Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to Irene Hjelmaas
Monthly Archives: November 2016
Public PhD Denfence, Week 48
Anne Bolette Tjensvoll will defend her PhD thesis on Friday, December 9th, 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, December 9th, 2016 09:15
Topic: “Perifer nevropati ved systemisk lupus erythematosus og primært Sjögrens syndrom. Forekomst, mekanismer og behandling”
Place: Aulaen, 2. et. Sydbygg, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Friday, December 9th, 2016 11:15
Place: Aulaen, 2. et. Sydbygg, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation: “Headache in systemic lupus erythematosus and primary Sjögren’s syndrome”
1st opponent: Professor Rigmor Jensen, Københavns Universitet, Danmark
2nd opponent: Professor Svein Ivar Mellgren, Norges arktiske universitet, UiT
Press release (in Norwegian)
Public PhD Defence, Week 48
André Sulen will defend his PhD thesis on Friday, December 9th, 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, December 9th, 2016 09:15
Topic: “Challenges and opportunities with the use of biomarkers in blood for early detection of cancer”
Place: Auditorium 1,BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Friday, December 9th, 2016 11:15
Place: Auditorium 1,BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Leukocyte p38 and p53 proteins after environmental exposure; variation, associations and applicability”
1st opponent: M.D. Curtis C. Harris, NIH, USA
2nd opponent: Professor Ole Morten Seternes, Norges arktiske universitet, UiT
Application deadlines
Here you can find this weeks Application deadlines
Invitation to the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium December 8th
We cordially invite you to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, December 8th. We present a scientific program that should be of great interest.
For program please consult this link. There is no registration fee and lunch is also included!
A highlight of this symposium is an inspirational lecture on supervision by Professor Arild Raaheim from the Department of Education at the University of Bergen. Raaheim will in his talk focus on the challenges and possibilities related to supervision, from a supervisor’s point of view. We look forward to his talk and hopefully a lively discussion related to this topic.
Professor Curtis C. Harris will come all the way from Bethesda, Maryland to give an inspirational lecture at the Junior symposium. Professor Harris works at the Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, NIH, and his Areas of Expertise includes 1) precision medicine, 2) biomarkers of cancer, 3) molecular epidemiology, 4) p53 function in cancer and aging, 5) metabolome, 6) microbiome. The title of his talk will be announced shortly.
Furthermore, several talented PhD students will present their ongoing projects on tumor biology, cancer therapy and tumor-stroma crosstalk and signaling.
If you want to attend, we kindly ask you to register through this link within December 6th.
All are welcome to attend, so please feel free to circulate this e-mail if you know other researchers/staff that you think would find the symposium interesting.
Funds and endowments
It’s possible to apply for a number of funds and endowments for funding for medical and dental research at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.
One of the funds – Astri and Edvard Riisøen Endowment for the promotion of scientific research, has a longer deadline than the others (December 21st), Attached you’ll find an Application form for this fund
Read more here
PhD Comics
Pre Master’s Thesis within the Medical Curriculum
The medical curriculum holds that it is mandatory for the students to write a pre master’s thesis. In 2015, altogether 124 pre master’s theses were completed. Of these, 105 were written with supervision from researchers affiliated to K1 or K2. K2 contributed with 51 and K1 with 54 of the pre master’s theses. This says that students choose tasks that are clinically related. For K1 and K2 this implies opportunities for recruitment to subsequent research and also to the specific clinical fields of medicine. There are several examples that the recruitment into research has gone through a pre master’s thesis. One gets the chance to evaluate whether this is a student with both the skills and the ambitions to do research. At the same time, post-docs and experienced PhD-fellows may have an opportunity to try their hands as supervisors.
In the new medical curriculum the pre master’s thesis will play a bigger role than in the old. The research groups that do not have a strategy to use the students and the resource they represent through pre master’s thesis, should consider this. Here lie possibilities that the research groups should exploit.
HSE corner
Updated contingency plan for the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Read it here.
Nansenfondet – grant distribution 2017
Nansenfondet and related funds. Call for PhD funding. Deadline for application. January 15th-2017. Read more here.
To institute management, faculty management and research administration at Norwegian universities and colleges: Welcome to Internationalization Conference 2017
Internationalisation will help raise the quality of higher education and to promote intercultural competence. But what does it take to promote quality and how developed really intercultural competence?
Where and when: The Internationalization Conference 2017 is being arranged in Oslo March 15th-16th. SIU is arranging in cooperation with the education sector in Norway in general. HiOA conference is hosted in collaboration with NMBU.
Registration: Program, more information and link to the registration can be found here
Midwayevaluations week 47
Gunnar Husebø
Time: 09:00 – 10:00
Place: Meeting room 9.1 og 9.2 lab-building.
For more information
Elise Grytten
Time: 11:00 – 12:00
Place: Meeting room 9.1 og 9.2 lab-building. .
For more information
Jie Gao
Time: 12:45 -13:45
Place: Meeting room 9.1 og 9.2 lab-building.
For more information
Karl Erik Müller
Time: 13:45-14:45
Place: Meeting room 9.1 og 9.2 lab-building.
For more information
Brita Skodvin
Time: 14:45 – 15:45
Place: Meeting room 9.1 og 9.2 lab-building.
