Monthly Archives: June 2018


Today, we will submit the budget proposal for 2019. It is an ambitious budget that addresses the challenges we face in the coming year in terms of education and research. The finance section deserves a big thank you for solid work with the budget.

As discussed at the Faculty Lunch and announced in previous K2 News, we would like to look at the opportunity to organize teaching at K2 in a different way to achieve better command lines, responsibility, and authority for those who need it. This is in line with the evaluation of the Future Faculty. We have organized a committee consisting of Jone Trovik, Julie Stavnes, Tore Lillebø, Svein Håvik, Gottfried Greve, and Kristin Greve Isdahl. They will explore various possibilities for how the teaching can be organized so that it can be integrated with the research groups that we still need to retain as the main structure of the institute. The results of the investigation are expected during the autumn.

Furthermore, we have invited the academic communities to come up with proposals for thematic areas they consider important for future-oriented research, and how this can be linked to education and innovation, and preferably people they consider relevant to an tenure track position. There were five proposals: Medical bioinformatics, endocrinology and biorythms, rheumatology, influenza, and galenic pharmacy. In the budget process, we are now working to find room for 1-2 positions within some of these fields.

At the time of writing, I am on my way to an interview at the US Embassy in Oslo. Before I applied for the position as Head of K2, I already had approved a research term in Boston at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, and the Massachusetts General Hospital. With the new position and new assignments, I have chosen to postpone the stay to September 20th, so we can get a good start for K2 after the summer vacation. Furthermore, the time is cut down to six months. A plan has been put in place to take care of my functions. Most importantly, Eystein Husebye is willing to be Acting Head of Department (thank you very much, Eystein!). This is a position he has had several times before, and I’m sure he will take care of the function in an excellent way.

We have had an amazing spring with better weather than several summers combined. People from Bergen are good at taking the opportunity to enjoy good weather when it suddenly appears, and one may wonder whether we really need summer vacation after this spring. However, for most people, it has been busy working with applications, completion of examinations and planning the first OSCE, as well as all endings at the end of a semester. So it will be good to have a few weeks off to do completely other things. It’s important to charge the batteries so we can start the fall with new energy and workload. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your great effort this half year. Have a nice summer vacation!

Prize winners from K2 at Fakultetets dag

The picture shows Mari Kyllesø Halle, Kristin Greve-Isdahl Mohn and Rebecca Cox

Colleagues from K2 received 4 prizes on Fakultetets dag. The department congratulates them all.

Phd-work of the year: Mari Kyllesø Halle

Best quality in study: Emmet McCormack

Prize for internationalization of studies: Gottfried Greve

Research dissemination of the year: Rebecca Cox og Kristin Greve-Isdahl Mohn


Call on antimicrobial resistance

Bergen Research Foundation has announced a call on anti-microbial resistance (AMR). You can find the call text and a sketch template on their webpage.

The programme will target the following key areas:

A – Therapeutics

B – Diagnostics

C – Surveillance

Projects may address the bacterial pathogens and the resistances identified in the Global priority list of antibiotic-resistant bacteria published by the WHO. Multi- and extensively drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis may also be included. Other pathogens are not included.  Please read the call text for further specifications.

You can apply for projects in the range of 15-20 million NOK over a period of 4 years. Please send the pre-proposal in one PDF-file to at or before the deadline 3 September 2018.

Interested in future funding announcements from Horizon2020?

Impressed by Research Council of Norway’s previous events, Brussels has moved their next event from Central Europe to Oslo. The international network meeting, entitled “Brokerage for Health”, will focus on calls in the ongoing EU’s health program with deadlines during 2019.

The meeting offers several possibilities. Perhaps you are curious about the health program and considering applying EU calls in the future. You have maybe found a relevant call and want to collect hints and advice. Or you have decided to apply but need additional partners. You will also have the opportunity to present your project in the format of a 5-minute flash presentation (deadline to submit the flash presentation is 17 August 2018).

The event will take place 3-4 September in Oslo and the registration opens 15 June.

A hint: remember to bring business cards. If you do not have business cards, you can order them here.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Amra (Laboratory building, 8th floor).

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 4 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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Dear all

The end of spring semester is approaching and along come the tasks of mid-term PhD evaluations as well as student (bachelor/master) theses evaluations. Exams have hopefully been prepared, ready to release but censoring awaits. The 20th of June is the coming full-scale OSCE; 160 6th semester students going through skill stations. We wish you the best taking care of this task and thanks to all contributors!

