Daily Archives: Friday November 30th, 2018

Exams and so forth …

When Christmas is approaching, the exams are coming too.

Thank you for all the effort you have contributed in creating MCQs, preparing tasks for short essays, finding anatomic models  to be explored, organizing electronic exam databases and finding examination rooms and proper guards. After this we may leave for Christmas holiday with a good conscience (except those of us who have to complete the correcting /censorship before the New Year is emerging..)

Into the New Year: January 17th, the first test-OSKE for the 12th semester will be arranged. We have found assignments for this exam but need people to assemble the stations during the 16th and that those who have prepared the specific tasks have two teachers ready for censoring at each station (two loops).  Similar as the MCQ database: We need OSKE-tasks for the next full-scale exam in June 6th. Thank you to those of you who have actually delivered assignments/tasks. For the rest of You: it is important to think about how you want the students to be tested for clinical activity in your field of study. Students will no longer be tested using a patient from “your” department to question/ examine. So for the clinical skills you mean are IMPORTANT that students should be able to master; make an exam assignment. Students practice and learn what they know they are being tested on!

One more thing with MCQ questions: some of us teach in English and we have to make English assignments. For the Norwegian terms the questions are in Norwegian, and since we have two official Norwegian language forms, tasks must be prepared in both (bokmål and nynorsk). It is the responsibility of the one preparing tasks/questions to prepare in both Norwegian languages and add these to the MCQ database. We cannot use any question for an exam without it being available in both language forms. Do you have people affiliated with your group/ students you supervise/ junior doctors in your department that master the other language form (or perhaps English) better than you? They can help in translating and at the same time also be used to ensure that the assignment is relevant and understandable.

Have a nice advent!


Institute Day – December 12th

December 12th is closing in, and we are very much looking forward to what is a all time high participation. Here you will find som more details about the agenda.

Place:  Sted: Grand Selskapslokaler, Nedre Ole Bullsplass 1

11:00 – 12:00  Lunch
12:00    Welcome, News from the Faculty, Jubilees
13:25    Etics/REK
14:15    Risikovurderinger/Miljøfyrtårn
15:30    Ethics in publications
16:00    5 Researchgroups presents their research.
17:30    Aperitiff
18:00    Dinner


Bilderesultat for julebord

(Norwegian) HMS-info: ROS – Risiko og sårbarhetsanalyser

I 2018 er det blitt gjennomført åtte risiko- og sårbarhetsanalyser ved fakultetet: Omdømme; Alenearbeid i risikofylt arbeidsmiljø; Risiko ved GMO-arbeid (genmodifiserte organismer); Oppfølging av stikk- og kuttskader; Helseforskningsloven; Risiko for brann ved Pleiestiftelsen; IGS, Risiko for vold og trusler ved IKO og Dyreavdelingen ved K1 – analyse på utvalgt område.

Fakultetet takker alle som har bidratt til grundige og gode analyser. Nå følges analysene opp i brev som oppsummerer hvilke tiltak som skal gjennomføres. Instituttledelsene har ansvaret for oppfølging.

I første omgang er det informasjon om ROS-analysene; «Brann, Pleiestiftelsen ved IGS» og «Vold og trusler ved IKO» og «Risiko ved GMO-arbeid» som sendes ut. Disse finner du her.

(Norwegian) Årsmarkering – Bergens forskningsstiftelse

Velkommen til årsmarkeringen til Bergens forskningsstiftelse 7. desember kl.13:00 i Universitetsaulaen.

Arrangementet er åpent for alle, det er ingen påmelding.

Tema er psykisk helse

Helseminister Bent Høie er svært opptatt av psykisk helse. Han vil bidra til å sette fokus på dette temaet, som også er en av stiftelsens store satsinger i 2018.

Bergens forskningsstiftelse, Universitetet i Bergen, Helse Bergen og Kavlifondet har sammen satt av 111 millioner kroner til å etablere Bergen Center for Brain Plasticity  som skal studere hjernes plastisitet med utgangspunkt i den svært effektive metoden Bergen 4-day treatment (B4DT) og spre metoden internasjonalt.

Bergens Forskningsstiftelse (BFS) deler årlig ut BFS Starting Grants (tidligere rekrutteringsstipend) til unge forskere ved Universitetet i Bergen (UiB). Målet er at forskerne skal bygge opp og lede fremragende forskningsmiljø ved universitetet.

De nye stipendiatene for 2018 blir presentert på årsmarkeringen. Se alle som har fått BFS Starting grants her.

For program og mer info se her.

(Norwegian) Webinar Office365

«Prosjektet Ny digital arbeidsdag iverksetter flere kompetansehevende tiltak for bruk av Office365 med tilhørende applikasjoner.

UiB deltar i et samarbeid om digitalisering i sektoren, og ønsker nå å teste ut elektronisk forelesning, et webinar fra Universitetet i Stavanger.

I første omgang er dette et tilbud for 50 deltakere fra UiB, og Det medisinske fakultet er valgt som pilotfakultet.

Webinaret varer i 1,5 time, med innlagte pauser.

Webinaret vil vise deg hvordan du som ansatt jobber effektivt i Office 365 med særlig blikk på:

–          deling av dokumenter i skyen

–          samskriving i dokumenter i Word, Excel og PowerPoint

–          kort om noen av de andre applikasjonene du har tilgang til via Office 365.

Viktige forutsetning for å delta er at du setter av tiden for selve webinaret, og at du svarer på en evaluering som sendes ut i etterkant.

Tidspunkt: 13. desember 2018 fra kl.: 09:00 – 10.30.

Meld deg på her.

Begrenset antall plasser gjelder «først til mølla» prinsippet.

E-læring i officeproduktene er tilgjengelig via https://app.xtramile.no/courses/universitetetibergen og Microsofts opplæringssenter.

Se også https://it.uib.no/Forside for mer informasjon om mulighetene i Office365 og Teams»

Seminar series: What is the role of carbohydrates in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes?

The Centre for Nutrition at UiB invites to a new seminar in the series of lectures on nutrition. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Wednesday December 5th at 14.30-15.30

Venue: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei

What is the role of carbohydrates in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes?

Anne-Marie Aas is a clinical dietitian at Oslo University Hospital, Aker, and associate professor at the Medical Faculty, University of Oslo. Both work and research is focused on diabetes and nutrition. She is going to present a newly published systematic review and meta-analysis on carbohydrate quantity in the dietary management of type 2 diabetes. She will also present some preliminary results from the ongoing dietary intervention study Fiberdia. In this RCT we investigate the effect of prebiotic fibres on the gut microbiota, glycaemic control and appetite.

Moderator: Simon Dankel

There will be light refreshments.


DNSZ seed money!

The German-Norwegian Study Centre in Kiel (DNSZ) provides funds within the framework of its Seed Money Budget, in order to support cooperation between German and Norwegian academics in all fields. The present call for proposals applies to projects that are to be realised in the period from February 2019 until October 2019. The objective is to facilitate academic exchange and activities which in turn encourage further cooperation and intensify ongoing joint projects. The DNSZ Seed Money is predominantly meant for projects which help create a foundation for continuing collaboration in research or university studies and teaching, and promise an enduring impact.

Deadline is 7 November!

More information can be found here (English) and here (German).

Application form here (English) and here (German).

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 1 recent publication. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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