For more information
Awards from Meltzerfondet
– Younger researscyer: yngre forskere
– Excerllent research: fremragende forskningsformidling
– Honorable award for distinguished research. Every fifth year
All professors and institute heads at the University of Bergen have the right to nominate candidates for the Meltzer awards. It would be an advantage if several professors could agree on the same nominee. Deadline for submitting nominees is December 1st, send to at the FA Department.
Symposium on Long-Term Effects of Preterm Birth January 31, 2017
Please find attached information on the upcoming Symposium on Long-Term Effects of Preterm Birth, which will be held at the Novo Nordisk Foundation January 31, 2017.
Registration for the symposium will be open until January 23. Please note that there are limited seats available and that registration is on a first-come first-served basis.
Further information and link to the registration site can be found on the Foundation’s website:
New research networks – medical and health research
COST is a European network organization including most European countries. An important task for COST is to promote European research collaboration by initiating scientific networks (“COST actions”)
General information on COST is found here: og .
In October 2016 it was decided to start 25 new COST actions of which the following are within medical and health research
Erasmus + Capacity building – GUIDANCE
SIU wishes to offer guidance on the design of capacity building Applications in Erasmus +, with a deadline of February 9, 2017.
There are no general presentation of Capacity-building measure, but call and guidance on a specific project being planned. It is assumed that the applicant has started writing and sending an application draft to us prior to the meeting so that we can put into the project in advance. Provision of guidance of course apply to the further development of application from previous application rounds. There will be no general application writing seminars for this measure, as we had the previous application round.
Those dates we have set up are the 5th and 6th of December, at 09: 00-16: 00. Location: SIU premises in Fortunen 1, Bergen.
Congratulations Roland Jonsson
The Teaching Festival- NTNU May 8th- 9th 2017
How can the teachers learn how the students learn? Deadline for signing up: December 15th
Read more here
New publications
Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to Irene Hjelmaas
Application deadlines
Here you can find this weeks Application deadlines
Removal of the physical fax – From physical to E-Fax
Health innovation school
This is a collaboration between UoB, UoO, NTNU and Karolinska Institute. The Health innovation school comprises thee modules, and will take place as a pilot in February 2017. There is room for 20 participants of whom 1-2 will come from UiB.
For more information, click here.
Application deadline December 12th, 2016
Reminder: Invitation to the Nordic PhD course “Bio-8303: Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer
Attached you will find an invitation and the schedule to the Nordic PhD course Bio-8303: “Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer”. The course will take place at the University of Tromsø in week 10 this year (March 6th to March 10th, 2016). An international faculty teaches the course (please find the preliminary lecture schedule attached).
There is no course fee and for the cost of 4.000 NOK each external PhD student will be offered housing at an Apartment Hotel in the centre of Tromsø.
For more information and application see
Please note that the application deadline is already DECEMBER 1st.
PhD Comics
We need your contribution to the websites
Our five web editors are currently improving the websites of the Department of Science. Each of them has been assigned the 23 research group websites and also the platforms’ websites. Soon we will present the new research group websites, including the name of all group members with a direct link to the personal webpages for each group member. In this regard we need to update also the personal websites. In particular, we need you to include a picture of yourself and also create short research and teaching profile. Please update your page accordingly if you have not already done so.
You can log into your personal website using your UiB user name and password (“Log on” symbol top right), and then you gain access to a tab called “Edit” (top left). You can scroll down to “Picture” where you can upload a JPEG version of your picture. Moreover, you can scroll down to the “Research”, “Communication” and “Teaching” tabs and enter the relevant information. Research profile can be very short, I have written just three lines. Please also add a link to your Thesis if it is published electronically at Bora (Bergen Open Research Archive). There is also a category called “Publications” and if you want something more than what CRIStin can offer, you could make a link to Google Scholar Citations (which also automatically updates) or equivalent websites. Please contact Irene ( if you need assistance or if you need help with the Picture.
HSE corner
K2 is pleased that the previous period’s safety representatives will continue for one more period . Safety representatives for the period 2017-2018 is:
Lab-building: Beryl Leirvaag
Lab-building, 5th floor: Marianne Eidsheim
KK: Britt Edvardsen
BKB: Anne Hammer Knudsen
Stian Knappskog gets award for genomics
Last reminder about vacation
We remind you that you need to check if you have 0 in vacation, if not you must register by December 1st 2016. If you do not register your holiday, it will be registered automatically so the end result is 0.
Public PhD Defence, Week 47
Louise Jeanette Pauline Persson will defend her PhD thesis on Friday, November 25th, 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, November 25th, 2016 at 09:15
Topic: “Vitamin D and pulmonary disease – what is the evidence for a beneficial effect?”
Place: Auditorium 2, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Friday, November 25th, 2016 at 11:15
Place: Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Vitamin D and antimicrobial peptides in COPD: Results from the Bergen COPD Cohort Study”
1st opponent: Universitetslektor, ph.d. Peter Bergman, Karolinska Institutet, Sverige
2nd opponent:Førsteamanuensis Anne Hildur Henriksen, NTNU
Teaching day 2017 – SAVE THE DATE
Next years teaching day for k1 and k2 will be held in Bikuben
April 27th 2017