Producing written or OSCE exams, sitting though evaluations and performing censoring is not visualized in the educational schedule (as opposed to lectures), but this work is not less important! The students’ studying will often be guided by (former) exams. Thus it is important to develop tasks/questions considered of high importance for what the students really need to learn to perform in their future roles as pharmacist, doctors, nutritionists, molecular biologists or whatever field you as K2 teacher is responsible for.

And do not forget: note all your exam/evaluation work in your teaching portfolio that you have easily available at your computer. This to ensure documentation of your contribution in this part of your academic/teaching position.

And finally; when all evaluations are finished for this semester: enjoy summer without educational responsibilities.

Helseinnovatørskolen (norwegian only)

Helseinnovatørskolen er et kurstilbud i innovasjon og entreprenørskap for fremtidens leger og helseforskere i Skandinavia. Målet er å lære deltakerne hvordan innovasjonsprosesser i biotek- og medtek-bedrifter fungerer.

Til høsten starter neste runde med Helseinnovatørskolens kurs «Entrepreneurship in healthcare», påmeldingsfrist 27. juni.
Der vil deltakerne lære hvordan man kan gjøre en forskningside om til en bedrift. De lærer fra erfarne entreprenører og forskere, eksempler på mentorselskaper og inkubatorer på kurset er AstraZeneca, Serendipity partners og Aleap health incubator.

Intervju med deltakere: “Møttes på Helseinnovatørskolen – nå starter de selskap”

Mer informasjon og påmelding finner du her.

Falch Lecture 2018

Welcome to the Falch Lecture 2018 by Philippe Van de Perre.

Professor Philippe Van de Perre from the University Montpellier, France is professor of medicine and virology and head of Department of bacteriology-virology and vice-president of the directorate of the University Teaching Hospital in Montpellier. He is also the director of the INSERM research unit “Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic Infection”.

Philippe Van de Perre is involved in HIV research since 1982. As long-term resident in Rwanda – where he conducted the first cohort study demonstrating the transmission of HIV by breastfeeding (NEJM 1991) – and in Burkina Faso, he has focused mostly on translational research on mechanisms of transmission of HIV and associated infections. He has served in multiple expert consultations for WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS and EU/EDCTP, mainly on breastfeeding and HIV prevention. He has authored over 450 scientific articles and chapters, with more than 14,000 citations and an H index of 65.

Over the last 15 years, he has had a close collaboration with the Centre for International Health at the University of Bergen on the prevention of transmission of HIV-1 by breastfeeding.

The title of the lecture is: “Mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1” and it’s part of the Faculty Day 2018. Read more about ithere:

The lecture will be followed by a light lunch.


Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 16 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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Sun and joy

It is not only the sunny days we can be happy about these days: 4 of 6 awards of the Medical faculty go to researchers/environments at K2! Mari Kyllesø Halle gets the award for the PhD thesis of the year for her thesis “Molecular alterations suggesting new treatment strategies in uterine carcinomas”, The Academic Quality Award (Studiekvalitetsprisen) goes to FARM295 Pharmaceutics (Galenisk farmasi) with course responsible Emmet McCormack, Gottfried Greve gets The Internationalization of Education Award (Pris for internasjonalisering i studiene) for his efforts in MED9, and Rebecca Cox and Kristin Greve-Isdahl Mohn are awarded the Dissemination award of the year for their contributions to the vaccine debate. The awards of the Medical faculty will be handed out at the Faculty day June 14th 2018 10.00-13.00 at Haukeland University Hospital, Main Auditorium. Congratulations to all of you!

So far I have not gotten any input regarding thematic area you consider important for future-oriented research that Pål wrote about in K2Nytt week 19. You still have today to come with suggestions (deadline is 1.6.), so take this opportunity to influence the future of K2!

Best regards,



Midway evaluations week 23

Tuesday June 5th
(Lab building 8.1/8.2)

13:00    Hildegunn H. Vetti
14:00    Hilde Renate Engerud

Wednesday  June 6th
(Lab building 8.1/8.2)

09:00      Sunniva Sakkestad
11:00      Anandan Shamundeeswari
13:00      Astrid Sandnes
14:00      Zuzana Sichmanova

Thursday June 7th
(Lab building 8.1/8.2)

10:00     Alba Kaci
11:00     Ingeborg Eskerud
13:00     Elise Grytten

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 11 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg. Continue reading