Monthly Archives: December 2016

Merry Christmas


Christmas is coming and it is time for a brief review of 2016. For K2 this year has been marked by ups and downs. The undoubtedly greatest downturn was Helga’s death in January. It affected all of us and shows that we are all vulnerable and that we in work and competition for applications, excellent publications and better teaching, must remember to take care of each other.

There have been several upturns in 2016. We have had 26 PhD dissertations. This is more than a quarter of all PhD dissertations at the faculty. Currently, K2 has 147 candidates in the PhD program which represents almost a third of all MOF candidates in this program. Regarding publication activity it is a bit early to say how things have gone this year. I will come back to this upon the new-year. The new curriculum in medicine is well underway although much work remains. On pharmaceuticals there were admitted a record number of students this year, a full 44 which is a near doubling of the previous year’s number. The economy of K2 is recovered and we are going over in 2017 with a surplus. The BOA economy reached the budgeted estimate of 80 million kroners. Fortunately, there are many research groups behind this number. It should also be noted that K2 obtained a new Jebsen Center this year, to Eystein Husebye and his research group.

K2 has now in place a new strategy plan for the three year period 2016-18. It is a mere one page and should be easy to read. Several targets have been reached even if there is any left.

I would like to thank everyone for their efforts in 2016. Special thanks to our professor emeritus who make a great effort as Custos of the PhD defenses and also contribute to the publication number.

Merry Christmas! Per

New Names

15577715_1199340486827384_880035647_nIntroducing Johnny Laupsa-Borge, master in human nutrition at the University of Bergen. He started on December 1st 2016  as a PhD fellow at K2, and is Associated With  research groups Ueland / Nygård (G3) and Hormones (G2). Supervisor is Ottar Nygård, and Johnny will mainly look at how the intake of saturated fat can affect variables associated with atherogenic dyslipidemia. If you want to say hello, you’ll find him on the 8th floor of the lab building.

Announcement of Peder Sather funds for 2017

University of Bergen in Peder Sather consortium along with several other Norwegian institutions. This is an arrangement where Norwegian research community can get financial support to cooperation with researchers at UC-Berkeley.

The announcement of Peder Sather funds for 2016 are now announced. Information and application forms available at the following address:

Please note that all disciplines and subjects can apply, and recalls that the deadline for applications is March 1, 2017.


Because of. holiday period will postutkjøringen be delivered at an earlier time during Christmas.

TPS asks specifically about that device, department and faculty that are closed during Christmas, notify the TPS about this, and then as soon as possible.

This makes the E-mail:

Campus bus runs NOT week 52.

First day of the route will be Monday 2 January 2017.

Material retiring partially Christmas holidays.

Only smaller transport missions are therefore conducted zero through nine December 27>, inclusive December 30th.

Distribution of invitation – The Anders Jahre Awards for Medical Research for 2017

Since 1960, The University of Oslo has had the pleasure of annually awarding the Anders Jahre Medical Prizes for outstanding research and results within the medical sciences in the Nordic countries. Since 1965, the prize has been supplemented by a prize to young investigators under the age of 40. 2017 and onwards, the prizes will be upgraded.

The prize sums will be increased, and the awards will be handed out every second year. Please see more information on this here

Over the years, the Anders Jahre Awards for Medical Research have been given to more than 150 scientists. The prize is seen both as a recognition of scientific achievements and as an incentive for further research in the medical sciences. In order to obtain information about possible candidates for the prize, The University of Oslo depends on input from the medical faculties at Nordic universities. Only serving professors of medicine have the right to nominate candidates.

Letter of invitation can be found here.

As stated in the letter of invitation, nominations must be in pdf format and not exceed 3 MB in size. They must be mailed to the secretary of the prize committee, Anette Sørensen. Please use the email address

The proposals must be received before February 1, 2017.

Questions can be addressed to the chairman of the prize committee Professor Harald Stenmark. Please use the e-mail address:

Further information can be found here.  The board of the University of Oslo has decided that proposals shall be kept strictly confidential.

Letter from Brussel

picture-23423-1472555091Dear colleagues,

In case you are interested in bringing your research to a European level, some interesting times are ahead of us. First of all, new calls for proposals have been published for thematic area ‘Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing’. Secondly, the European Commission is currently working on the work programme 2018-2020. If you want to have your saying for the content of the topics, January will be the time to do so.

Continue reading

Information about scholarships

About a year ago there was an opportunity  about a year ago it was the opportunity to apply for grants for post-doctoral studies in human nutrition from Henning and Johan Throne-Holst Foundation for entrepreneurial scientific research.

It is also possible to learn about scholarships for postgraduate studies or time for visiting researchers under the research time or on a visiting scholarship to get foreign researchers to come to an institution in  Norway or Sweden to stimulate the internal workings. The next round of applications is in February 2017.

For more information

Want some funding?

Eystein 2Well, then you must at least apply, and this year the application deadline is January 13th!

The intention of small assets (SMÅFORSK) is to support grouos that doesn’t have major funding, to enable them to start new pojects. SMÅFORSK is a joint funding from the NRC and UiB and it has to be used the year it’s granted. Applicants can ask for coverage for travles, seminars, courses, material, technical and administrative assistance and outher operating expenses. In line withthe intentions, it’s a requirement that the applicant is permanent, active researcher at the Department of Clinical Science. The Department management will emphasize that the applicants have Applied for funding from other sources over the two last years.

