Daily Archives: Monday March 4th, 2024

Nordic Cancer Unions’ annual call for researcher projects

Upcoming call in March: Nordic Cancer Unions’ annual call for researcher projects
The Norwegian Cancer Society now has the secretariat for the Nordic Cancer Union from 2024 to 2026. The NCU has an annual call for research projects with Nordic collaborations in focus. We will announce when the call is open for applications.

For any questions, contact: ncu@kreftforeningen.no.


Postdoc Development Programme at MED 24/25

The Faculty of Medicine is now accepting applications for admission to the Postdoc Development Program 2024/25. The application deadline is 15 May.

This program aims to support postdoctoral researchers in developing the skills necessary for a successful academic career, foster a community of early-career researchers, and make the Faculty of Medicine an attractive workplace for postdocs.

Participants: postdoctoral or researchers affiliated with a research group at the Faculty of Medicine. 20 places.

NEW Program: Participants will have the opportunity to shape the program according to their interests. Possible topics include career development, grant writing, knowledge utilization, leadership skills, or project management-


3x two-day meetings in Voss

3x one-day meetings in Bergen

Postdoc Development Programme | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

PhD Grant Writing Course

13 + 16 May 2024, Eitri

The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD-candidates to a workshop on “How to write a successful grant proposal”.

The workshop will enable PhD-candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal. Target audience: PhD-candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.


  • The literary genre of a project proposal
  • Evaluation criteria: excellence, impact, implementation
  • Curriculum vitae and track record
  • The funding landscape in Norway and Europe

Speakers: Research advisors at the Faculty of Medicine

Time: The workshop will run two half-days, with obligatory homework to be submitted on the second day. Monday 13 May, 9-13 and Thursday 16 May, 09-13
Place: Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen
Course fee: free.

PhD Grant Writing Workshop (Day 1) | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Core Facility Expo

Foto/ill.: Colorbox

Have you wondered where to find modern research instruments and who can help you use them? Or asked yourself which services are available to you and what you can use them for? The Faculty of Medicine is organizing an event where you can get to know all our core facilities and other research services used by our researchers.

At this event the core facilities and other research infrastructure available to researchers at the Faculty of Medicine will present their equipment and services and show how researchers successfully use them for cutting-edge discoveries. We will launch the Faculty’s new roadmap for research infrastructure. Join to discover how you can use our state-of-the-art research infrastructure in your projects.

Participating Facilities:
Proteomics (PROBE)
Genomics (GCF)
Flow and Mass Cytometry
Biophysics, Structural Biology, Screening (BiSS)
Molecular Imaging (MIC)
Nano/Tissue Regeneration (IKO)
Laboratory Animal Facility
Health Surveys
Primary Care Network

There will be stands in the entrance hall where you can discuss your project, talk to other users, and sign up for guided tours of the platforms.

Core Facility Expo | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

canSERV Open Call for Transnational Service Provision

Under the canSERV Open Call researchers are welcome to apply to a portfolio of services offered by canSERV to address the research needs of the entire oncology developmental pipeline

Your research project

  • Can vary from basic discovery science to translational science and translation into personalised oncology.
  • Is expected to address at least one of the four strategic goals of the Cancer Mission(understanding of cancer; prevention and early detection; diagnosis and treatment; quality of life for patients and their families)

Deadline: 21 May 2024, 2pm CEST


Filosofisk poliklinikk: Uncertainty in Medicine and Health Sciences

Welcome to the Filosofisk poliklinikk where this time the theme is uncertainty in medicine and health sciences.

For many modern individuals, uncertainty is perceived as inconvenient, uncomfortable, and unwanted. More and more people are taking measures to limit the experience of uncertainty in their own lives, and the reduction of uncertainty is a central political and medical goal in contemporary society. There is a trend in society towards seeking to understand, predict, and precisely intervene in even the most complex systems known – including biological and social systems.

The introductory lectures will be in English. Contributions from participants can be in English or Norwegian. The meeting is open to anyone interested in the topic.

