Daily Archives: Friday March 8th, 2024

Interdisciplinary Conference: Music, Quality of Life, and Social Participation

Based on the knowledge cluster Polyfon, and using music and music therapy as an example, this interdisciplinary conference aims to illuminate opportunities for cross-faculty collaboration. It also explores the University of Bergen’s potential to become a leading international institution in the field of Arts and Health research.

The invitation to the conference goes out to researches at HF, KMD, MEDFAK, PSYKFAK and SV.

Time and place: Nygårdsgaten 5.    3/4 -24 kl. 11.00-14.50. Deadline for registration March 14th, register here:  Tverrfakultær konferanse: Musikk, livskvalitet og samfunnsdeltaking | Polyfon kunnskapsklynge for musikkterapi | UiB (Website only in Norweigan)

Joint meeting with the Computational Biology Unity (CBU)

Many of you have asked for it and we are pleased to announce that we will have a joint MED-CBU seminar on the 21st of March at 11:15. Like last time the seminar aims to foster interaction between researchers at MED and CBU and will be followed by a mingling lunch. The seminar will take place in the ‘blåbær’ room at CBU, 5th floor of the Datablokk at Høyteknologisenteret. If you need help with directions, please let me know.
If you are interested in joining this event please contact Marc (marc.vaudel@uib.no) or Silje (Silje.Skrede@uib.no) to ensure that enough food is ordered. Also, if you have suggestion of activities, workshop, or want to help with the organization – please let us know!