Criteria and requirements:

  • The research group by its leader is the applicant and the purpose must be discussed and prioritized within the research group.
  • It must be documented that the group has applied for other external research funding in 2016
  • The funding is for one year and have to be used within the Budget year, as the funds are not transferable to the next year.
  • The funds will be granted to reseach groups that hasn’t had any lage assets already.
  • Documentation on how the funds will be spent must be presented.

Don’t do like he in the parable of the talents that buried this. Use SMÅFORSK to invest in lager future grants.

Good luck !

The Reseach Committee at the Department of Clinical Science allocates funds at the next meeting. Fill in the apllication forms and send them to Siv Johnsen Eggereide

Application form

Deadline: January 13th 2017

Eystein Husebye
Deputy Manager

HSE corner – Who are you?

ssaasaOn UiB’s websites, you can search for a person if you need their phone number, email or other info. It is also possible to post a picture of yourself. This is something UiB wishes that we have on our profiles. Unfortunately many here at K2 doesn’t have a picture of themself, but it is very easy to fix.

You can contact Irene Hjelmaas or Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll (8th floor – lab-building) to get your picture taken. You can upload the Picture on Your profile at You can come by Thursday December 15th at: 9-10 AM or Wednesday December 21st at 10-11 AM to get your picture taken.

It is time to select the best oral and poster presentations held at a conference in 2016!

You are hereby invited to present your work to fellow researchers and the general audience during the traditional event: Research presentations of the year, organized by the The Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research. If you have presented a poster or had an oral presentation at a scientific meeting or a conference in 2016, you are welcome to submit your work.

It is really easy – just submit the same poster/abstract that you held at a conference in 2016

Submission deadline is December 18. There will be a poster exhibition, January 23-27, 2017 in the main entrance of the Haukeland University Hospital. Wednesday 24th posters will be presented orally, and  selected abstracts will be presented orally on Thursday 25th.

See poster here.

The best presentations will be awarded 5000 NOK!

Use the opportunity to increase the visibility of your research to the hospital, your peers and the public!

Who can participate? All young scientists in the PhD programme, forskerlinje students, master students and postdocs. Information and submission:

Educational training of new seminar leaders at UiB for the spring semester 2017

Attached you’ll find information about UiBs offer about educational training for advanced students who will have seminars or supervise written assignments in the spring semester 2017.

Time: Modul 1a + 1b:  Monday Januar 9th + Tuesday January 10th at 9.15 AM  – 3.00 PM
Modul 2:  Wednesday January 11th , at 9.15 AM  – 3.00 PM

Place:  VilVite senteret, 2nd floor room C + D (Thormøhlens gate 51)

Information about scholarship to USA – Full degree and exchange

Norway-Amerika Association would like to inform about a grant their students to study in the US at the graduate levels (master, PhD, post-doc) can apply.

The deadline is December 18th 2016 for the study autum 2017 and spring 2018. Students do not have admission to school / applied exchange from their institution by the deadline. We support both helgrad and delgrad, and this year allocated we scholarships to 25 students.

Our amounts range from $ 3,000 – $ 20,000, which comes very well to school costs and living expenses.

We often meet students who are not thinking about financing before they enter the program and hope that you can remind those on being early to think about funding

For more information, see

Do you have staff / professors or others who want to have a stay in the United States, to research or teach a semester? Our partner organization in the US, American Scandinavian Foundation has a scholarship named Visiting Lectureships. Application deadline is 15 February 2017 and we recommend starting early with an application


Teknikkerforum 15th of December

Dear all,

Attached you can find the program for the next Technician Forum.

It will take place Thursday 15th December, 13:00 – 15:00, meeting room 9.1 and 9.2 of laboratory building.


Julie Stavnes: Season greeting from the Head of Administration

Caroline Benedicte Nitter Engen: Ethical aspects and future perspectives in regards to personalized medicine

Thank you for your help in making the forum.


Technician forum community: Ersilia Bifulco, Jenny Zhang, Tove Folkestad

The Translational Hematology Cluster presents «Therapy Development in Malignant Blood Disease

The Translational Hematology Cluster invites all interested to participate in this semesters half-day seminar with the theme «Therapy Development in Malignant Blood Disease». Topics from basal research developing novel cancer therapeutics to implementation of new drugs in the clinic will be covered.

Time: 14th of December, 12:00
Venue: Conference room, 3rd floor, BBB.

For the program, click here

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Call for proposals – cooperation agreement UiB-BKK

Referring to the letter from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (2015 / 6653-16) on funding announcement for student scholarships and research projects through the cooperation agreement between BKK and the University of Bergen.

Announcement Text can be found here and Application form can be found here.

The funds will help support master students and PhD candidates at the University of Bergen, working on assignments or papers that relate to new knowledge about technological, scientific and social issues related to the development and utilization of renewable energy, energy restructuring and provident infrastructure

You may apply for funding to study trips, conferences and fieldwork.

All Applications shall be submitted jointly by email to  by Thursday January 5th 2017