10.04.2024 – 17.00–19.30 Alrek (Møterom Midgard)

Registration deadline: 02.04.2024 – 23.59

Sign up here



Tenured professors and associate professors in at least a 50% position can apply for a research term.

The qualification period for a one-year research term is six years of combined service as a professor or associate professor in at least a 50% position, or six months after three years of service. Female associate professors have half of the qualification period. The application form is completed and submitted to the department management, which prioritizes the applications and sends its recommendations to the faculty.

Deadline for submitting applications to the department: April 1st each year Deadline for submitting applications to the faculty: May 1st each year


Rapporteringsskjema – utenlandsopphold

Momentum career development programme for early stage researchers

Momentum banner

Momentum is UiB’s flagship development programme for early stage researchers – postdocs, researchers or assosciated professors – who wish to pursue an academic career at a research university.

The call for applications to Momentum 6 is now open and available here: Call open for the 2024-2025 Momentum Programme | Employee Pages | UiB. Deadline for candidates to apply is 22 March.

The Momentum Programme is designed to strenghten the career development of UiB Early Stage Researchers. The programme includes five seminars, planned to run between September 2024 and June 2025. Seminars are designed to:

  1. Provide resources, training and advice to support participants’ strategic career planning and development toward research independence/leadership (commensurate with their discipline/career stage).
  2. Support participants to be able to develop and deliver competitive applications to appropriate national and international funding instruments.
  3. Facilitate the development of participants’ proffesional networks.
  4. Promote the development of interdisciplinary connections and networks within UiB.

The seminars are structured around the key categories career development and external funding, with the topics of the seminars being excellence, impact, research leadership and implementation, internationalisation, and grant writing.

Please note that attendance at the seminars is compulsory

Read more about the application process in brevet fra Det medisinske fakultet.


FAIR data award 2023


The Centre for Digital Life Norway encourages open science and FAIR data management. For the second time, we are highlighting and rewarding outstanding examples of life science researchers in Norway who have managed their data according to the FAIR principles.




Deadline for nominating candidates: March 31st 2024.
Amount of support: 10,000 NOK

In order to highlight leading examples of FAIR data management in Norwegian life science research, DLN is for the third time by conferring the DLN FAIR data award. Eligible data sets are those created by researchers based in Norway and focused on life science research. The research does not have to be affiliated with the Centre for Digital Life. The data can, but do not have to, be associated with a scientific publication.

FAIR data management aims to increase the reuse and impact of research data and is an important part of the Open Science initiative. FAIR principles encourage making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. This allows a wider community to use existing data and facilitate knowledge discovery. Following the principle of “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”, FAIR data should always be interoperable and reusable, but cannot always be possible to access openly (for example, patient sensitive data cannot be directly accessible, but it should be possible to know how to obtain access for specific research questions).

From the nominees, DLN will select the best FAIR data in Norwegian life science of 2023, to be awarded a prize of 10.000 NOK and will be highlighted through our network. The money will be transferred to the associated project(s) and can be spent within the frames set by governmental regulations.

The winner will be selected based on the following criteria:

  1. As the state of the art of FAIR data varies across domains and techniques, it will be considered how ambitious the data management is within the related research domain

How to make a nomination:

  • Use the registration form found above
  • Provide a persistent identifier (for example a DOI); maximum 3 per researcher
  • Give a short explanation of why you believe this data deserves the DLN FAIR data award

If you have questions about the award, please contact:

Ragna Breines, ragna.breines@uib.no

Korbinian Bösl, korbinian.bosl@uib.no

Events related to innovation and digital health in Alrek and Eitri

Pay particular attention to the mobilization seminar on April 8, and the Digital Health 2024 conference on May 29-30.

  • Workshop – Soft Funding strategi Bergen, March 14th at Eitri.

Workshop organized by the Norwegian Smart Care Cluster where you get to meet experts and advisors specializing in various funding sources.

More information about the program and registration her:  Soft Funding strategi Bergen – NSCC (smartcarecluster.no)

UiB is a member of the Smart Care Cluster, hence the workshop is free of charge.