everyone once again to update their website.

But enough hustle about this, over to something far more fun that was already mentioned before Christmas: The Faculty of Medicine has announced several awards for 2023. If you/your research group/academic group know someone who has excelled in 2023, either on the research front (publication, research environment, PhD work, dissemination), as an innovation environment or when it comes to teaching, then now is the chance to nominate colleagues/environments (or yourself!). The categories are

  • Publication of the Year (NOK 100 000)
  • Research environment of the year (NOK 150 000)
  • PhD work of the year (NOK 100 000)
  • Dissemination award (NOK 100 000)
  • Innovation award (NOK 100 000)
  • Education Award (up to three awards for outstanding initiatives in education, a main prize of NOK 150,000 and up to two more prizes of NOK 50,000 each!)

We from K2 can put forward one candidate in each category, so do not hesitate to submit proposals (with thorough reasoning) by Monday 5 February 2024. More detailed information can be found here.

Proposal for Publication/PhD/Group/Dissemination/Innovation

Suggestions for Education Awards

And it is not too late to send nominations for the Meltzer Prizes – the deadline is today (19.1.24) 😊 All professors have the right to nominate, so check if you know of an outstanding research communicator, clever younger researcher or someone who has excelled over time with outstanding scientific activity (link to more information). The nomination should be sent to

Have a great weekend!

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, February 1st, 2024.

We are happy to welcome you all to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, February 1st, 2024. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists and engage in lively and interesting discussions. We are looking forward to the keynote lecture by CCBIO Masterclass graduate Hege Berg, who will give a talk about clinical implementation of multi-omics methods in cancer diagnostics. The program spans several exiting topics including the role and inheritance of BRCA1 epimutations, novel CAR T therapies for lymphomas, and development of preclinical models for investigating resistant subclones in ovarian cancer. The application of CyTOF in oncology and fibrosis will also be presented.

Open to all. Please register within January 29th at 11.00.

When: February 1, 2024, at 09.00-13.00

Where: Conference room, BB-building (right across from the auditoria), campus Haukeland, Bergen

Registration: on this link

Continue reading

Open Day – UiB Læringsarena

Monday 22 January from 11:00-14:00 we invite all our colleagues to visit the new UiB Læringsarena in Nygårdsgaten 5 to see Storsalen and our seminar rooms – and for a chat if you have questions.

We offer coffee and tea, and Smauet café will serve some snacks.

Invitation  (in Norwegian only): Åpen dag i UiB Læringsarena 22. januar | Læringsarenaen i Nygårdsgaten 5 | UiB

Yours sincerely,